Chapter 67

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Sorry for the long wait! It's been over 6 months since I've posted a chapter. I hope to never go that long again. I'll try my hardest! I have every intention of finishing their story....even if it takes forever! If you are anything like me, you will probably go back a chapter or two and refresh your memory on what's happening 😬
Hope you enjoy!

We decided to stay for awhile in LA. Waverly's birthday was quickly approaching at the end of the month but we could just as easily have a party here as Minnesota. We figured Sy would pass away soon and we might as well stay so we could attend the funeral and then head back home. We saw Lenny and Mayte, mainly Mayte, quite a bit over the course of the next couple of weeks. I even made three more visits to the hospice house. Mayte helped me with the planning of Waverly's party, needing something to keep her mind busy while Lenny was gone. A couple days before the party she and I went to pick up a few items and decided to have lunch while we were out.
"So how have you been feeling?" Mayte asked as the waiter brought our drinks.
"Good. I'm fine as long as I take my medication." I sigh. "I just hope one day I can function normally without them. Plus I would like to have more children."
"You can't do that while taking the medication, I assume?"
"Nope. I can't even consider getting pregnant until I've been off them, without symptoms, for months. I mean I'm not in a big rush, but Prince isn't getting any younger." I chuckle.
"Oh the man's age doesn't matter near as much. They can still conceive in like their 70s!" Mayte giggles.
"Yeah but what man wants to have a kid when they're that old?! It's not like they could be much of a parent to them. Wouldn't probably live to see them grow to an adult. It's not fair to the child." I explain.
"Yeah. I think Lenny feels like if he is going to have more children, he needs to do it soon or his window of opportunity will close...."
"Y'all have talked about that?!" I asked, slightly shocked.
"Well, um, yes." Mayte responds timidly. "I mean we've talked about marriage and..."
"Oh lord! Has he already asked you? I'm surprised he's even waited this long? He never does." As soon as the words left my mouth, I saw Mayte's face fall in embarrassment and disappointment. "Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that..."
"Just save it Jensen. Sometimes I just don't understand you. Do you want anyone but yourself to be happy..."
"Of course I do." I shriek.
"Well I feel like you love Prince and are happy with him, but you still want Lenny to only desire you and not move on..."
"That's not true! I want Lenny to be happy. And you too. And if y'all are happy together that is great! I'm sorry about what I said, he just tends to propose to everyone he dates really quickly but rarely makes it to the alter..."
"Well he hasn't proposed to me. Deep down that probably makes you happy..."
"No it doesn't!"
"Anyway, maybe he's learned to take his time. People can change and learn from their mistakes. I'm not going to let your opinion put doubt in my mind." Mayte exclaims, standing up and grabbing her purse.
"That's not what I was trying to do. Mayte, please sit back down." I plead.
"No. I've lost my appetite. I'll take a taxi back." She responds and walks away from the table and out of the restaurant.
I reluctantly drag myself back home with the party supplies, now wondering if Mayte will even want to attend it. I come into the house and slam the bags down on the counter in frustration. "Shhhh, honey!! I just got both girls in their beds. What's the matter?!" Prince says, walking into the kitchen. "Did they not have everything you wanted?"
"No, the party is all taken care of. I just am a bitch." I sigh. "I upset Mayte at lunch and she walked out and took a taxi back."
"Oh, she used to walk out on me at places too. What did you do?" Prince laughed, making light of the situation, and beginning to rummage through the bags.
"It's not funny. I think I really offended her and gave her the wrong impression about how I feel about her relationship with Lenny...."
"Why? What exactly did you say?" Prince asks, irritation lacing his questions.
"I made some comment about him proposing to everyone he dates quickly...."
"So now she thinks something's wrong because he hasn't proposed to her?" He questions curiously.
"Yes, I think that plus she thinks I don't want Lenny to move on and that I want him to still hold a torch for me..."
"Well do you?" Prince smirks.
"Give me a break. I was just a little shocked because she said they had talked about kids. I guess I just didn't think they were that serious." I explain.
"Jensen, they've been together for months, and I think she pretty much lives with him. I really thought they would be engaged by now to be honest. But maybe Lenny is trying to take his time and make sure he doesn't rush it like he has with everyone else."
"Yeah, I guess you're right. I feel bad for what I said, and any doubt it may have put in her mind about how he feels about her. I guess I should try calling her up apologizing."
"Yeah, but not right now." Prince remarks.
