Chapter 5

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At some point I woke up to a sensation between my legs. I jolt up, afraid it was Devon crawling around. "Lay back down momma."
Prince demands. The bedroom door was now completely closed so it was really dark, but I feel Prince removing my panties. "Where's Devon?"
"I put her in her crib. She fell asleep really fast." He responds. I feel the tip of his stiff tongue flicking at my already swollen pearl. "Oh God!" I moan, grabbing his hair tightly. "I've missed you, missed this, so much lately baby."
"Me...too...babe." He responds between kisses to my lower lips. "Our time apart is almost over. Tour is about to start. We are so close to being ready. Not much longer now."
"Mmmmmm good." I reply, throwing my head back, enjoying the tingling feeling that was taking over my whole body. He continues to work me over for several minutes using only his tongue. Up and down my dripping slit, around and around my pulsing bud, in and out of my throbbing opening. Suddenly he pulls back and asks, "momma when's the last time you had a period?"
Annoyed that he was stopping my pleasure, I sigh "I don't know. It's been really inconsistent. I promise I'm going to Dr. Thatcher." I assure him, hoping that statement will get him back on track to pleasing my pussy.
"That's not what I was getting at..."
"Oh shit! Did I start? I'm sorry honey. Let's just have sex..."
"No Jensen. I think you're pregnant baby." He responds, excitement evident in his voice.
"What?! Why do you think that?" I slightly giggle as his absurdity.
"I can taste it. It's got that salty taste like the last two times. Do you have a pregnancy test?"
"I'm going to go buy one." He exclaims, raising up.
"Now?!" I shriek.
"Yeah why not?"
"Well bc it is after midnight...and you were pleasuring me." I chuckle.
"Places stay open this late...and think how much more pleasurable it will be once we find out we are having another baby."
"Baby I don't think I'm pregnant."
"Do I need to remind you that you didn't realize you were pregnant with Devon until the second trimester..."
"Shut up!" I laugh. "Neither did you!"
"She wasn't inside me!" He quips.
"I want you inside of me..." I whisper seductively.
"Later. I'll be back as quick as I can." He responds, flipping on the light and slipping on his shoes.
"Honey I don't feel like being disappointed and frustrated tonight. I knew I was pregnant last time right away. Please let's not do this tonight." I plead, shielding my eyes from the brightness.
"Momma I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't feel very confident. Please trust me. It's a very distinct taste and I've only tasted it when you've been pregnant. Ok?"
"Ok." I smile, his words filling with with confidence and elation. "But hurry. I'll drink some water while you're gone."
Half an hour later, I was peeing on a stick. "I've never seen one like this before." I say while we waited.
"I know isn't it cool? It's digital. It will actually say 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant' instead of us having to guess whether or not we actually see some sort of faint lines. I'm sure it's way more accurate. Does it say anything yet?" He asks in an antsy voice.
"No." I respond, glancing down at the test. "It's only been like a minute babe."
"I know what it's going to say anyway. So are you going to be mad that you'll be pregnant on tour..."
"It says not pregnant." I sigh, cutting him off.
"What?!" He exclaims in total disbelief. He grabs the stick and shakes it. "Something's wrong. This thing is a piece of shit!" He yells, flinging it into the trash can. "I'm going to buy another one. I knew I should have bought more."
"No. I'm not taking another one. Just let it go. I'm not pregnant. You were wrong." I respond, choking back my tears. "Let's just go to bed."
"No momma. I know I'm right! Drink some more water and I'll be back..."
"No Prince! Just drop it! Maybe it was something I ate or bc my body is so out of whack. I'm not pregnant. Accept it. I just wish you wouldn't have put it in my head that I was. Now I'm even more disappointed..."
"Baby I wouldn't have said anything if I wasn't sure. I'm telling you that test is wrong. False negative or something..."
"Quit! You're making it worse! I'm going to sleep. I don't want to talk about it anymore." I demand.
"Well can we at least finish what we were doing?" He asked, biting his tongue from mentioning anymore about being pregnant.
"No. I'm really not in the mood now. I warned you." I replied while getting under the covers.  "Goodnight."
"I'm sorry momma. I still think I'm right..."
"Ok goodnight. I love you."
I huff in response and close my eyes, trying to ease my mind and get some rest.
The following day went on like the previous night hadn't happened which I was thankful he had decided to let it lie. We spent the morning getting in a session with Brian and Kim since we wouldn't have another one for a few days. Then Prince and I decided to see if Diana and/or Maria wanted to come with us to NYC to watch Devon during the HOF ceremony. They were missing her like crazy so they both agreed to tag along with us. So we stopped in Minneapolis and picked them up on the way to NYC that afternoon. That evening, Prince left us to go do a practice run on the stage. We were actually staying in the hotel the ceremony was being held at, the Waldorf Astoria. Thankfully he was only gone for about an hour and it must have went well bc he was in a good mood when he came back.
"So who else is getting inducted this year?" Diana asked.
