Chapter 18

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Maria and Diana had been missing Devon so badly that they both decided to take her for a night at their houses. So we had some time alone when we returned from our appointment that evening. As I was getting ready to take a soak, Prince decides to join me. "Awe the luke warm baths." He jokes. "Actually when you're not pregnant, you normally get it too hot for my liking!"
"I do like the water to turn my ass red!" I laugh.
"I can turn your ass red."
"How?" I ask, looking up at him while laying back on his chest and stomach.
"Smack it a bunch of times or ram into you from behind hard and long enough." He explains.
"You're so sweet." I chuckle. "So, another girl. I can't say I'm surprised, but still kinda am."
"I hope that's a good surprise. You're not disappointed, are you momma? I would never want to disappoint you." He says, tenderly, while lightly massaging the tops of my shoulders.
"No, I'm not disappointed at all. But I do want a boy someday. Maybe next time." I smile and moan at the pleasure his hands were delivering.
"I'll try real hard next time baby." He laughs. "The only thing I'm a little worried about is coming up with another girl name we will agree on."
"Ug! It was dang near impossible last time! Maybe one of us should just pick it this time and the other person can pick the name of the next baby." I suggest.
"Well what if there isn't another baby? That wouldn't really be fair to whoever doesn't get to choose it this time. I don't want the other person disliking the name of their own child either. Surely we can find something we both can live with." He adds.
"I literally have no ideas. Do you?" I ask.
"Not really. Maybe we should let Devon pick." He jokes.
"No! She will name her Devon or something crazy!" I laugh. "We've used up family names. This is going to stress me out. I hadn't really thought much about names yet."
"Relax momma. We still have plenty of time. Something perfect will come to us. I just know it." He assures me.
"I guess you're right. So by the time this baby comes, Devon will be inching up on three. So maybe instead of buying another crib, we could get her a big girl bed and let the baby have Devon's crib. What do you think?"
"We could. If Devon's ready. Again, we have plenty of time baby. Once the tour is over, we will have almost two solid months to figure everything out. I don't want this baby girl only having hand me downs though!"
"You think Devon is going to share her toys! You're dreaming!" I giggle.
"I know we joke about it, but I really think she will do ok. It will be an adjustment but she will get used to it. She may even be a great helper. She sure likes to take care of her baby dolls. Hey and at least the baby crying at night wont keep Devon up since we take the outer part of her implant off at night." He laughs.
"Way to see the sliver lining babe." I giggle. "I am starting to feel a little guilty though. I don't want Devon to think we are replacing her."
"Oh momma, stop. Most people have siblings. It doesn't damage them. She will be fine. She won't even remember life as an only child." He kisses the top of my head. "Let's get washed and get out. This bath has turned straight up cold now."
"You know Devon won't be home for a couple of days. We can have loud sex anywhere and anytime we want." I say while slipping on my silk robe.
"Want to start now?" Prince asks, drying off.
"Of course." I giggle, scurrying out of the bathroom, making him come chase and find me.

We made the most of our sex life while Devon was away, but we were excited about her coming home. Diana brought her home on Wednesday afternoon and asked how our appointment went. We told her everything looked great and we think it's another girl. She was so excited for us, and said she wanted to see us and Devon again before we head back out in a few days. After she left, we decided to tell Devon the big news. "Hey baby girl, guess what mommy has in her belly?" I ask, placing her hand on my stomach.
"Baby!" Devon squeals.
"That's right. But it's going to be a girl, like you!" I tell her eagerly. "You're going to have a sister!"
"Ok." She says, nonchalantly and gets down from my lap to find a toy.
"Non excitement is better than a meltdown I suppose." Prince chuckles.
"I guess. Not sure she will fully comprehend it until the baby is here."
"Then she will definitely comprehend it! That's when the meltdown temper tantrums will begin." He jokes.

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