Our last goodbye

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“Clara, if I come with you I tip the scale” my mother says sounding slightly frustrated.

“what scale?”

“the bellatores gildam is generally perceived as neutral, they are kind of the middle ground due to the fact that angels aren’t allowed on earth just as much as demons. Although demons tend to break the rules, the bellatores gildam are there to keep the balance of good and evil. That’s why they keep some demonic powers and receive angle ones as well.” She explains

“well then how do you tip the balance?” I ask still confused

“I still have access to my angel powers if I ever want to return to them, so in saying that the demons may see that as the angels intervening, it’s just a precaution really, but there may be a way I could be of more help to you”

“How so?”

“Well your grandmother and aunties and I have been offered a spot up top” she says flicking her eyes to the roof.

“up top?” I lift my eyes to look at the roof also, then it hit me she meant up with the angles.

“yes with all of us up there we can share our energy with you, because angles aren’t allowed on earth we aren’t much help to you but if we head up there we get our powers back, and since we are family we can connect” she smiles at me although she’s impressed with herself

“okay so let me get this straight, you, grandma, Di and Julie are going up to heaven or whatever to get your powers back so you can stream them to me?” raising an eyebrow I try to get everything cleared up. My mom has never really been good at explaining complicated things to me, like the birds and the bee’s talk were extremely awkward but to anyone else it would have seemed hilarious. Yet this woman could sell ice to a polar bear when she knows what she is talking about, which makes her amazing at her job.

“yes pretty much, it will help you keep control of the darkness”

“that’s actually not a bad idea” Dimitri slips in and I turn to face him leaning on his fist looking bored.

“But, I really need you right now” I moan sounding more like a child than ever. My mom moves from her seat and wraps her arms around me once more. Squeezing me tightly she whispers;

“Clara you know there is nothing more I would love than to be with you, but we have to think of what is best for you, and the world” uncoiling her arms from me she takes a step back and presents her right hand out to me. I study it for a second then place my own hand in it gingerly. Mom tugs on me arm and I rise to my feet.

“close your eyes” she says with a smile. Sceptically I follow her orders. Mom’s hand slips out of mine followed a few seconds later by the sound of something sliding off the counter. It must be the black case I have neglected to ask about.

“hold out your hands” more excitement in her voice.

“Okay” I follow the new command and raise both my hands out letting them hover in front of me. I feel a smooth object occupy the palms of both my hands.

“okay open em”

Upon opening my eyes the long black case does indeed rest in my hands. It’s about three feet long, maybe more. The case has hinges on one side so I flip it open. When I flip it open I behold the sight of a blazing red case. At the tip there is a metal top with what looks like a dragon swirling around the top.

There are small but beautiful markings imprinted the whole way down the red case. The markings stop when it reaches the metal barrier signalling this is where the handle starts. Black and red material intertwines around the handle and is sealed in place at the bottom by a cap similar to that at the tip. The same dragon encircles it.

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