The story of my protector.

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Dimitri raises his hand to his head and sighs. Moving away from Mark he sits on the closest surface to him which happens to be the sofa.

“Clara you know I can’t tell you some things and this is one of those things” He says with his head buried in his hands.

“But why, what harm could it do?” I say advancing towards him. Before I can sit down beside him he is standing. He grabs me gently by the shoulders and looks at me with pain in his eyes.

“Clara you have no idea” he whispers

“Well then give me one” I ask, not breaking eye contacts even though I can hear Mark moving behind me.

“Geez, will you two knock it off!” Mark moans like an annoyed child, I turn to face him. Shooting him daggers he backs up a bit. I hear Dimitri falls back down on the sofa.

“Fine if Dimitri won’t tell me then maybe you can explain some things to me!” I begin to walk towards him. Mark stops backing up and stands tall.

“Clara I,” he starts

“Clara nothing, I am going to ask you a question and for the love of all that is sane in me just answer it!” I beg at him, he just nods awaiting my question. Dimitri mustn’t be too happy about this, even though I can’t see him right now Mark just looked over my shoulder and his face is way too happy.

“What were you thinking doing that spell thing on me!” more shouting than asking.

“It wasn’t a spell it was an enchantment!” he defends, my face drops

“Like it matters!”

“Look Clara I just wanted you to feel like he couldn’t protect you and maybe then you would come with me, I just meant to scare you a little, I mean like I have no idea what actually happed” he raised an eyebrow and stood waiting for me to explain what did happen.

“Mark whatever you did to me, it made me go crazy” looking down at my blood splattered clothes crazy seemed to be a good word but I guess I could have used psychotic, insane or even evil would do it as well.

“What do you mean?” he said looking at me

“She killed a dog instead of a man and then she slaughtered a demon, all at your costs by the way” Dimitri says from the sofa. Marks face dropped

“Really Clara?” Mark asked in awe

I just nodded having no words to say at this point.

“But how is this possible?” Mark stuttered.

“You didn’t awake her nightmares; you awoke evil that took over her mind!” Dimitri says with a bored tone in his voice. I look round at him with his elbows on his knees and his fingertips pressed to his forehead.

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