Chapter 48

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It didn't take long for Prince to try again while we were in the warm shower. "Momma, please, I want you so bad. It's killing me." He begs as he melds his front to my back and whispers deeply in my ear. "Let me make love to my beautiful wife." He snakes his hands around to caress my wet, soapy mounds.
"No baby. Not like this. Not rushed. The girls could wake up anytime. I want it to be special, don't you?"
"I can make it special..."
"Prince." I giggle at his unwillingness to let it go. The poor guy must be about to bust. I don't want him to feel rejected, I just want us to take our time. I want us to really connect and not just have a quickie. Plus my head was so filled with other things, I don't even think I could enjoy it or be as intimate as I want it to be for our first time back together after so long. However, I also don't want to leave him unsatisfied. I turn to watch him washing himself and I have to admit it was turning me on. He doesn't know how sexy he is just doing normal mundane things. "Baby?" I say softly. He couldn't hear me over the running water, so I decided to just forgo the talking. As he turned to rinse his hair, I got down on my knees. He had his eyes shut as the shampoo dripped down his back. He didn't even notice I had lowered myself to his semi-hard dick. I gently grabbed it and placed him in my mouth, looking up for his reaction. It was better than I could even have imagined. He sucked in a deep breath, grabbing my wet hair, and buckling slightly at the knees for a moment. He gained a little composure and stood back up, groaning, and opened his eyes. "Shit Jensen." He purred. "I-I-mmmmmm" he let out a long, satisfied moan as I began to work him harder and faster. He was fully erect in no time and I placed both my hands around his shaft to guide me in the process. Twisting my fists in opposite directions, my mouth and tongue kept focus on the sensitive head of his dick. A steady flow of precum drizzled out of him and into my mouth. I wasn't hearing much of a reaction from Prince and thought maybe he was pissed that I was doing this instead of having actual sex with him. I look up to see his eyes shut tight and his brows furrowed and knew he was fighting off an orgasm. I slowed down a bit, taking my mouth and hands off his member. I sat my butt down on my feet and leaned into his testicles. I swirled my tongue all around them and then gently took one into my mouth, sucking lightly. I snaked my right and up to his firm cock and stroked him while I continued to alternate between his baby-makers. I made sure not to jerk his dick too hard or fast. I didn't want to get him to get there yet. I hear his deep voice moan "feel so fucking good momma. Touch yourself." He demands, replacing my hand with his on his rock hard dick. I didn't stop licking and sucking his undercarriage but I lowered my fingers to my clit and began to draw slow circles. Prince pumped himself as he felt me satisfy him and watched me pleasure myself. After a few minutes, he released me from his scrotum and pushed me back. I knew he wanted to be able to see me better so I sat back, pulling my knees up and placing my feet flat on the shower floor. I spread wide as I comfortably could and smiled up at him. "Don't tease me like that." He demanded, reaching down and pulling me to a standing position. He squatted down and threw my left leg over his shoulder. Thinking he was going to pleasure me like that, I closed my eyes and threw my head towards the ceiling. The next thing I knew, I felt my right leg go up over his other shoulder and he stood up and put me up against the wall. "Oh my God!" I whispered, barely audible. I knew I was probably light as a feather with how thin I had become, but his weight loss apparently hadn't diminished his strength in the least. He was having no problem holding me up, my legs dangling down his back. "Baby!" I exclaim. I could feel my eyes gleaming as my excitement shined through. I had never been in this position before and his face being level with my womanhood turned me on. His hands being behind me, up against the wall, he had only his mouth to gratify me. "Help me out babe."
He commanded, motioning with his head towards my pussy. I shakily took my hands off the wall and pulled upward, exposing my clit from under it's hood. "Thanks." He chuckled, giving it a long slow lick before swirling circles around it. "Oh fuck!" I cry, louder than I intended but it felt like heaven. Knowing he was driving me wild, Prince then began forcefully sucking and tugging on my tender bud. The intensity became overwhelming and my hands grabbed his head, trying to push him back or at least slow him down. He didn't budge but he did go back to swirling around my swollen clit more tenderly. I ran my fingertips through his wet hair, giving it a light scratch with my nails. "I hope this feels half as good as you taste bc you are delicious baby girl. I've missed every single damn part of you..."
"I've missed every inch of you Prince. Take me." I plead, not caring about waiting. I just wanted to feel him inside me. My body was aching for his loving.
"Are you sure?"
I nod my head confidently and he quickly lowers me down and wraps my legs around his waist. "I want you so bad Jensen but I'll wait if you want to wait. We can go to the bed and 69..."
"No." I blurt out, shaking my head. My hands making their way up his arms and down his still chiseled chest. "I mean that sounds like fun." I giggle. "But I'm ready for the real thing." I assert, taking my right hand between our bodies, finding his throbbing dick. I lifted myself up slightly and guided him into my awaiting opening. I removed my hand and wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed myself all the way down, engulfing him entirely. "Shit." We moan in unison.
"Damn momma, that was sexy as hell. And you are so so so so so tight." He exclaimed, thrusting upwards, causing my breasts to violently bounce and me to have to hang on tightly. Just as I opened my mouth to affirm how good he also felt, I heard Waverly's cry. Prince must have set up and turned on the baby monitor in our bedroom bc it was pretty loud and clear. "No." He sighed, burying his face into my chest. "Oh honey please let's finish really quick." He begged desperately, having stilled his movements.
"No babe. I can't. I have to start earning her trust and security back. I can't let her cry long. I have to go to her, comfort her, meet her needs. That's the only way she will ever depend on me again." I explained.
Being the understanding, loving husband and father he is, he selflessly lowered me down. "You're right. Go to her momma. I'll be out soon." He kissed my lips tenderly.
