Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

“STRIKE” I yelled and turned around to give my friend a high-five.

“Nice one Jas!“ Sam exclaimed 

We were here rejoicing whereas the other side had kind off dull faces. I imagined a thunder storm above their heads like the ones we see in cartoons. We were having a fierce battle. GIRLS VS BOYS. 3 VS 3. Everyone was immersed in the game and having fun. No one actually noticed the 7 suspicious guys who were playing 2 lanes away from us. They were wearing sunglasses and caps indoors. Some were wearing masks. In my opinion whoever looked at them would feel that they are suspicious. 

After playing 3 games the guys were in the lead with 2:1. We finally decided to take a break and have our lunch. There was a small shop near-by that sold cup noodles,drinks,sausages and other food items. The cost of the food items were double the price than of those we get in local super markets. I figured they had to make some profit since people do not come here as often as going to the market. 

While eating the hot and delicious cup noodles, Max started questioning about the 7 guys. One of them wore a mask that looked like it was made of leopard fur. Another one was completely dressed in purple and one was completely dressed in black. The weirdest one was going around showing hearts to them at random timings. Overall they looked weird. 

“HAHAHAHA” Sam suddenly bursted out laughing.

“What?” I asked looking puzzled.

Sam pulled herself together and said while pointing at the 7 guys...

“They....haha..they...look like ....INFINITE..HAHAHHAH” She said in the middle of laughter. 

I took a closer look and realised what she said was right. INFINITE has members with the exact same personalities. At least that’s what we knew from the reality shows we had watched. 

“INFI...Who?” Kevin asked raising his eyebrow.

“INFINITE!” The best dance group in KPOP history. I said maybe a bit too loud.

When I turned around all the 7 guys were facing us with widened eyes. At first I was confused on why they were looking at us then I realised after taking a closer look that they were actually INFINITE! I started whacking my best friend telling her to turn around and see. We both were shocked and our mouths hung open. Kevin stood up and closed our mouths literally! Me and Sam immediately took our phones and slowly approached them after calming ourselves down. Emily,Max and Kevin were least bothered and they went back to eating their food. 

“Are you INFINITE?” Sam asked as we went towards their table.

At first they hesitated, but then said that they were. When they revealed their identity they slowly removed their caps and sunglasses. We asked if we could take pictures and they happily agreed. I was amazed since it was my first meeting with an idol. We took some pictures, said our thanks and we were about to leave when Woohyun (INFINTIE member) asked us if we wanted to play bowling with them. Me and Sam were taken aback by what he had said. INFINITE play bowling with us?! Wow this is like a dream come true for us. 

Are u serious? Are u freaking serious? IS THIS EVEN REAL?! All these thoughts went through my mind. I was shocked. Don't get the wrong idea, I am not talking about playing bowling with Infinite. I am talking about how they had played after 1 game. I have never seen anyone play that badly in my entire life! According to their images i really thought they would be super pro in bowling and could be us in no time. To my dismay it was totaly the opposite. All of us just stared blankly at the 7 members. This moment reminded me of Song Ji Hyo from running man when she just stares and tries to process what just happened in her head. That's how I felt right then. 

"Wow well...." Sam tried to break the silence but it was no use.

"They stink!" Max shouted pointing at Infinite and suddenly rolling on the floor trying to contain his laughter. 

"YAH! Max behave." I mumbled to him trying my best not to laugh also.....Too late.

All of us started laughing while ignoring the death glares that the 7 members were shooting at us. 

"Fine be that way!" Sung jung shouted and left to buy from the food stall.

"WAIT!" Sunggyu yelled

"" We replied trying to stop laughing 

"Let's have another game. But this time let's make it interesting."


"A bet" 

"You sure" I asked him.

"Yah of course! You guys were just lucky that time around."

"Hyung! We are terrible compared to them," Woohyun told Sunggyu 

"Don't worry we have our secret weapon,"

"What secret weapon? We asked curiously 

"ermmm wait and see," Even the remaining 6 members were confused on what their leader was talking about. With that we went back to our lanes and got ready for the match.

[ While preparing for the match having a discussion among themselves]

Infinite Discusion 

"Hyung, what secret weapon do we have?"

"Myung soo ah, we don't have one pabo. This is how we try to intimidate the opponent."

"What you serious? Hyung we can't beat them! They are very good,"

"I know but we can't just let our diginity be swept away by them! C'mon let's show them that bowling is not only about skills." Sunggyu tried encourage the team to not give up.

"Hyung...bowling is all about skills -_- " An annoyed Hoya replied 

"YAH! I don't want Infinite to be a group that gives up before they even try. Who knows they might have bad luck and we migth just win. Let's do it for fun and for a learning experience." 

"As expected our leader! LET'S WIN THIS!" Shouted Dongwoo excitedly.

Our Discussion 

"We can win this! Piece of cake."

"We can't underestimate them eventhough we know we can win this!" I said smiling gleefully 

"Eh guys remember they have a secret weapon.."

"Oh yah what do you think it would be?"

"Tsk tsk..You guys are so naive" Kevin clamly said while shaking his head in disappointment.

"What do you mean?"

"The secret weapon is all a lie. They told us that to scare us. These are like the basic technequies while facing an opponent that is stronger than you." 


"I knew that," Max added trying not to look dumb whereas the rest of us appluaded Kevin.

"Let's go kick some idol butts!" Emily exclaimed


So that was Chapter 2 hope you enjoyed it. Will update later thks ~ 

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