"Because you've already been out all morning and I've missed you." He adds, pulling me into his body.
"You've missed me, or you just don't trust me to be alone for long periods of time?" I accuse.
"Because I've missed you." He says sternly.
"Oh yeah. Why's that? I was only gone a few hours...."
"I know, but this dick won't suck itself. Believe me I've tried..."
"Tried what?! To suck your own..."
"Fuck no!!!! I've tried to simulate a blow job before during lonely periods of my life but nothing can compare." Prince admits.
"Like what?!" I ask curiously. "I bet the grapefruit might be close."
"Yeah probably." He chuckles. "This was long before I knew about that little trick. I can't even remember what all I tried but everything I could think of to simulate a woman's mouth on me but nothing is as satisfying as the real thing, especially this talented mouth." He says, leaning forward and capturing my lips with his in a heated exchange of tongues. "On your knees, baby. Satisfy your husband's urges." He demands sweetly.
I buckle at his command and watch as he reveals himself to me. He takes his already stiff member and places it in my ajar, awaiting mouth. He pumps his hips steadily while also guiding my head back and forth. "Take all of me, momma...."
"What did you take, mommy?" Devon's voice slices abruptly into the room. Thankfully Prince's back was to her and I immediately remove him from my mouth as he quickly zips up and we stare at each other wide eyed. "Mommy, did you fall? Why are you on the floor...."
Prince spins around quickly "Devon, go back to bed!!! Now!!! Don't get up again until I say you can! Got it?!"
Devon bursts out sobbing and sprints back to her bedroom.
"Prince." I whisper. "Stop yelling at her...."
He turns back around to me. "She has been a cock blocker since the day she was born. It's like she can sense it and I'm tired of it. We have got to teach her some boundaries...."
"Well it's not like she came into a room without knocking. What is she supposed to do? Ask permission to leave her bedroom?"
"I had to! Hell I used to get locked in my room..."
"Yeah and that didn't do any damage at all, did it?!"
"Ok, sorry. I don't want to chain our children up or put them in a cage or anything. But we do need to lay some ground rules. I think she's old enough....."
"Ok." I giggle, knowing this was going to be funny to watch. "Let's go talk to her."
"In a minute." Prince smirks. "We have unfinished business and I won't be able to think straight if I go in there now."
"Prince, get a grip. You act like you haven't cum in weeks or something. We had sex this morning." I roll my eyes.
"We did?!" He acts shocked. "Did you do me while I was asleep again?"
"Shutup! Plus you told me I could..." I laugh. "Come on, her theatrics are starting to get louder by the second, and she's going to wake up the baby."
As we walk into Devon's room, she is sitting on the edge of her bed, no tears to be seen but dramatics in full effect. "Finally!" She says as she sees us enter the room. "You hear me?"
"Yeah, we heard ya! And next time you do a crocodile tears performance and it wakes up your sister, I'm going to give you something to cry about." Prince blurts out. Then he looks at me with a hint of terror in his eyes and says "oh my god! I'm officially old! Did you hear what I just said?!"
"Yeah." I reply, playfully rubbing his arm in comfort. "Well go ahead, grandpa, talk to her."
Prince jerks his arm from my grasp and sits down on the bed next to Devon. "Babygirl I'm sorry I yelled at you. I lost my temper. I will try to work on that. But there's something I need you to work on to help me. Can you do that for daddy?"
Devon nods her head solemnly. "I try daddy."
"Ok, first if mommy and daddy are in a room together and there is a door and it's closed, you have to knock on it and wait for someone to say you can come in or wait for them to open it for you. Ok?" Prince begins.
"I open doors myself. I big girl..."
"I know. That's not the point. It's the polite thing to do. Big people don't walk into rooms without knocking. It's rude. So if you want to act like a big person, you have to knock first and wait." Prince explains.
"Ok!" Devon responds excitedly, like it was going to be some sort of game she could play to become a grown up.
Prince smirks up at me, probably thinking he was really getting through to her. I figured she will forget by tomorrow at the latest.
"Alright, next thing is when you are in your bedroom for a nap, you have to wait for someone to give you permission to come out of your bedroom...."
"Prince, no! What if there's an emergency?!" I interrupt.
"Well if she's sleeping like she's supposed to be, what would be the emergency?" He stands up and leans in so only I can hear him. "We have to be on same page in front of her or she will pounce and try to use it against us."
"Well then maybe we should have discussed these 'rules' before coming in here." I whisper back.
