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Never done one before and I'm sitting in a waiting room so why not!

Name: Hayley

Age: 35

Sexuality: Straight

Best Friend: Her name is Allison and we have been besties since high school. My only child and her first are only 3 months apart 🙂

Favorite Movie: Seriously! I don't know! I don't watch too many anymore. When I was a kid it was Wizard of Oz but I'm not really into it now. I like comedies and romantic movies mostly but I can get into some good dramas and action movies sometimes. Not into Sci-Fi.

What are you listening to right now: People talking in waiting room and the weather channel on the tv

Favorite Holiday: Any that give me a good excuse to eat so all of them. Probably Christmas if I had to choose one.

Three things I love: My son, chocolate, sleeping

Turn ons: Sense of humor, honesty, kindness, intelligence...all the normal stuff

Do I have a crush? Real life nope but of course Prince. Also Mark Wahlberg for a very long time but after the Marky Mark days. Lenny!

Do I use sarcasm? Nah 😜

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