Chapter 6

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Since she was under the weather, we put Devon in our bed that night. In the wee hours of the morning, Prince is standing by my side of the bed lightly shaking me awake. He grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom, where he quickly disrobes me. Again he takes me all in with his elevator eyes and places his hand gently on my belly. He smiles at me and softly rubs my stomach with one hand while brushing my hair away from my face with his other hand. "We didn't get to properly celebrate momma. You're having my baby again." He leans forward and captures my lips with his own. I moan into the kiss as he bites at my bottom lip and tugs.
"I don't want to tell anyone yet. What if I miscarry again?" I solemnly reply.
"You're not going to honey. Be optimistic. You've had a baby before so we know it's possible. Let's not think or talk about that right now. Let's just enjoy this moment, knowing we are expanding our family." He picks me up and sits me on top of the bathroom counter. I wrap my legs around his waist as he pulls down the straps of my outfit and kisses my shoulders and neck. I bury my fingers in his hair, leaning back onto the mirror behind me. He yanks down the cups covering my breasts and uses his tongue to bring my nipples out. He releases the grip my legs held on his body and gently spreads my thighs with the touch of his hands. He firmly grabs hold of the strings of my panties and slides them off me. Lowering his head to my awaiting core, he dives straight to my clit and violently sucks. "Fuck!" I scream out at the intensity.
Pulling back he responds "I knew I was right. My tongue is never wrong."
"Well maybe you could make a career out of that. Women will let you taste their pussy and you can tell them if they're pregnant or not." I joke.
"And you'd be ok with that?" He asks suspiciously.
"Yeah. I mean I'm sure gynecologists' wives don't get mad even though they've been elbow deep in vaginas all day. You'd just be doing your job."
"Yeah right. The first little lick I would give on someone else's clit..." he says while giving mine a slow long stroke with his tongue..."and you'd cut my dick off."
"You're probably right. This belongs to me." I respond, grabbing his tongue with my fingers.
"Ow!" He cries, slapping my hand off. "That fucking hurt! I've got to sing in a few hours. Stop it!"
"This belongs to me too." I say, aggressively grabbing his hardened member through his underwear. "Only me. I'm the only one who gets to see it and touch it." I say, pulling it out and gliding my hand up and down his shaft. "And kiss it." I add, leaning down and giving his tip a peck. "And lick it." I continue, swirling my tongue around the head, causing Prince to hiss through his teeth. "And suck it!" I take more into my mouth, working him in and out.
"That's right baby girl. And you're the only one who can fuck it!" He moans, jerking his underwear off and plunging himself inside me all in one motion. "And I would never want to lick another woman's pussy. Yours is the only one I want to own and taste. The only one that satisfies me. I love you so much."
"I love you too daddy." I groan, gripping onto the edge of the counter. "Don't stop. You feel so good." The sound of my juices flowing echoed off the bathroom walls as he thrusted in and out of me steadily.
He takes my right hand and places it on my pulsing nub. "I want to watch you baby. Put on a show for daddy. Make me cum at the sight of you pleasuring that beautiful pussy."
I gather up some wetness dripping from below and rub it on my aching clit. I begin making circles around and around slowly. "Mmmmmm" Prince groans, while gnawing at his bottom lip. "That's my girl."
I close my eyes and lean my head back on the mirror, getting lost in bringing myself to ecstasy. After a couple minutes of steady circles, I change it up and begin moving my fingers side to side while grinding my hips. "Yes momma. Make yourself feel good." He insists.
One of my favorite sensations is when his warm wet cock pulls out from me and rubs my pearl. It instantly sends chills through my body, so I take my hand and remove him from me and place him on my swollen clit. I jiggle the head of his dick on me furiously. Prince makes eye contact with me and I couldn't hold back any longer while gazing into my lover's eyes. I squirted all over his scrotum and thighs while moaning his name repeatedly. "Oh baby that was amazing." Prince panted out. "Can I finish inside you?"
"Of course." I reply, guiding him back inside me. It didn't take long for him to find his release and collapse on me in exhaustion.
"Ok now I'm inspired to go write my acceptance speech." He chuckles. "Let's get washed up and I'll tuck you back into bed momma."
I don't know how long it took him but I know he was back in bed with us by the time Devon woke up. "How you feeling sweetheart?" I asked as she crawled up and laid her head on my chest. She felt hot again so I asked Prince to get the thermometer and medicine. She had a 101 fever so I gave her another dose of medicine. "Think I should take her to a clinic nearby?" I ask Prince.
"No honey. There's no telling how long that might take. Let's just keep a close eye on her until we have to leave. If her fever gets much higher or she's acting like she feels really bad, Maria and Diana can take her somewhere. I'm sure she will be fine. I know it's scary bc she rarely gets sick." He assures me. "So I'm thinking this outfit for my performance and speech and this one for the tribute? What do you think?" He asks, holding up two different suits.
"I'm thinking since when do you consult me on your clothes?!" I joke.
"Ok you know how I said I never get nervous. Well...I'm nervous. This might be the biggest night of my professional life. Everything has to be flawless." He admits.
"It will be babe. And I like both the outfits. You know what would really go well with that black and red suit?"
"What?" He asked.
"This." I say, leading him towards my luggage. I pull out a red fedora that had an almost cowboy hat look to it and I put it on his head.
"What the fuck is this?" He laughs. "Where did you get it and why did you bring it?"
"It's a fedora I got in LA. I thought it was pretty cool and Devon must have stuck it in my bag bc I didn't even notice it until I unpacked once we got here."
Prince looks at himself in the mirror. "It does look pretty good on me. Maybe you need to put all my outfits together momma."
"Yeah right. I don't need that stress in my life." I joke. "It may not work while you're performing anyway. It might fall off or something."
"I'm not going to get that crazy. I'm just playing a little solo the last couple minutes of the song. Nobody will probably even notice me up there." He says, while taking the hat off and kissing my cheek. "Thanks babe."
"You're going to kill it tonight. Don't worry." I assure him with a tight embrace. "I hope my dress still fits. I haven't tried it on since they finished it before we left for LA. That was weeks ago, and now I'm pregnant."
"Baby you don't look like you've gained a pound yet. I'm sure it will be fine, but you better go try it on just in case we have to send for a new one." He suggests.
I try it on and even though it was more snug than I remembered, it still fit and looked good. "How long should this last? I could do an hour or two in this I suppose."
"Sweetie there is seven of us being inducted. Each person gets to perform, be introduced, and give a speech. Then we are doing the tribute too. When I went in 1997, it was about four hours long." Prince explained.
"Holy shit! I don't know if I can do four hours in this dress!" I shriek.
"Just don't eat anything." He teases.
"You don't care if I don't feed our baby? See you're already being different this go round."
"Of course I care. I was kidding. If you want to find a new dress, I'll have some sent over." He offers.
"No, that's ok. I'll manage. Maybe if I wear it around for awhile, it will stretch out." I laugh.
"Alright honey I gotta get in one more practice with my band. They better be more with it today than last night! I'll be back asap and we will start getting ready." He gives me a quick kiss and jets out.
By 5:00 we were ready to leave. It was supposed to start at 6:00 and this is one time Prince actually wanted to not be late. I could tell he was excited yet nervous, and so was I. Devon seemed to be acting fine and her fever was hovering around 100, so we decided to just let whatever it was run its course unless she got worse tomorrow and then we would take her to the doctor back home in Minnesota.
The seating at the event was round tables with several chairs each. We were seated at a table with Prince's band members, so thankfully I didn't have to make small talk with a bunch of people I didn't know. Prince kicked off the show with about a ten minute performance starting out with a few chords from "Love Bizarre," "Glamorous Life," and "I Feel for You," but then quickly switching to "Let's Go Crazy."

