Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Mum! Dad!Over here!" I waved at my parents trying to get their attention. Once they saw me, instead of smiling at them I just glared.

"Sorry we did not take you with us..." My mum said giving me a tight hug.

"Next time we will surely go there again to have fun!" My dad exclaimed. It was the first time I saw him so excited about something.

"Wow dad you must have seriously enjoyed the visit?"

"haha is it obvious?"


"Anyway where have you been staying all these days?" He asked his tone changing into a serious one.

"Oh I stayed at Mrs.Park's house." I replied.

"Chanyeol's house?" My mum questioned.


"Oh then we should visit them and tell them thank you." My dad said as we hailed a taxi and loaded our stuff.

"We should go in the evening. I have to go to school for a very important performance and then after that Chanyeol has a basketball match." I explained.

"Oh tight schedule I see." My mum replied.

We told the taxi driver to drop me at school and then take my family back home. I had already told the teacher that I would miss one lesson so it was okay as I was already 1h late to school.

Once first period ended and the teacher walked out, I entered the class and took my seat.

"Met your parents?" Chanyeol asked.

" ready for the performance?"

"I think soo.." he replied unsure.

"Don't worry you'll do well!"

*Directly After school*

"Ok so we'll start with Krystal and Kai" The teacher announced.

"Fighting!" I cheered.

They walked up to the stage and got ready. Both of them looked like professionals. Krystal, I can understand..but Kai? Wow with no training he already has that performer/artist aura.

They sang "Without words" OST of the drama You're Beautiful. I was mesmerized in the song. It was very beautiful. Their voices fit the song exactly. I didn't even realise that they were done and now it's our turn.

"Jas, let's go!" Chanyeol said nudging me.

"Huh? Oh!"

I took a deep breath and started singing the first song along with Baekhyun. After everyone had done their parts our performance finally ended.

"Phew. It's done!" I exclaimed as i plopped down on the chair.

"Yah we sounded great! Now let's just wait for the results..." Baekhyun said.

"Hyung, we have one more thing left before we can relax..." Chanyeol reminded him.

"Oh yah....c'mon let's go practice for a while we only have an hour left...KAI! Kaja!" Baekhyun shouted across the room.

Kai turned away from his conversation with Krystal and looked towards us.

"Ne hyung!" he replied. He quickly ended the talk and walked over to us.

I told them I will join then later when the match starts along with Krystal.

As the boys left, I made my way towards Krystal..."Krys your performance was awesom!!"

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