Chapter 22

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Devon and I stayed at Paisley the next three days and didn't attend any of the St.Paul shows which of course stirred up some gossip in the local press about us being on the verge of a split. Little did they know we were going strong with another baby on the way. Apparently Prince let it get to him, which he never does, bc Amy told me at the last show tonight he announced that I haven't been there bc I've been at home with our daughter since we had been away on tour for awhile and she needed some time away from a bus and hotels and arenas. Then he added that I also needed a little rest bc I was carrying our second child. Amy said he then went off on like a ten minute tangent about marriage and parenthood and how sacred it was and everyone needs to worry about taking care of their own, instead of making up rumors about his. He then started making confessions about what we went through with Devon and her hearing impairment and apparently poured out his heart and soul to this audience. I was in complete shock. I didn't mind it, it just was so opposite of his normal behavior. When the bus pulled in to drop Prince off that night, I couldn't resist asking him about it. "So I heard you got a little long winded tonight?" I chuckled.
"Who blabbed?" He asked, sneaking into Devon's bedroom and giving her a kiss on the head before heading to our bedroom.
"Amy called me. I don't care that you opened up. I'm just a little stunned since you're normally so private."
"Well it started as a 'fuck you' to all the reporters who were almost giddy over the fact that they thought they were getting some inside first scoop into my crumbling personal life. I wanted to make it crystal clear that I am deliriously, happily married and we are expanding our family. Then I realized that it wasn't all these fans that needed to hear my tongue lashing and they want the best for me. So I wanted them to hear something positive and uplifting so I went into what I think is a very inspiring story about Devon. People were crying. I think I'm ready to share our journey with others. And to help others struggling with similar situations. I also got some good advice on potty training her...."
"What?!" I laugh. "You just asked that out from the stage?!"
"Yep! Most people said that stupid potty dance thing and candy of course. But we have got to get some of those training pants. People were swearing by those." He insists.
"Are you high?!" I joked. "People are going to think you've lost it."
He just shrugged and stripped off his clothes and climbed into bed. "You all packed and ready to leave tomorrow?"
"About that...not trying to add fuel to the gossip fire but hopefully you extinguished some of it tonight. If it's ok with you, Devon and I are just going to stay here while you do these next four shows. Then you're home for almost three weeks before heading to New York. I don't know what I was thinking, we can get the next prenatal appointment in before New York."
"I'm going to be gone about a week though momma...."
"I know. If you really want us to go we will. But I'm kinda at the point I need a break. Then after almost a month here, she and I will so be ready to head back out for the last couple months of the tour. Plus with that long at home, in one place, maybe we can actually get her fully potty trained before heading back out."
"Ok baby, that's fine. I'm going to miss y'all though." He says solemnly.
"We are going to miss you too. That old vibrator might get some good use." I joke.

Prince first had two shows in Michigan, three days later a show in Wisconsin, and a show in Illinois the following night. While in Wisconsin, I got a phone call from Prince's cell late one night.
"Hey sexy!" I answered in a low voice.
"Jensen?" I heard a familiar voice, but not Prince's, ask. Shit! Why does this always happen to me on the phone when he's away!
"Um yes? I'm sorry. I thought this was Prince. Who is this?" I respond.
"It's John. Prince wanted me to call you before anyone else told you or you heard it on the news or anything..."
"What happened? Are y'all alright? Did the bus wreck?" I ask in a panic.
"No, no wreck. But, um, Prince is in the ER here at a hospital in Milwaukee...."
"What?! Why?! Is he ok?" I shriek.
"Oh yeah, um, he's going to be fine...."
"Well can I speak with him? If he's fine, why couldn't he call me?" I ask in suspicion.
"They are just running some tests and won't let him use a phone. Think he has a touch of the flu. They're going to fix him right up and get him out of here. He will be all ready for his show tomorrow night, I'm sure. I bet he will call you as soon as he gets out of here. He just didn't want someone else calling you first or it to be on the news or something before he could get to his phone and call you personally."
