Author's note

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I really wanted to post this. My life is so unfair. I tell you my luck is 0% -.- here's my story...

I was at marina bay in Singapore for the ilight exhibition. At the same time there was a rock festival. We had to pass by the festival. So we stood there for a while listening to the music. Wondering why there was such a huge crowd and policemen. Then after a while we left and continued our walk along the river.

Then when I reached home at 12am (Midnight) I went on Instagram and saw.

BIG BANG WAS FREAKING THERE AT THE ROCK FESTIVAL!! IN SINGAPORE AT MARINA BAY D: Most of the 5 members all posted about Rolling Stones. And when we were passing by Rolling Stones was playing. I was like raging at home. Now I can't sleep cause I feel too much regret. My first ever chance to see an idol in real life just disappeared. :(

FEEL MY PAIN SG READERS (Those who were not there) T.T

Yah so that's it I missed my chance *cries* sniff sniff bye bye

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