"Jackson Browne, ZZ Top, The Dells, Bob Seger, Traffic, and George Harrison." Prince rattles off.
"George Harrison? I thought he died." Maria remarked.
"He did." Prince responds. "We are doing a tribute to him though. Playing a song of his, shit I can't even remember the name of it at the moment."
"Who is we?" Diana asked.
"Me, Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne, George's son, and probably some other band members, I'm not sure. We are supposed to rehearse it tomorrow."
"While My Guitar Gently Weeps?" Maria asked.
"Yeah! That's it! You've heard of it?" Prince asked, shocked.
"Yes! You hadn't?" Maria matched his stunned expression.
"No. I was like ten when that song came out. And that wasn't really what I listened to growing up." He explained.
"Honey, are you sure you know what you're playing? I mean you didn't even remember the title..." I hesitantly respond.
"I got it Jensen. I'll do my interpretation of it." He smirks.
"Babe! Don't! This is a tribute to him. Not the Prince show. You'll have your own time to perform. His family and the other musicians might not like it if you try to..."
"Momma, I know how to be respectful. Stay in your lane." We winks at me. "Anyway, I'm starving! Y'all want to go somewhere?"
"Baby it's almost 10:00. Everyone has already had dinner. Well I was waiting for you, but everyone else." I explained.
"You two go out. We will put Devon to bed." Diana suggests.
We took her up on that and took a cab to Times Square. The look on the driver's face was priceless when he saw Prince crawl into his backseat. We walked around Times Square for a little while and then popped into a restaurant that was still opened and shared a late night breakfast. "So where should we take Devon tomorrow? All I have on agenda is that tribute rehearsal and then rehearsing with my band. But those aren't until later in the day."
"I don't know. Maybe the Central Park Zoo. She would love that." I suggest.
"Sounds great." Prince agrees.
"So have you written your speech yet?"
"Haven't even started!" He chuckles.
"What?!" I nearly choke on my orange juice. "Oh my gosh babe! Maybe she and I will go to the zoo and you stay in the hotel and work on that!"
"No! I brought her here to spend time with her. I'll write it late tomorrow night or the next day..."
"The next day is the day of the ceremony!"
"It's not until that night. I'll have all day." He laughs. "You ready?"
We head back to the hotel and crash hard since our times were all messed up from traveling that day.
The next day we took Devon to the zoo while Diana and Maria explored some of the City. It was a fairly small zoo, which was the perfect size for Devon's first experience. We went to the children's zoo first. There were sheep, goats, pigs, and a cow. She got to get out and pet them and feed them, which about sent Prince into a germ freak out. "No Devon, don't let it lick your hand!!! Jensen it slobbered all over her hand!"
"Prince it's ok. Calm down. She's having fun." I reply with a giggle.
"Get outta here, goat!" He warns an approaching goat. "No! Stop! Get my shirt out of your mouth. I don't have any food. Go away you disease ridden thing."
"Piggy!" Devon squeals running over to a pot bellied pig. "Oink piggy! Piggy say oink!" She instructed and informed the creature.
She shoves some of the pellets in its mouth. "I don't think that's pig food. Oh well!" I laugh. The pig lets out a loud snort, causing Devon to scream in slight terror. It obviously wasn't the sound she was expecting. But just knowing she could hear it, made my heart flutter. "He snorted!" I tell her. I make a snorting sound, making her laugh. Then she started doing it with me. "Daddy, be piggy!"
"Nah, I'm good." He replies, still shooing goats and sheep away from him.
"Daddy, be piggy!" She demands again.
"Oink." He responds unenthusiastically.
"No!" She does a snort sound to show him what she was wanting him to do.
"I'm not snorting."
"Quit trying to be Mr. Cool and just freaking snort." I command to him.
He sighs loudly and then begins snorting, causing Devon to giggle delightfully.
Before leaving to see more animals, Prince made sure I basically gave her bath in a restroom sink. While we were observing the snow monkeys, I caught Devon sticking her tongue out at it. Unfortunately, Prince saw it too. "Uh huh. See what you started?!" He teased. "Before you know it, that monkey's going to be flipping us off or throwing his shit at us."
We also got to see a snow leopard, grizzly bear, red panda, lemur, and some sea lions and penguins being fed. Devon was passed out from all the excitement by the time we were strolling her out of the zoo and back into the park. Prince and I walked around to the different sights like the fountains and Belvedere Castle. While I sat down by one of the fountains with a stirring Devon, Prince went to grab us something to eat. We found an area to spread out and ate a quick bite and then decided to let Devon ride the carousel and explore at the playground. We had a much needed and fantastic day as a family. We headed back to the hotel around 4:00 to let Prince freshen up and prepare for his rehearsals.
When he returned later that night, I was already in bed waiting on him. I felt bad for turning him down our last night in LA and wanted to make it up to him. I found the sexiest thing I packed and put it on. When he opened the door to our suite bedroom, I pulled the covers back, exposing my barely there outfit to him. However, he didn't come back in the same good mood as the previous night nor when he left after our day together. Still trying to be polite, he sighed "you look sexy momma." But it was apparent something was bothering him. "What's wrong honey?" I asked, slipping on my robe.
