Chapter 44

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After some discussion, Dr. Curren felt certain that Prince was mainly just a prescription drug addict and though he may have experimented some with recreational drugs, they weren't the source of his addiction. He said there are four main medications used to help wean people off opioids. They are Buprenorphine, Suboxone, Naltrexone, and Methadone. The doctor's suggestion was Buprenorphine bc the addiction potential was lower and it can be administered by the patient at home. We all decided it was the best one to try first. Not long after taking his first dose of it, Prince seemed to mellow out and withdrawal symptoms subsided. Dr. Curren explained how the people who were the most successful at getting and staying clean were the ones who combined medication to help wean them off, along with behavioral therapy. Of course couples therapy, in Prince's case, would also be beneficial. The plan was for Prince to take Buprenorphine for the first couple weeks while the withdrawal symptoms would be worst, and then slowly lower dosage until he wasn't taking anything. He would then need to talk to a doctor about his hips and not allow painkillers to be an option for treating them.
That afternoon, when it was just Prince and me, I asked him about his drug supplier. He was hesitant to tell me anything at first, but eventually admitted that he had a dealer and a runner. He had never even met the dealer in person, and made sure the runner only delivered the drugs when nobody was around, normally in the middle of the night. When I asked how he even got in touch with a drug dealer in the first place, he acted like it wasn't that hard when you just ask around, someone always knows someone. I asked if anyone working for him helped him and he assured me it was none of his employees. I wasn't completely convinced since, besides people in his band, employees, and church friends, Prince doesn't really talk to anyone else in Minnesota. Unless it was an old friend or something. I decided not to dwell on that issue, but made it clear that he was not to have contact with the dealer or runner anymore. In a surprising move, he actually got his phone and gave it to me. He said he didn't trust himself yet and wanted me to take his phone and not give it back to him until everyone thought he was ready. A part of me had to wonder though if he knew the number by heart and could dial it from any phone. I, again, decided not to ask bc I knew it took a lot for him to hand over his phone and wanted to encourage, instead of discourage, him. Later that night, I happened to look at his phone and saw a voicemail from someone in his phone named "Banks." I listened to it and it was obviously the dealer. "Hey man, I haven't heard from you in a few days. Hope you haven't found another dealer. You know I'm the best. I can hook you up with anything you want. Let me know if you want to try something new or want more of the usual. Call me back."
The guy obviously sounded shady and slimy as fuck and it saddened me that Prince had reduced himself to associating with someone of that caliber. I immediately erased it, hoping that the guy would eventually give up. But since Prince is wealthy, I'm sure he won't want to lose his business. There is no telling how much money Prince had spent on drugs the last few months. How to handle the dealer was something I needed to address with Laura right away to figure out the best way to approach it.
Over the next couple of weeks, things went fairly smoothly as far as Prince being weaned off the drugs. "Banks" had called a few more times and Laura had suggested to just ignore the calls and hope that he eventually gets the picture and stops calling. Prince had sessions everyday with Laura and I did too, but we were only doing it separately at the moment, per her suggestion. And we weren't focusing on our marriage, just Prince's sobriety. However, one day Laura did bring up our girls being with Lenny. "So how much longer are you going to stay away from your children?" She just flat out asked during the middle of a session.
"I don't know. I miss them terribly but I call everyday and check in and they seem..."
"So when you're calling, how much time are you spending conversing with Lenny?" She interrupted me.
"Well since the girls are so little and he's the main caregiver, I rely on him for information about them." I said, slightly defensive.
"In my opinion, you need to find another option...and quickly....."
"I don't have another option!" I growled. "I don't have any family that can do it and neither does Prince! I guess we could force one of the employees to do it...."
"Yes or hire a nanny." She interjects, making me feel like I could easily find another way. "They don't need to he half way across the country, for this long, with your ex husband..."
"You sound like Prince." I rolled my eyes. "Guess he's gotten to you..."
"No, I don't let clients get to me, Jensen. I am a professional. If this particular situation continues much longer, I can see damaging effects to not only your marriage, but your daughters." Laura defended herself.
"How so?!" I exclaimed. "I trust Lenny and anyone else he has helping him. They wouldn't do anything to harm..."
"That is not what I'm saying, Jensen. I'm not saying they aren't taking excellent care of them. I'm sure they are. But having your ex husband bond with your children to this level, when they are both at the age where attachment is vital, isn't wise on so many levels. I'm sure Lenny is just trying to help out and he should be commended for that, but your children need to be around their parents at least some. You need to bring them back to Minnesota." She suggests.
"But then I won't be able to focus on Prince full time..."
