Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Jasmine's POV

"Hello Jasmine. How are you?"

"I'm fine Mrs. Park." I replied bowing down and greeting her. I had come over to Chanyeol's house to finish up our project.

"Baekhyun and Chanyeol are upstairs....last door on the left."

"Ne gamsahabnida," I bowed once again and made my way upstairs. My piano notebook in one hand and my laptop in the other.

"Sup guys," I greeted them while entering. Instead of being greeted by the two boys, I was greeted by a man in his mid 50s.

"Oh joesonghabnida (I'm sorry). You must be Chanyeol's father?" I said with a questioning tone.

"Haha yes I am. Good to see you. Are you one of his friends?" He asked me bringing forward his hand for a handshake.

"Yes sir, actually I am here for a project we are working on." I explained.

"Oh I see. Go on ahead then."

"Sorry for the disturbance I think I took the wrong turn." I apologised.

"No problem. I think the boys are in the study room on the opposite side." He replied.

"Thank you," With that, I left the room and made my way to the right room.

"Sup guys!" I greeted once again only to be completely ignored by the two. I gave up on the greeting and took a seat on one of the chairs.

After 10 minutes of them talking in dept about some audition and me sitting here just starring at space, they finally noticed me.

"Oh hey Jas, when did you come?" Baekhyun asked me.

"Wow you didn't even realise. I was sitting right here for almost 10 minutes." I said slightly annoyed.

"Haha sorry it's just that we have an important audition coming up." Chanyeol said.

"Audition?" I questioned.

"Yup! Tell you later now we have to concentrate on our project."

"Finally!" I exclaimed.

The first song we started practicing on was All I want for Christmas is you. This was the song where all three of us needed to sing. I was going to sing the first line then Baekhyun sings the second line followed by Chanyeol. Then before the chorus, all of us sing the last line. We arranged the song in a way we would be comfortable in singing it. "Since is Chanyeol is good at rapping....wait not good..let's just say experienced, let him do the faster parts in the song." I suggested. I saw Chanyeol shoot a glare at my direction but I simply shrugged.

After 3 long hours of rehearsing we were finally done with our project. Now the only thing left was the actual performance. I slumped against the chair and for a moment closed my eyes. My throat hurt from singing for so long. I was exhausted. I could hear Baekhyun oppa and Chanyeol continuing their conversation from before. How can they have energy left? I decided to ignore all sounds from outside. I plugged in my earphones and before I knew it...I was fast asleep.

Chanyeol's POV

"Yah so next saturday we meet at **** to have a final practice for our audition." Baekhyun said.

"Yah sure," I replied while looking around the room aimlessly since I was very tired. My eyes roamed the room and they laid on the girl sleeping peacefully on the chair. Her hair fell across half of her face and her lips were slightly parted. Her head was rotating in all directions as there was no support. Suddenly she leaned forward and was about to fall if not for my of rushing towards her and supporting her. I carried her bridal style and took her to my room so she could sleep on the bed.

Carefully, I laid her down on the bed. She squirmed a little and I stood there frozen. Luckily she did not wake up. I heaved a sigh of relief and was about to remove my hand from under her head when suddenly she turned to the side causing me to loose my balance and fall over.

"OWWW!" I heard her scream.

"Sorry sorry! I lost my balance.". I saw her get up confused on what was going on.

"How did I get here?" Jasmine asked.

"Ermm you were sleeping so I decided to bring you here so you could sleep peacefully." I replied

"What? You didn't have to do that." She said while climbing down from the bed.

I just stood there and rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Ok then...since we are done I'll go home now..."

"Wait Jas do you want to stay for dinner?" Huh? Why did I ask her that?

"Ermm Yah sure why not since we live right beside each other time is not an issue!" She smiled and agreed.

Sorry very boring chapter I know :( But I have no choice. I had to write this in a hurry ...Really sorry. When I have a chance to update I will give you a better chapter :D

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