"I wasn't the one who wanted to immediately rush in here. I was wanting to communicate."
"Yeah, with your..." I pointed down to his crotch. "Let's just leave it at knocking. Once she gets that one down, maybe we can come up with something for nap time." I suggest.
"Fine!" He says, rolling his eyes and sitting back down next to Devon. "Ok mommy and daddy have decided just the knocking rule for right now. That's seems pretty easy, right?"
"Easy-peasy!" Devon squeals.
We get her tucked back in and I started to head to our bedroom to change into something more comfortable. Of course a still horny shadow follows me and doesn't let me get down to my undergarments without taking advantage of the situation. "Let me see if I can get you to the point I'm at babe." Prince moans as he slips his hands into my panties. I hadn't really been in the mood at all, but a half dozen swipes of his talented fingers against my exposed clit and I begin to give in to his desires. My knees started to buckle and he caught me, and pushed me forward and placed my palms on the footboard of the bed. "Hold on tight, momma." He deeply whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He swiftly removed my panties, kicking them to the side, and I spread my legs more than shoulder width apart. He unhooks my bra smoothly using only one hand as his other hand begin to softly caress my bare back and down to my cheeks. His fingertips tickled every inch of my booty and then onto the back of my thighs. He began to cover my shoulders and back with hot, wet kisses while his hand snaked it's way to the front of me and began to rub my smooth outer lips. He focused there for awhile, occasionally showing my pearl attention but only for a few brief seconds at a time. The gradual buildup was making me soaked and I felt some of my essence seep out of me and onto the carpet. "Shit!" I moaned in a hushed voice. "I'm dripping baby. Drink me...."
A thundering knock snapped me out of my trance, my glossy eyes meeting Prince's as he stifled a laugh. "Um, who's there?" Prince chokes out. "Is it the big bad wolf?"
"It's me, daddy! Devon!" She announces from behind the door. "I did what you say! I so big and powite!"
"You sure are. I'm proud of you. But baby what do you need? We are busy in here." Prince calmly replies.
"Mmmmm....get rid of her." I groan, as I plop face up onto the bed and spread eagle. Prince's eyes bulge out of his head as Devon explains that she didn't need anything she was just trying to prove she listening and was a good girl, etc. I got tired of listening and waiting so I began to take matters into my own hands and soaked the first two digits on my right hand and placed them on my pounding core. Prince whimpers and firmly grabs at the crotch of his pants, that are now so tight they are smothering his manhood. Prince cuts her off, "you are such a good, smart little girl. But you need to rest. Go back to bed please."
"Daddy I need someone to tuck me in. Can mommy do it?" Devon begs.
"No fucking way!" I assert quietly as I plunge my fingers into my soaked entrance and begin pumping hard.
"No, sweetheart, mommy is busy. Just tuck yourself in. You can do it..."
"I need a kiss." She whines.
I pull out and rub my cream across my lips, and lustfully look up at Prince. "So do I. Who are you going to give a kiss to, daddy?"
"Fuck, Jensen. That's borderline evil. You know I want to lick every bit of that off your sweet lips. So don't get mad...." he interjects as he scurries to the bedroom door and cracks it just enough to bend down and deliver a kiss to Devon and slightly push her back towards her bedroom. "You better go straight to your room and get in bed. Don't get up again. I mean it."
Prince listens for her bedroom door to close and bolts back over to the bed, hovering over me for a taste of my cum covered lips. He leans in, but just before our mouths collide, I turn my head to the side and his face plants in my neck.
He jolts up quickly, "what the hell?!"
"You don't deserve it. I've already licked it off anyway." I reply with a smirk.
"I do deserve it! I deserve every drop! I CREATED it...."
"Um no my body created it actually..."
"Only with my assistance!!!"
"I can make it on my own."
"This is the dumbest conversation I've ever been in." Prince replies with frustration. "Don't hold out on me."
"I'm good. I already came...."
"No you didn't! You better not have!" He yells ripping off his pants and underwear and throwing my legs open. He lines himself up to me, his tip pushing at my opening. "Did you?" He asked, almost looking heartbroken.
"No." I giggle. "I haven't licked my lips either...."
The words barely made their way out of my mouth, before he slammed into me, while simultaneously crashing his tongue onto my puckers and lapping them up like a dehydrated dog over a bowl of water. "God now I know where Devon gets it!"
"How she can be so good and so bad at the exact same time!"

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