"You don't need to. And you could even start with them not living here but at least coming over most days, if not everyday."
"And where are they supposed to go?!"
"I'm sure you have enough employees and friends that would be willing to rotate them around for a little while until something more permanent can be put into place. You've already been gone almost three weeks, and Prince has been gone out of their lives for three months. It needs to come to an end." Laura orders.
"Prince chose..."
"We aren't going to get into a blame game." She demands. "He wants his children back home, and I agree they should be close enough they he can see them anytime he desires."
"I think this is bullshit!" I shriek. "He's the one who fucked it all up and now what he just gets a slap on the wrist and gets his way. As usual!"
"Jensen, do you even want your marriage to work? Or do you want Prince to be a productive father to your children?" Laura asks, stunned by my outburst.
"I am feeling ganged up on. Are you sleeping with him or something bc you sure seem to view everything his way...."
"No! Fuck you Laura! They're my children and I'll do what I think is best. And right now I am thinking yeah maybe they do need me. So maybe I just need to go back to LA and see them. You and Dr. Curren can deal with getting Prince clean. You, at least, seem to think the sun rises and sets on his ass and he needs that more than someone like me who can't even stand him anymore. So I'll get you his phone to keep in your possession and write down his daily schedule and what and when he eats like he's a damn baby...."
I don't even wait to hear what she has to say before I storm out of the room. I could hear her hot on my trail as I went to retrieve his phone from the bedroom. As I burst through the door, Prince had apparently just gotten out of the shower. He was standing, in a towel, grabbing out socks and underwear from the dresser. "Getting ready for your session with Laura?" I ask, going over to the end table where I kept his phone.
"Yeah. How did your session..."
"Oh it went marvelous!" I said sarcastically. "I'm finding your phone for her. She's going to be your babysitter or whatever you want her to be now. You two can talk it out or fuck it out or continue whatever is going on to make her think you are so fucking perfect and I'm the shitty one! How does that even happen?! You raped me! You beat me! You abandoned our children! Yet I'm the bad one?! You're good, Prince! Whatever it is you say and do to convince people that you're a saint, you have perfected it! All those years of playing a victim and manipulating people I guess. I'm going back to LA. I don't want to be here. I want to be with my kids and around people who see things for how they really are, not for how you twist them to be!"
"What are you talking about?!" He exclaims, concern written all over his face. "She doesn't see everything my way! That's ridiculous! And I haven't tried to convince her, or anyone, to think I'm the good guy and you're the bad guy. I've done a lot of terrible things, especially lately, and she and I are working through that...."
"Just save it! All listening to you does is confuse me more bc you always seem so sincere, even when you're full of shit!"
"Jensen, please don't stay in LA with my girls. Go and get them and bring them back if you want but..."
"I don't want them around you!" I yell, tears burning my eyes. "I'm leaving!" I race to the door, running into Laura on my way to the living room. She grabs ahold of me.
"Let go of me!" I demand.
"Jensen. Listen to me. I've been thinking this for the last couple weeks, but today has proved it to me. I think you are suffering from postpartum depression. You need to stay and let me help you. We can get your kids here if you want, but you don't need to run off. If you don't get help, you will probably get worse. It can be very serious. You could hurt yourself or your children and I know you don't want that."
"I would never hurt my kids! You need to be worried about Prince, not me." I angrily tell her.
"I'm worried about both of you, and I want to help both of you. Prince is making great progress, while you continue to get worse. You are showing a lot of classic signs, and it makes perfect sense with all that's happened..."
"Oh so Prince is normal and I'm the crazy one??!! I swear I'm in the fucking Twilight Zone. You're nuts Laura! You either have completely lost your senses and need to find a new occupation or you want to be on Prince's good side for whatever reason. Maybe you want in his pants. Well let me tell you..."
"Shut up, Jensen!" I hear Prince's voice command. "Why do you always go there with me and other women?! There's nothing going on between Laura and I. If she thinks you have postpartum, you need to listen to her and let her help you. You knows she's trustworthy..."
"Fuck you two! Y'all have come up with some little scheme or something. What are you trying to do? Does Prince want to divorce me and get custody of the kids?! Are you helping him by making it look like I'm unfit?!" I accuse. "Let go of me! I don't trust either of you! I may not have the money to fight you Prince, but I'll be damned if I let you take my kids and make me look crazy!!!"
"Baby I don't want that!" Prince assures me. "I don't even want a divorce. I want us both to get back to normal and get our girls back here and all live together again. I'm not out to get you momma." He steps towards us and Laura tries to pass me off to his embrace.
"No!" I scream, shoving him away. I stare at the both of them, not knowing who or what to believe.

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