Chapter 33

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The days leading up to Christmas went pretty smoothly. Or at least well enough to satisfy me, who desperately wanted it all to be ok and maybe even swept under the rug to some degree. Bc of that, I tended to overlook some tell tale signs that Prince was still taking things stronger than over the counter medication. Probably what should have been the most obvious red flag was that he only wanted to pleasure me. Anytime I went to reach for his dick, he would say how much he wanted to please only me. I took it as some sort of apology and relished in all his attention to my pleasure instead of his own. I wanted to see it as selfless, but there was this voice inside of me that screamed "this man hasn't had sex with you, of any kind, in weeks, and he still only wants to please you! Something is off!!!" I shut that voice up and so did he anytime he brought me to an earth shattering orgasm with his fingers or tongue or both. He didn't seem to have lost any ability there, when it did happen. He still wasn't as present with the girls as I wished, but more than he was in the few weeks prior. Or at least he wasn't hiding out in the bedroom or studio to watch tv or doze off in a chair. He was at least doing that in the living room with us around.
I got a little concerned on Christmas Eve when he couldn't seem to keep any of our names straight. I got called Devon, Devon got called Waverly, and Waverly got called Jensen more than once during dinner. At first I just laughed it off but when it happened numerous times I got a sinking feeling. Prince seemed to get agitated and frustrated every time he did it.
After dinner, he tried helping me with the bedtime routine. We stripped both the girls down to take a bath. We put Devon in the big bathtub while laying Waverly in the baby tub and sat it down in the actual bathtub. Devon was so excited about Santa coming, that she kept jumping around in the water. "Better watch out! Better watch out!" She sang, trying to remember the words to "Santa Claus is Coming to Town."
"Devon, stop splashing!!! You're getting water in the baby's face!" Prince harshly scolds her.
She plops down and says "I sowwy. I esided daddy!" She gives him the cutest smile and squeals.
Prince chuckles "well you have to be asleep for him to come, remember? So you need to start winding down."
We tag teamed it and I washed Waverly while Prince attempted to clean a hyper Devon. As we got them out to dry and get on pajamas, we decided to switch. He lifted Devon out and wrapped a towel around her. As I went to hand Waverly off to him, she tumbled off of his grasp. I shrieked and helped him catch her before she hit the floor. "Oh my god! She's so slippery!" Prince exclaimed, his face was flushed and filled with terror. Knowing how true that is and how I had almost dropped both girls myself, I understood. However, something still felt a little off about the whole thing. Waverly started screaming to the top of her lungs, which seemed to further aggravate Prince. Devon then starts crying bc she's witnessed the whole thing. "Devon, be quiet!!! She's fine!! Quit crying!" Prince yells at her.
"Babe!" I whisper, glaring at him. "It scared her too. Stop being so stern with her. She's not doing anything wrong."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry baby girl." He sweetly apologizes, squatting down to her level. He takes Waverly off his shoulder and cradles her, showing her to Devon. "Look. See, she's ok. It just scared all of us, didn't it?"
Devon nods her head, wiping a tear from her cheek with her fluffy purple towel.
"You're such a good big sister." I tell her, wrapping her up in my arms. "You thought sissy got hurt, didn't you? But she's alright. She didn't hit the floor...."
"Did Santa see that?" Devon interjects.
"Um....I don't know." I respond, looking up at Prince for help.
"Nah, probably not. He's flying around on his sleigh right now delivering all the presents. Plus it was an accident. He wouldn't be mad." Prince laughs. "Or if he was it would be at daddy..."
"Daddy on the naughee wist!" Devon exclaims.
"No!" I correct her. "Daddy wasn't trying to hurt Waverly on purpose. Bad things happen sometimes Devon. We can't help that." I tried to explain.
Prince clutches my hand and I look up to see a him teary eyed, smiling at me. "Thanks momma." He replies, leaning in for a kiss which Devon stole before our lips could touch. She kissed Prince first and then me, causing us both to giggle.
"At least she seems to want both of us now and not just you." I laugh.
