Chapter 43 - END

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*Fast Forward 2 years later*

Present day

"Intern! I need you to print this asap!"

"Yes sir right on it" I bowed and hurriedly made my way to the printer. I'm probably bffs with the printer by now as I spend more time with her (yes I decided the printer is a female) than with my real friends as we are all equally busy. Last year we graduated high school and are in midst of a super long break before the start of university. We all decided to take on jobs to build up our experience.

I set up the meeting room with the paper I had printed before heading out for my lunch break. I made my way to a nearby restaurant and sat beside the window seat. I stared outside looking at people walking by while waiting for my food to arrive.

"Guess who?!" I heard someone say as they covered my eyes with their two hands.

Now before I reveal that you all maybe wondering INTERN?! I was gonna be a singer. How did I end up here you may ask?

Well I realised that being an idol is no easy task. I had to be on continuous diets and had to strain my body for hours. Of course the amount of love and support idols get from fans washes over all the hardship. But I told JYP that I might really be not suitable for this job. This is after spending two months as a trainee. I gave up my spot for a trainee who was much more determined and committed compared to me.

Well back to the present.

"Aunty Baek?"

"Nope!" He exclaimed slightly squeezing my eyes.
"It's time for you to stop calling me that" Baekhyun whined

"Hahaha sorry I cant help it ever since you permed your hair all I can think of is Ahjumma" I said laughing

"HA.HA.HA Very funny" he mocked

"Anyway I have an exciting news for you"

Hearing that my heart started beating really fast. Is he finally coming back?

"I got a job!"

Hearing that my excitement just fell.

"Hey! You don't have to make it so obvious that you are disappointed about my news"

"Ahh sorry Baek! That's great now you will finally understand our sufferings." I said slapping his back.

I bid goodbye to him and went back to my beloved printer.

*One Week later*

It was my lunch break and I was walking downstreet to buy milk tea! I ordered caramel milk tea and waited for my number to be called.

"Caramel milk tea!"

Yes finally! I looked up from my phone and rushed to the counter. Just as I was about to grab the cup someone else reached out for the same cup.

"Erm sorry but this is my order." I said turning to face him.










It can't I dreaming?

He was smiling more like smirking acting as if nothing happened. I was wide eyed and shocked

"Excuse me both your drinks are ready."

The lady at the counter bought me back to reality. I took my drink and quickly turned around and walked away. I could feel him following behind me.

I was glad he was back but at the same time pissed off that he had not contacted me for months.

I turned around and walked towards him. I stood firmly in front of him and looked up.

I kicked his leg "That's for leaving"

I punched his stomach "That's for not calling"

I grabbed his hair "That's for making me wait"

I kissed his cheek "and that's for returning back to me"


OMG I feel so bad that this story died in the middle :( once school started 2 years ago I just couldn't find the time to continue writing and was also having a writers block. Although people stopped reading this I felt like I had to end the story 😬

Once again really sorry. I realised writing stories is not an easy task ><

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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