Chapter 10

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After Prince's stellar performances at the Hall of Fame ceremony, many articles were written and published. By the time the show aired on VH1 the following week after the ceremony, everyone and their grandma seemed to be talking about it and wanting to see a show on his tour. The few tickets that were left at some of his concerts were snatched up immediately and demand got so high, that Prince added a bunch of new cities and dates to the tour, bringing the grand total to 96 shows in a little less than six months. 
The even crazier thing about it is there is no consistency on how large the venues will be in each city. In some places, the attendance will be less than eight thousand, while other places it will be as many as sixty thousand. But I know Prince well enough that it doesn't matter how many people are there or how big or little the space is, he will give them the best show. Since so many shows were added last minute, we were going to have even less chance of coming home between shows. But Prince promised we wouldn't miss any prenatal appointments, they might just not happen exactly on time. He suggested we offer Dr. Thatcher the opportunity to come on tour with us, but I brought him back to reality by saying she had lots of other patients and a family that I highly doubt she wanted to up and leave for months.
As we loaded up early the next morning, Prince, Devon, and I were on one bus, the band had two buses to share, which they mainly did females on one bus and males on the other, and Kim and Brian on a fourth, and smaller, bus. As we got on board, there was Neville, in the driver's seat, eager to drive.
"Well hello strangers." He greeted us. "You've added someone new since the last time I saw you two." He teased.
"This is Devon." I introduced her to him. He gave her a big smile and wave and asked if she wanted to look at all his cool stuff. That intrigued her and she got out of my arms and ran up to him. He put her in his lap and he showed her the big steering wheel and a bunch of gadgets and buttons. "So last time I saw you two lovebirds, you were about to get married. Looks like that worked out well for you. You're still together and have a cute kid...."
"And one on the way." Prince informed him, rubbing my belly. I shot him the "we aren't telling people" death stare.
"Congratulations! How old is Devon here?" He asked us.
"Two!" She exclaimed, throwing two fingers up in his face.
"You're two?! That's a great age! So a two year old and one on the way. When are you due?"
"First part of November, so you don't have to worry about her going into labor on the bus or anything." Prince jokes. "And she feels great, so hopefully no listening to her puke either."
"Prince!" I huff. "Maybe I should just stay here. You're making me sound like a real drag."
"Now mood swings, I can't help us there." Prince continues to tease.
"Well sounds like y'all have your hands full. I guess I shouldn't expect this bus to be rocking the way it used to." Neville chuckles.
"I hope that wasn't a jab about my music abilities bc you better believe I can still rock out even if I am a father now. And if you're referring to literal rocking, well, yes we will still be banging each other in the back of the bus." Prince laughs.
I felt my face grow bright red out of both embarrassment and anger. Without saying a word, or even bothering to grab Devon, I storm off to our bedroom in the back. Sometimes I could straggle him and take pleasure in it. A few minutes later, I hear the door creep open and he walks in with Devon in his arms. "Babe she's hungry. Is there stuff on here for her to eat?"
"Of course there is. Go find it and feed her..."
"Hey! What's your problem?" He growls.
"If you have to ask that, then you seriously are clueless." I fire back.
"What?! The having sex in the back of the bus comment. Come on Jensen..."
"Not just that, but yes that along with telling him I'm pregnant which I thought we agreed not to..."
"Honey he's going to be around us a lot. You're already showing a little. I thought it was the respectful thing to do since he will be stuck on a bus with us for hours on end." Prince defended his actions.
"Ok. Whatever. But then saying I won't go into labor or be puking but I am moody. That wasn't respectful to me. You made it all sound like it was MY problem, like it's not your baby too. It was rude and uncaring...."
"You know I don't think that. I'm sorry it came off that way. I was just trying to be funny. Apparently it wasn't." He apologized.
"It's ok. I'm just a little sensitive right now I guess and a little nervous about this tour. How Devon is going to adjust, me being pregnant and so far away from our doctor, then adding all these new dates and now for sure barely be able to come home..."
"I love that you are getting all this off your chest right now, as we are pulling out to leave. Great timing, Jensen. What stopped you from saying this before now?" He asked, irritation heavy in his voice.
"I'm not saying I don't want you to tour or don't want Devon and me to come along. I only said I was worried. Sorry. Didn't know I couldn't express my concerns to you. I'll keep them to myself." I respond hatefully.
"And I didn't say I don't want to hear your concerns. It's just maybe you should have said something, oh I don't know, before I added twenty something new dates. Bc if you recall I did ask you before giving the go ahead."
"I know, and I appreciate you running it by me first..."
"Yeah and from what remember, you said how awesome it was and joked about more money for us."