Prince got the diaper, pjs, and sleep sack on Waverly and brings her to me to feed before laying her down for the night.
"Ok honey let Devon put 2-3 cookies we made this afternoon out on a plate for Santa and help her pour a small glass of milk please." I instruct  Prince and a very eagerly awaiting Devon.
"Come on daddy." She squeals and grabs his hand, dragging him towards the kitchen. I listen to their cute conversation about Santa and his reindeer and can't help but smile. Finally it feels like Christmas, joy and peace. I look down at a nursing Waverly and smile at my happy baby. In the midst of everything we hadn't taken her to the audiologist yet, but I was hoping to get that done after the holidays. Everything looked great at her one month checkup and her two month one was quickly approaching. I didn't have any concerns about her hearing. I had actually seen her startle to an obnoxious Devon playing, laughing, and singing near her. I was thankful for such a content and easy going baby. I don't think I could handle everything going on if she was a handful. I listen as Devon chooses the cookies. "Ok put a weindeer one on the pwate." She orders Prince.
"Ok." I hear his smooth voice.
"And a Santa bc he's Santa!" She shrieks.
"Alright." Prince chuckles.
"And a candy cane, and a snowman, and a..."
"No. Devon, only two. That fat, old man..."
"Prince!" I yell out from the couch.
"Sorry! Dev, kids all over the world are leaving him cookies. If we leave too many he will get a belly ache. So just two and some milk." He instructs her.
"Ok daddy. And weinseer food too. Right daddy?" She asks sweetly.
"Yes baby. It's in the pantry in a plastic bag. Let her sprinkle it outside." I yell, making Waverlys  heavy eyes pop open. "Sorry, sugar." I whisper.
While they bundled up and made their way downstairs, I put Waverly down in her crib in her room. She had been there for the last few nights when I went back to our bedroom. She had done great and most of the time slept a solid 6-8 hours before crying to be fed. I made my way down to join Prince and Devon. This was the first year I felt like she was old enough to participate in some of the traditions I enjoyed so much while growing up. Once I got down there I saw Prince standing out in the snow, holding Devon and looking up. I walk out to greet them. "Hey what are y'all looking at? Do you see Santa up in the sky?" I laugh.
"No, I'm trying to figure out how we throw this stuff up on the roof." Prince whispers to me.
"What?!" I giggle. "You throw it on the ground honey."
"But I thought they land on the roof so Santa can come down the chimney?" He says in all seriousness.
"Well while they are waiting for him, they fly down to the ground and eat." I reply, shrugging my shoulders.
He handed the bag to Devon and let her throw it on the snow. "Ok bedtime, little girl." I announce. We tuck her in and try to answer her thousand questions and lull her busy, anxious mind and body to sleep. She finally passes out after 10:00, which is almost two hours passed the normal time she goes to bed.
I quickly gather the toys to her and Waverly from Santa and place them under the tree. Prince works on eating the cookies and drinking the milk. Finally we were ready go to bed ourselves. As soon as we get into the bedroom and close the door, I turn towards my husband. "Thanks for helping me with everything tonight baby. It will mean a lot to the girls when they get older, believe me. Some of my most fond memories as a child are of Christmas and preparing for it." I tell him, giving him a peck on the lips.
"I'm glad we can give them experiences I never had. Sorry when I seem dumb when it comes to a lot of this stuff. We just didn't do it. At all. I barely even know all the stuff about Santa. I was right about having to be asleep for him to come, right?"
"Yes." I chuckled. "I hope Dev doesn't try to sneak out of her bed tonight. At least the stuff is out if she does though. The worst would be getting caught in the middle of the act."
"She's done that more than once." He jokes. "Speaking of..."
"Make love to me, baby. Please. I've missed your body..."
"I'll please you tonight momma." He says, rubbing his hand on the crotch of my pants.
"No, honey, that's all you ever do anymore. What's going on? Don't you want to get off.."
"Yes. Of course I do. Baby, the hip pain has gotten so bad though. I don't think I can physically do it. Well I mean enjoy it without hurting." He explains, his head down in shame.
