Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

[Jasmine's POV]

Urgh! First day of school and I already meet people like them. I really hope that I don't see them again. I rubbed my stomach in hunger as I tried to choose what to eat among so many choices. The best part was that it was buffet style. We grab a plate and cutlery then choose anything we want. I was familiar with Korean food but I had a doubt if it would match my taste. "Chopsticks?! Oh no I should have learnt how to use them before leaving for Korea." I thought to myself as I lightly hit my forehead. I tried my best to pic up food using two sticks. Well obviously that did not go well and I sighed in frustration. Suddenly I saw food being placed on my plate. I looked up to see a girl with long black hair. She smiled at me and continued placing food on my plate.

"Ermm thanks!" I said when she finished.

"No problem. Hi my name is Krystal," I was shocked she introduced herself using English.

"Haha I was born in America so I can speak fluent English," My eyes widened when she said that. I was so glad that someone could speak English here.

"Ohh,Hi! I am Jasmine from Singapore. I am so glad you can speak in English. I thought I will be the loner over here."

We carried our plates and went to search for a place to sit. The canteen was packed by now the only seats left were in the corner. We headed towards that direction and immediately started munching down on the food once we sat. 

"So you're the new kid right? I don't think you noticed me but I am in your class,"

"Oh really, awesome I made one friend here," I looked up and smiled at her.

After eating we headed back to class. On the way we talked about our interest and hobbies. I found out that we had a lot in common! I went back to my seat and saw that Krystal sits at the other corner of the class. I saw Chanyeol sleeping with his head on the table. You have to admit that he was handsome. He had large ears and…..well overall he was attractive compared to the other boys in the class. He slowly started waking up and I immediately tried to pretend that I was occupied doing something else. He looked around rubbing his eyes still looking very sleepy. "Aww so cute~" What the hell am I thinking! I mentally slapped myself to get my head straight. 

Maths was going on now. The sums were really easy for me to do. I always had the habit of doing ahead of the teacher. So at home I actually had read the chapter before hand. You can call me a nerd if you want but that's just the way I was brought up.  

[Chanyeol's POV]

I saw her solve problems of the chapter that was not even taught. I guessed that she was really good in maths. I am a language person. I was great at History, bad in maths. It was really one of my worst subjects along with english. I only knew few words and how to introduce myself in english. 

"Chanyeol, what's the answer for question 4?" The teacher asked me breaking me away from my thoughts. Oh shit! What question? Which page? My mind was completely blank. Suddenly I felt someone nudge me. I looked to my left and saw Jasmine eyeing down to the book. She had written the answer and how to solve it. 

"Ermm the answer is 9x^2 + 3xy - 6y^2," I answered nervously looking at the teacher.

"Wow I'm surprised Chanyeol. You actually got it right," 

"Oppa Jjang! So smart~" I heard some girl say in the corner. 

I nodded my head and just looked down. Luckily she did not ask me how I solved since I had no idea what Jasmine had written down. I only read the numbers that were underlined twice. 

"Thanks" I mumbled still looking down.

"No problem," She replied back.

[Jasmine's POV]

 I saw Chanyeol getting all flustered when the teacher asked him a question. Hehe, I have seen this scenario many times. I nudged him and showed him my book with the answer. At first he was shocked but he still answered the question. Compliments came from all the sides. I have a huge heart. Even though others answer questions I solved and get all the credit I still feel good helping others.

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