"I still feel that way. I'm so excited for you. This tour is going to be amazing. All I'm saying is I'm nervous about this new adventure. Geez!"
"Hungry!" Devon whines, obviously as done with our conversation as I was.
"Come on." Prince tells her and leaves without another word to me. I sigh and fall back on the bed. This is not how I envisioned the tour starting out. If we were already at each other's throats, one of us will be dead by the end of the tour. The first trimester drowsiness caught up with me and I was passed out soon after he left. Awhile later, he was back beside the bed, saying my name.
"What?" I moan, annoyed that he was waking me.
"We are stopped for lunch. Do you want to get off or eat something on here?"
"I'll stay on here...and sleep." I respond, rolling over so I was facing away from him and Devon. "She should have had a nap..."
"She did. Don't tell me how to parent. I know what to do." He spat. "Good thing too since her mom does nothing but sleep..."
"I'm pregnant, you asshole!" I shriek, turning back to glare at him.
"Don't cuss in front of her." He warns me. "I understand you're tired, but you have a duty as her mom to take care of her. So get up and do it!" He puts her down on the bed beside me and starts to leave.
"So you're just leaving us on here alone?"
"Yep. You said you didn't want to go eat..."
"But I bet she does."
"Then feed her. You haven't forgotten how to do that, have you?"
"You're being a jerk! If this is how it's going to be, I just want to go home!" I shriek, getting up out of bed and picking Devon up.
"I can arrange that. You can leave Devon with me and go home and sleep the whole six months."
"Fuck you!" I yell, pushing passed him to the door.
He comes up behind us and palms it shut. "Chill out and put my daughter down until you have calmed yourself."
"She's my daughter too. How about she and I just go home and you can stay on the road. I'm sure you wouldn't miss us for long. Not once the shows start and you get to play almost every night. And don't forget all the new pussy that will be thrown at you, especially with no pregnant wife or kid around...."
"Actually it would probably be a lot of the same old pussy I've already screwed." He chuckles.
"You think that's funny?! Well they probably have daughters now so you can start on a whole new generation. You like them young anyways..."
"Yeah that's why I'm still with 30 year old you...bc I'm into really young girls. Would you stop?!" He pleads.
"I just want to go home. I knew this was a bad idea. It's not going to work. Touring and a family don't mix."
"Are you asking me to choose?!" His eyes growing wide.
"Nope! I'm saying we are going home. You stay."
"Don't talk to me like I'm a dog. You aren't going anywhere..."
"Excuse me?!"
"I didn't stutter. I said you're staying." He responds.
"You can't keep us here. We will visit." I suggest.
"I'm not doing this! Fine! Fuck it! I'm canceling the tour. We are turning around as soon as we leave here...."
"No!" I shriek.
By this point we had gotten so loud and angry, that Devon begins to cry. "Stop mommy! Stop daddy! No fight!"
Prince and I stopped and stared at each other. Without having to exchange any words, we knew the argument was over. We had done what we had worked so hard not to do since Devon was born....fight in front of her. Prince reached out and took her, walking out the door and off the bus. A couple minutes later, he returns to the back, without Devon. I'm still standing dumbfounded and tears trickling down my face. He walks straight up to me and kisses me desperately. Out of pure instinct, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. We both pull away, our chests heaving up and down, and simultaneously pant out "I'm so sorry!" He grabs me, hoisting me into his arms and lays me down gently on the bed. "I don't want you to leave momma. Stay with me. Don't take Devon..."
"I won't. I would never do that. I'm sorry I said that. I don't want to ruin this experience for you. But I'm afraid if I stay, I might..."
"No. If you leave, it will be ruined. I'll cancel the tour without you and Devon. I don't mean that as an ultimatum baby, I just can't do this without y'all by my side."
"Why do we say such things to each other? You hurt me and I know I hurt you too. You're the last person I want to hurt. And now we've fought in front of Devon." My voice cracks as I choke back the sobs.
"It's ok momma. She won't even remember it. We can't be perfect. We've been damn good parents. And we will continue to her...and to our new baby." He adds, pulling up my dress and caressing my bare belly. "You can't be stressing darling. It's not good for you or the baby. I promise I'll do everything in my power to keep our lives as normal as possible. Just trust me. Ok baby?" He looks into my eyes, begging me.
"Ok. But you've got to remember I'm pregnant. I'm not trying to be lazy or not care for Devon, I..."
"Oh honey. I'm so sorry I said that. I was mad bc I thought you didn't want to be on tour. I went for the low blow like an immature asshole. Of course I want you to rest. You're growing my baby..."
"OUR baby." I correct him with a giggle. "Make love to me."
"You don't want to eat anything?"
"I didn't say that." I laugh, reaching down to unbutton his pants. "Let's feast together."

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