"I promise to make this up to you. Big time." I assure him as I step out and dry off. "As soon as they go to bed tonight, I'm all yours to do whatever you want with daddy."
"We will see. I might be out of commission bc I'm about to beat my dick so hard, it might fall off. If I don't, I'm going to have the worst case of blue balls seeing as this has happened twice in the matter of a few hours." He laughed.
I slipped on my robe and hurried to the bathroom door. "Happy jerking." I yell as I made my way out. "Think about me."
"Of course." I heard him groan, knowing he had already started. I giggled as I quickly made my way to Waverly's bedroom. I was on such a mission and lost in my happiness, I didn't even realize Lenny and Mayte had come back. Mayte was walking out of the nursery, holding a sleepy eyed Waverly, who was snuggled up on her chest. My heart fell to the floor at the same time my blood started boiling with anger. How dare she intervene when she knew I was here! "Oh Jensen, I'm sorry. We didn't see y'all..."
"You think we left while our kids were napping?!" I ask in disgust. "Give her to me."
She immediately hands her over and looks sheepishly at Lenny, who had an apologetic look on his face too. "You know Prince and I have been parents for almost three years. We obviously know to not leave while they're asleep or something ridiculous like that."
I roll my eyes. "I know y'all think I'm a shitty mom..."
"We don't think that Jen." Lenny interrupted.
"Whatever. I can handle her just fine on my own. So y'all can go do something else until dinner." I demand. Devon walks up in the middle of my mini rant, rubbing her eyes. "Mayte can I have a snack?" She asks.
"Yes." I answer, before Mayte could respond. "Come on baby. Let's go to the kitchen." I say, grabbing her hand and leading her away. Placing Waverly on my hip, I start to look for the formula while telling Devon snack options. "We have bananas, I can cut you an apple, ummmm...."
"I want chocolate." She blurts out.
My first instinct was to of course tell her no way, but I was so desperate for her to bond with me that I gave in. "Oh ok sweetie. Let me see if we have anything."
"No." I hear Prince's voice interject. "Devon, no chocolate for a snack silly girl. We will have dinner soon. Maybe something chocolaty for dessert."
"Pwease daddy!" She begs.
"No baby girl. Mommy was naming fruit. What fruit do you want?" He sticks to his guns.
"Come on babe, just let her..." I begin before he cuts me off.
"No! Jensen, it's ok to tell her no, honey. You have to...."
"Do you know where Waverlys formula is?" I say, changing the subject abruptly.
"Are you sure she needs to eat? She's not even fussing. Maybe we should ask Lenny and Mayte how often she has a bottle..."
"Fuck them." I whisper. "I know how to raise a baby. I did it with Devon. Waverly is almost five months. They still eat 5 or 6 times a day. I am not stupid or unable..."
"Baby I didn't say any of that. Calm down. Let me help you. Do you want to get Devon a snack or change and feed the baby?"
I want to do both. They both need to see I will meet their needs." I say, a little panicky.
"They will momma. But I can still help. I have to rebuild my relationship with them too. How about you get Devon's snack and fix a bottle while I go change Waverly. Sound good?" He asks timidly.
"Ok." I agree. "Where is the formula?"
"I'm not sure. Ask Mayte." He says as he heads off to change the baby's diaper.
Hell if I was going to ask for her help. I wanted them to stay out of our way and let us be the parents until they leave. "Ok sweet girl what did you decide?"
"Apple." She reluctantly chooses. I get an apple from the fridge, rinse it off, and cut it into small bite size pieces. I stick it in a bowl and hand it to her. "Here ya go!" I smile. "What to drink? Milk, water, juice..."
"Not this!" She shrieks. "Take it off!" She demands, pointing to the skin.
"That's just the skin. It's good for you. I always leave it on baby. What's the matter?" I ask, squatting down to her level.
"Mayte cut off. It yucky!" She pouts.
"Did she tell you it was yucky?" I asked, my blood pressure beginning to rise again.
Devon nodded her head. "Well it's not and you always ate it with the skin before and never cared. Just try it. Ok?" I suggest. "Now what to drink?"
"Chocit milk."
"Well that's new too! How about that?!" I say, sarcastically and annoyed. "Let me see if we have any chocolate syrup. Sit down and eat."
As I was looking through the fridge, Prince walked back in with Waverly who was gnawing on her hands. "You were absolutely right momma. She's hungry. Did you make the bottle yet?"
"Oh no I'm sorry I didn't have a chance bc I was having to convince Devon that apple skin isn't yucky..."
"That's my fault." I heard Mayte's voice butt into our conversation. We both turn to look at her. "Sorry I was afraid she might choke on the skin so I just told her it was yucky and I would cut it off. She didn't want me to the first couple times. I guess I just thought it would be safer."
"Well it does have most of the nutrients." I snarl.
"That's ok." Prince assured her. "That's very logical. She will be fine."
"I'm guessing you got her liking chocolate milk too." I accuse.
"No." She laughs. "Lenny is to blame for that one. Anyway I didn't mean to disrupt. I just figured Waverly would be needing a bottle soon and I had all her formula in her diaper bag in the room I'm staying in so here it is." She says, placing it on the counter.
"Thanks." Prince responds. "Were y'all able to grab some stuff to stay for a few days?"
"Oh yeah. We didn't need much but we got a few toiletries and some clothes. We will be fine. I appreciate y'all wanting us to stay for Devon's birthday. We have grown so fond of her. She's really special."
"We think so too." Prince grins.
"Well and Waverly too. She is the most chill and happy baby I've ever been around."
"Really?!" Prince asked. "I feel like I don't even know much about her yet."
I had had enough and that put the nail in the coffin for me. I knew I had taken that away from him. He didn't even know his own daughter and that was completely my fault. I slammed the fridge door and stormed out of the kitchen.

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