"Prince, you've got to go see a doctor. You can't go on like this. It's obviously not getting better on its own. You've been off tour for over three months now. It's had time to recover, and it's not..."
"I know. I will. Let me please you tonight. Sometimes it's better in the mornings. Maybe we can try sex when we wake up." He suggests.
"Ok. I'll just wait. I want all of you. Tonight let's just hold each other." I whisper, leading him to the bed. We strip off our clothes and wrap our bodies around each other.
I got up once around 5:00 to feed Waverly and she went right back down by 5:30. I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up at 8:00 and neither girl was up. I knew this might be our only opportunity before one of them woke up. I rolled over and pulled the covers down to see Prince sporting morning wood. I smiled and bit my lip in anticipation of having sex for the first time in months. I took a firm grasp of his dick and nibbled on his ear. "Prince, baby, wake up. Merry Christmas. Make love to me. Please." I whisper in his ear.
He stirs with a slight stretch and moan and opens his eyes. "Merry Christmas, beautiful. Both the babies still asleep?"
I nod my head anxiously, peering into his eyes, desperate for him to ravage me. He lays me on my back and climbs on top of my trembling body. "Why are you shaking, baby?" He asked, placing his soft hand on my legs, causing them to part.
"I guess I'm a little nervous." I admitted. "But I'm ready. I don't want you to hold back....I mean unless it hurts." I add cautiously.
"I'm feeling pretty good right now." He mutters, taking his fingers and sliding it up and down my slit, gathering liquid. "You do feel ready. And he's ready." He says, thumping his hard shaft on my core. He pulls his dick back and lines up his tip to my dripping entrance.
"I can't wait any longer, daddy." I moan. He slowly enters me until we are flush skin to skin and he stops. "Shhhhhiiiiitttt." He breathes out. "Been way too fucking long. God your pussy feels better every time you have one of my babies, I swear." He groans, leaning down to capture one of my nipples aggressively in his mouth. He begins to pump in and out of me at a steady pace. I was so ready and wet that it only took a few thrusts before the sloshing sound of his strokes on my wet pussy filled the room. "Momma, I am going to bust..."
"No, daddy, not yet." I beg. "Let me ride you."
I get on top of him, rocking my body back and forth. It felt so good I was hoping our girls stayed asleep until we were able to finish on our own without rushing. I started to squat over him so I could bounce up and down, knowing it drives him as wild as it drives me. "Wait, baby girl. I'm not sure that's a good idea with my hips." He orders.
"Oh ok." I say, trying to hide my disappointment and lower myself to a sitting position.
"I'm sorry. Keep your knees up. You can ride me that way." He suggests, putting each of his hands under the bend of my knee and pushing me forward and back.
I throw my head back, massaging my engorged breasts that really needed some relief. "Tell me you love me, Prince." I plead, looking back at him, my breasts still in my fists.
"I don't know any man who wouldn't love a woman who's holding her own tits while riding him." He laughs.
"I'm serious. I need to know..."
"Of course I love you. More than ever. I just want to love and take care of you and our girls..."
"We need you baby." I say desperately, releasing my breasts and leaning down on top of him. I continue to slide up and down his rock hard dick, searching for my release bc I could sense a kid about to stir. "You have to be here for your girls..."
"I will be baby. I'm not going anywhere." He assures me. "Don't threaten to send me away. Don't threaten to leave. That stuff doesn't help me...."
"I'm sorry. Baby I will love you through anything." I assure him, my voice beginning to break from my impending orgasm. "Oh God baby. Cum with me." I beg.
"Ok. Inside you momma?" He hesitantly asks.
"Yes." I cry out. "I'm ready!"
He gives a couple hard thrusts upwards, sending us both into orbit. We both cry out to the lord over and over through our high. Thankfully I had locked the door behind us last night bc the next thing we hear is Devon banging on our bedroom door. "Mommy! Daddy! Stop pwaying to God. Santa came!!!" She squeals in delight.

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