Chapter 11

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We stopped somewhere in Wyoming for the night. Prince's first show wasn't for two more days so we had plenty of time to get there without rushing. So the plan was to wake up whenever and get in a lesson with Brian and Kim before we headed to Reno in the oearly afternoon. Since we were just passing through and didn't plan ahead where to stop, it wasn't a fancy hotel in the least. Believe it or not, the three of us shared a small hotel room with just two beds. I got Devon tucked into her bed, placing her in the middle and hoping she wouldn't fall off in the middle of the night. It was only about 10:00, so Prince wasn't tired in the least. He didn't want to turn the tv on bc he thought it would wake Devon, and he had left all his books and guitar and stuff on the bus since it was just a short overnight in the hotel. So out of just pure boredom I think, he tried to get frisky with me. "Come on momma." He begs as I swat him away.
"No. Devon is right there." I respond, pointing to the next bed just a few feet away. "And she's not a little baby anymore. It's not ok if she sees or hears us."
"Then be really quiet." He demands, pulling down the top of my nightie and exposing my right breast and giving it a firm squeeze. "Let's get under the covers, she will never even know."
"This is so wrong." I complain as I pull the covers up and slip under them. "Let's keep our clothes on."
" we're just dry humping?" He chuckles.
"You know what I mean. Just pull my panties down and pull your dick out of your pants but keep everything else on." I explain, as I tuck my breast back in my top.
"But I like to look at you naked and feel your body on mine, baby." He whines. "That was the point of the covers. Look, I'll pull them up to here." He responds, bringing them up to our necks. "Now only we can see each other." He turns his head to look at the next bed. "She is out cold. We are fine."
We remove all of our clothes slowly and quietly. Prince gets on top of me and enters me gently. "Fuck baby, don't act like you didn't want it. You are so damn wet." He whispers in my ear.
"It's bc I'm pregnant. I discharge more..."
"Gross! Don't ever use the word discharge! Fucking disgusting word." He exclaims quietly. I giggle at the fact that I grossed him out. "Well that's what it is! I'm always creamy..."
"Stop Jensen. And just let me think it's me, ok?" He laughs.
Something about having to be quiet and hidden turned me on, almost like I was doing something wrong, but it felt so good and so right. I even got the nerve to roll us over and get on top, I just made sure to keep my chest glued to his while I worked my pussy up and down on him. Anytime either of us felt the urge to moan or scream loudly, we buried our faces in the pillows and let it out. When Prince was behind me, laying his chest on my back, I pretty much kept my face stuck to the pillow bc he was hitting my g-spot repeatedly. He then snaked his hand around, putting it between my clit and the mattress. He began rubbing me, causing me to hike one of my legs up so he could have better access. "Feels soooo good!" I groan deeply into the pillow. I don't remember a whole lot after that, other than we both came hard and it was torture doing it silently. I passed out immediately and slept all night. The next morning, I wake up to Devon climbing into bed on my side. "Mommy, wake up." She commands, pulling the covers off me. Thankfully she didn't bat an eye to the fact I was stark naked. She crawled over me and towards Prince and before I could warn him, she ripped the covers off him too. His morning wood pointing up to his belly button. "Mmmmm baby, you ready for more?" He moans and opens his eyes to see Devon looking down at him.
"Oh my god!!!! What is going on?" He yells, trying to cover up his erection with the comforter.
"You just came on to your own daughter." I joke.
"That's not cool, momma. Get her down, at least until I'm limp and have some underwear on. Creeping me out!" He orders.
"Oh Prince, chill out. She has no clue, remember?" I tease.
"When she's asleep! Not right here on top of me! If someone walked in the room right now, there would be questions!"
"Oh babe! You're paranoid. We are her parents. Kids and parents are naked together all the time..."
"That sounded very bad!" He laughs.
"You know what I mean. They see each other naked. It's not a big deal. We are family..."
"Yes, but not the incest kind. She's still on me!" He groans as she climbs back over him and knees him right between the legs. He rolls on to his stomach in pain. "Well my boner is gone now!"
"Great! Problem solved!" I joked as he was still moaning. Turning my attention to Devon, I ask and sign, "are you hungry?"
"Yes." She says and signs back.
"What do you want for breakfast, sweetie?"
"Pancakes!" She yells.
"Well that's your daddy's specialty. I bet he can make some for you on the bus." I suggest.
"Daddy's out of commission at the moment. My balls are in my stomach."  He whimpers, his face still buried in the pillow.
"Oh just shake it off." I joke.
"I hope you're satisfied with only two children, bc I'm pretty sure I'm sterile now." He insists as he rolls over to his back, panting slightly.
"Well you're no use to me now..."
"How dare you say that?!" He shrieks. "You know I married you even though I wasn't sure if you could have children..."
"It was a joke! And you really thought I was barren?" I exclaim.
"I wasn't sure. I hoped you weren't, but I obviously didn't know." He explains. "I, for sure, would never say you weren't any use to me."
"I was kidding! Geez, get off the rag!" I respond.
"Again, if I was to say that to you, all hell would break loose. Why is it ok for you to say stuff, but I can't?! You couldn't even take my jokes yesterday on the bus..."
"I guess neither one of us can take a joke then." I reply, rolling my eyes. "I thought we had better senses of humor than we apparently do."