When he started the introduction of it, everyone jumped to their feet and stayed there for the entire performance. After the first chorus, Prince started shredding on the guitar and steamers fell from the ceiling landing all over the stage. I started praying he didn't slip on any of them. Then he features Candy on the sax. I'm a little surprised Prince never messed around with her, her mouth seems pretty talented and even though she hadn't officially joined his band until this tour, he had know her since the 80s. Actually now that I think about it, I guess I don't know that he hasn't ever hooked up with her. Shit! I'm not even going to ask, I don't want to know! Then he rips again on the guitar before transitioning into "Sign O' the Times," which has never been one of my favorites but this will be one of the times I'll stay in my lane about it. He does get the crowd involved and that was cool. And he loses the guitar and dances around a bit and twirls his gun looking mic on his finger so I can't complain too much about the song choice. And I have to admit I smiled like a fool on the line about falling in love, getting married, and having a baby, knowing we had another little one on the way. Then he lets John rock out on the drums. This is evident of the man I know and love. This is his night and he's giving members of his band a turn to shine. When John's hat fell off it made me even more nervous for Prince and his hat later in the show. Without even noticing how or when, Prince has his guitar back in his hands. Then he throws it off stage and does a spin move that looks a little Michael Jackson-ish but I want to stay married to him so I'll keep that to myself forever. The crowd, including me, erupted thinking that was the end, but thankfully it wasn't. He clears his throats and has the crowd start raising the roof and I felt every ounce of my whiteness shining through as I joined along. Feeling sorry for a lady all alone at a table I assume, Bruce Springsteen, who was at the table next to mine, danced over and raised the roof with me. I peed my pants a little for my late mother's sake. Prince yells out "this is your song" and they go into "Kiss," so I knew he was yelling that out to me. He knows it has a special place in my heart bc it's the first song we ever danced to together all those years ago in the club, the beginning of a true friendship between him and me. As he sings the first line, he points directly at me and smiles, further melting my heart. Then it was over not long after that, which was way to soon if you ask me, but I knew I was about to get to watch them for a couple hours or more multiple times until September. We unintentionally timed that just right. If I had to guess, we should be getting off tour probably around my last few weeks of pregnancy.
As Prince exits the stage, and everyone takes their seat, Bruce asked if I was Prince's wife and I responded that I was and he told me how much he admired him and then made his way back over to his own table. When Prince and his band came back and joined me, Prince didn't waste any time making a snide remark about seeing Bruce over at our table. "I see you made a new friend."
"He was telling me how much he admired you."
"Oh ok cool then it's fine that he hits on my wife." He jokes.
"Prince, I think that lady sitting next to him is his wife." I chuckle. "And don't ever give me a hard time about being jealous. You're just as bad."
"I'm sorry. I was mainly teasing. Plus surely you aren't going to leave me for some guy who can't even raise the roof."
"You're so mean. I know I looked stupid doing it too." I laugh.
"No way baby." He said trying to not crack a smile.
"Anyway...your performance was killer. There's nothing that's going to top that tonight!"

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