Chapter 37

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At this point of time I felt that whatever I told Chanyeol, there's no way he will believe me 100%. I decided to tackle the situation by myself without telling Chanyeol anything.

'Jasmine Chan Posted 2days ago'
"Check out this hilarious video!"

Hmm so this was posted 2 days ago. Meaning it was a school day. I realised I had brought my MacBook to school that day for a history project.

"Highest possibility is that someone hacked my account using my computer and posted the video" I thought to myself.

Aish Pabo Jasmine! "Why did you have to leave your Facebook open and leave class" I cursed myself.

Is this karma? In Singapore I did this to my friends many times...I posted some really funny stuff. But it was stuff that people could immediately tell was hacked. However in this case it's not that I have no clues to who could have posted the video.

Firstly Chanyeol believes that I was the only one on the rooftop with his at that time. However I never saved the video on my computer which concludes that the video had been uploaded from another device --> which means that someone else has another copy or someone else was on the rooftop too!

Wow this culprit is so clumsy. Just leaving behind all the obvious clues. Now I had to think about the possible suspects. I scanned the classroom in the middle of maths lesson.

Cheerleaders. PASS
(They don't really care about anything except cheering)

Smarty pants. PASS
(I bet they didn't even see the video)

Chanyeol's Gang. PASS
(They would never do this to their friend)

Finally my eyes landed on the Trio. Now we have a possible winner. There is a high chance that Jing Yi plotted this to make Chanyeol hate me. Everyone knows she has a huge crush on him. And now since I'm dating Chanyeol she must be furious. I would not be shocked if it was really her. Only someone like her will drop so low to try to split us up.

I had to find a way to check Jing yi's phone.


"Yah Krystal! Help me with something!" I whispered to her.


"Err go to Jing yi and tell her Chanyeol wants to meet her at the park." I said.

Krystal stared at me like I was a crazy lady. But I just nodded and pushed her towards Jing Yi's table.

"Ah JINJA?!" I heard JingYi exclaim before she ran out of the class with her minions who followed her.

I quickly took this chance to search her bag and table. Luckily I found the phone.


RIGHT THAT! Oh shit.

Try again
Try again

This women I can't believe that's her password. 'I <3 Chanyeol' In the end no matter how evil a girl can be, a girl is a girl.

I browsed through her gallery in search of the video. I was shocked by what I saw. I quickly switched off the phone and returned to my seat.

3mins later JingYi walked in.
"Krystal! I didn't see Chanyeol in the garden!" She whined

"Oh he must have left after waiting for you..." Krystal lied and winked at me. I grinned at her in return and mouthed a thanks.

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