"I guess so." He says, getting up out of bed and putting on his clothes. "And apparently we also don't get along on the road. We haven't even made it to the first show yet."
"Why don't you and Devon go have breakfast and do your lessons..."
"While you skip both?" He asked.
"Yep! I'm gonna do what I do best...sleep!" I reply, plopping back down. "You need extra practice cooking and with sign language anyway."
"Oh bc you're so great at them?" He chuckles.
"Better than you! Go away, you're just pissing me off. I don't want to end up making your ball situation worse when I kick you there."
"You must be carrying the spawn of Satan bc you're acting like a real bitch..."
"If I am it's bc you put it there, so what does that say about you?!" I fire back.
"Maybe I didn't put it there. Kinda funny you got pregnant around the time we saw Lenny in LA. And come to think about it, you got pregnant last year right after the Bahamas. What were y'all really doing out there on that jet ski..."
"Don't even go there!!! You're not doing to accuse me of carrying someone else's baby like you did when I was pregnant with Devon! Why is that always your go to?! Do you understand the kind of damage saying that kind of shit can do?! Apparently you should have brought Laura on the road...."
"Yeah for you..."
"And you! Listen, just go. Look, Devon is watching us again. This isn't healthy for anyone. You, me, her, and our poor baby in my stomach that probably is already wondering what the hell kind of situation they're going to be born into..."
"I don't get it. We never fight like this anymore. I think you're purposefully trying to sabotage this tour so I won't ever want to do another one." He accuses.
"You really think I'm that selfish?! If you do, why are you even with me?" I storm into the bathroom and slam the door. I turn on the shower, strip off my clothes, and get inside. This time, Prince didn't pawn Devon off on someone and try to make up through some steamy sex session. I didn't see him or Devon again until we loaded up to leave for Reno around 1:00 that afternoon. As we pulled out of the hotel parking lot, Prince turns to me and says "our daughter has been asking where you were all morning. You might want to spend some time with her since you decided to hide out in the hotel room until now."
I don't respond and just go to the back bedroom where she is playing with some toys. "Hi mommy!" She grins as I enter the room.
"Hi sweet girl. What are you doing?" I ask, sitting on the bed and watching her.
"Playing." She responded, not looking up from feeding her baby doll a bottle. "She hungry."
"I think she is!" I giggle. "You are good at that! Are you going to help mommy feed the baby after it's born? You will be a great big sister!"
She doesn't respond and just keeps feeding her baby. "Now mommy?"
"Well now you have to burp the baby. Let me show you." She hands me the doll and I put it over my shoulder and pat it's back. "You have to be gentle though. Don't hit her too hard." I explain while handing the doll back to Devon and watch as she carefully puts the doll over her shoulder and lightly smacks it on the back. "That's great!" I encourage her. "Oh!" I say, sniffing the air. "I think she has a dirty diaper. You need to change her."
"Shooooo!" Devon responds, waving her hand in front of her nose. "She poopy!" She runs to the tiny closet and opens it up, retrieving a diaper from the newborn package I bought for her to use on her dolls. "Mommy, help." She commands, handing me the diaper and the doll.
"Well I need some baby wipes." I tell her and she scurries back into the closet and grabs a container. "Thank you." I reply, as she gives them to me. "Ok first we take off the dirty diaper." I instruct as I undo the Velcro and slip the diaper off the doll. "Then wipe her really good. Can you help me?" I hand her a wipe and she cleans her bottom. "Ok now we put on the fresh diaper." I lay in under the doll and let Devon fasten it. "We did it! See we make a great team. Just me and you!" I smile, sticking my hand up for her to high five.
She smacks my hand, saying "and daddy!"
Even though at the moment I really wanted to roll my eyes and call him a choice name, I obviously resisted and agreed with her. "Yep, you, me, daddy, and baby." I take her hand and place it on my belly. "We are a family." I make her look at me and sign "me, you, daddy,"
She signs back "mommy, daddy, mad."
Shit! She is noticing. "Yeah sometimes mommy and daddy get mad at me each other. Everyone gets mad and that's ok. But we still love each other, we love you, we love the baby...and we are all still a family." She was on to the next thing before I even finished. However, Prince immediately comes through the door. Apparently he had been listening to us bc he had tears in his eyes. He sat down beside me and pulled me into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry momma. This isn't us. I don't know what's going on, but it has to stop. I swear I won't let some stupid tour tear us apart. Bc you're right, we are a family. And that's more important than anything in this world to me."
"Me too!" I respond, pulling him even closer to my body. "Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to see if Laura can see us again soon. It's been awhile. Maybe she could even do a session over the phone or something." I suggest.
"I'll call her soon." Prince promises. "But until then, let's keep our focus at the forefront. We love each other and our children. Let's stop tearing each other down. I mean we are getting to travel the country together with our little girl. We should be having the time of our lives. See and experience things we never have."
"I know, and I truly am excited about that. I don't know, maybe my hormones are really out of whack right now. I feel really ultra sensitive I do know that. Not that that is an excuse."
"At least it's something. I guess I'm just a jackass..."
"No." I chuckle. "Well I mean sometimes. No more though. That was the old us, it's not us anymore."
"I agree momma. Now think she will notice if we slip under the covers?" He teases.

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