"I'm sorry baby. You look really pretty. Just give me a little bit to calm down some."
"What's going on? Did rehearsals go bad or something?" I ask, wrapping my arms around him from behind.
"My personal rehearsal went ok. Not as well as I was expecting though. So I've called for another one early tomorrow. But the tribute one..."
"Oh no. What happened?"
"This guy, Marc, apparently he's one of Jeff Lynne's guitarists, just decided to take over the part I thought I was supposed to solo."
"Well why didn't you just say something?"
"I didn't really feel it was my place. I just told the show's producer, Joel, to let him take the first solo and I'll do the last one at the end of the song. But we really didn't get a chance to rehearse it so I hope when we all come together tomorrow night it isn't a disaster." He sighs.
"Maybe y'all can rehearse it before the show tomorrow." I suggest.
"No, there's no time. I'm sure it will be fine. Just hate going into something unprepared. Anyway, I think I need some inspiration to write my speech." He says seductively.
"Like what?" I tease.
He unties my robe, letting it fall to the floor. "Like that." He says in a deep lust filled voice, eyeing me up and down slowly. "And this." He adds, rubbing my stomach tenderly.
"What do you mean? Are you hungry?" I asked, puzzled.
"No sweetheart." He chuckled. "Baby you're pregnant..."
"Oh Prince please don't start!" I beg.
"Jensen, I feel it. I know it. I called Dr. Thatcher..."
"What? Why? When?" I blurt out.
"Yesterday. I asked her if false negatives are possible and she said they were. I think maybe you drank so much water before the test you diluted..."
"Stop. Just stop!" I was interrupted by Devon crying. I picked up my robe and jerked it back on and went to check on her. When I picked her up, she felt blazing hot. I walk back into the bedroom with her. "I think she's got a fever...."
"Probably from those damn animals." Prince spat. I wasn't sure if he was more angry about her being sick or my refusal to listen to him about being pregnant. "Do we have anything for her to take?"
"No not with us." I respond. "Do you mind going to grab something? Make sure it's children's and liquid form."
"Ok. And I'm going to grab a couple of pregnancy tests..."
"Whatever." I roll my eyes.
When he returns, I immediately give the fever reducer medication to Devon, who was wide awake by this point. "Too bad it won't make her drowsy too." Prince jokes. "Here momma, please pee go on these. If they are both negative too, I promise I'll drop it."
Just to get him to get off my case, I went into the bathroom and peed on a digital and normal one. I laid them on the bathroom counter, washed my hands, and went back into the bedroom. "Give it a couple of minutes." I tell him. "You know I don't want this to upset you. You need to be in a good mind set for tomorrow. I'm worried when these are negative, it's going to put you in a foul mood and damper the enormous accomplishment that..."
"Either way I'll be fine. I promise. I mean I want you to be pregnant of course, but if you're not it doesn't mean you won't be soon. I don't know baby I just really feel you are..."
He was cut off my Devon rushing back into the room, a pregnancy test in each hand. "No Devon! Put those down!" He yells. "God I hope she didn't stick them in her mouth!"
We both start towards her and now she thinks it's a game and takes off laughing. "How is she so fast?!" I remark while trying to catch up to her.
"Bc she's half black!" Prince adds as we both grab her at the same time. I pull one stick from her left hand, as Prince pulls the other one from her right. We look down at the one our own hands simultaneously and both shriek.
"It's positive!" I shout in disbelief.
"Mine too!" Prince yells. We both grab the one the other was holding to take a look. "I knew it! I tasted it!"
"Oh my god! I can't believe it!" I say, sitting down on the floor as to not fall over from shock. "We're having a baby." I smile up at him.
Prince sits down beside me. "I told you. Tell me you're happy."
"Of course I am!" I exclaim.
"Even though you're going to be on tour most of the pregnancy?" He asks hesitantly.
"I don't care where I am. As long as you and Devon are with me." I respond, pulling him by the collar towards me for a sweet passionate kiss.
"No!" Devon yells. "No mommy!"
"Don't start that crap!" I groan.
"Devon, mommy has a baby in her belly. You're going to be a big sister!" Prince tells her.
"No!" She exclaims.
"Haha! That's right. Mommy's baby." I grin, rubbing my belly. "Awe mommy has a baby in her tummy." I add, continuing to stroke my stomach.
"No! Daddy baby in tummy!" She says, raising up his shirt and patting his abdomen.
"I wish!" I giggle as she squats down and hugs his midsection.
"Baby! Awe!" She coos at him.
"That fever has got you delirious child!" Prince laughs, pulling her off of him and kissing her cheek. "Somehow I don't think you're going to be thinking 'awe baby' for long. Not once you find out you have to share mommy and daddy." He chuckles, giving me a look that tells me we are in for quite a ride over the next few months, even more so than we had originally planned.

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