"Oh, um, ok. Well tell him I love him and I'll be waiting for his call and..."
"Ok." He says in a rush and before he hung up I swore I heard someone say "he's awake!" and then the line went dead.
He's awake?! Were they talking about Prince? Had he been asleep? That whole phone call felt weird. I obviously couldn't go back to sleep and I waited up the rest of the night for his call, but it never came. The next morning after Devon woke up, I handed her off to Maria and slipped off to the bedroom for some privacy. I picked up the bedroom phone and dialed his cell, but it went straight to voicemail so I knew it was either dead or turned off. I looked up the itinerary for Wisconsin to find out what hotel he would be staying in and dialed their number. I reached the front desk after a few rings.
"Pfister Hotel. How may I help you?" A lady answers.
"Hello. I'm needing the room for Prin...Peter Bravestrong." I quickly corrected myself, making sure to use the alias Prince deems for hotels.
"Yes, ma'am." She obliges and patches me through.
"Hello?" He groggily answered after several rings.
"Baby? Are you ok?" I hesitantly respond.
"Hey momma. Is everything ok?"  He mirrors my question.
"Well yeah, everything is fine here. I'm calling to check on you." I respond, a little confused.
"What do you mean?" He replies quickly.
"Well John called me last night and told me you were in the ER ..."
"He what?! What did he say?!" He suddenly sounded alert and angry.
"He said you told him to call me so I wouldn't hear it anywhere else and worry. That you have the flu..."
"Oh, oh yeah. That's right. They gave me a shot and said I should be feeling better soon. So glad I'll have time at home to recoup soon." He assures me. "I sure hope I don't give it Devon or you, especially with the baby. I guess they don't really give out flu shots in the summer, do they?" He chuckles.
"Yeah, getting the flu in June is kinda weird..."
"Yeah, well, um, they said flu like symptoms. It might not be the true flu, but something similar. That's normal, that can happen."
"Well yeah I guess it can, since it did. Are you sure you're alright? John's phone call was kinda weird and this one is almost weirder. Are you hiding something from me?" I accuse. "I could have swore I heard someone say something about someone being awake before John hung up. Were they talking about you? Were you unconscious or something?"
"No, I don't think so. I might have fallen asleep on the bus or my hotel room bc I wasn't feeling well..."
"He said you were in the ER when he called..."
"Oh, that's right. Yeah, I fell asleep there too. I just felt like total shit and all I wanted to do was sleep." He explained.
"Babe, what's going on? Somebody's lying. Did you tell him to call me or not? Where were you supposedly asleep? Is it the flu or something else?" I fire off my questions in rapid succession.
"Damn Jensen, I don't remember. Do you realize it's like 7:00 am and I get woken up to you asking me all these questions? Just chill out. I'm fine." He sighs.
"Oh, I'm sorry for worrying about my sick husband, who by the way, was supposed to call me back as soon as the ER let him use the phone. This is all bullshit! I don't know what happened but I don't believe the story y'all are trying to feed me. You were fine when you left here four days ago. I don't think you got so sick you needed the ER that quickly. So I don't know what the fuck happened and why you don't want me to know about it, but whatever. If you don't want me to care then I won't!" I slam the phone down and fall into the bed in tears.
I hated feeling like he was hiding something from me. It almost made me wonder if all the things he told me before the prenatal appointment a week ago was even true. Maybe he really is sick and something happened that sent him to the ER last night. I can't stand that I feel like I can't trust him with this. But what almost hurts worse than wondering if something is wrong with him is the fact that he wants to hide whatever it is from me. I'm his wife, the mother of his children...why would he want to hide something like this from the one person who vowed to be with him through sickness and health? And not only is he hiding it but he's manipulating and scheming and getting other people to lie for him too. The whole thing just feels wrong. It makes me want to question everything about him and us and our marriage. If he can so easily hide things and lie, maybe he's been doing that all along about lots of things. A huge part of me is wanted to call up Dr. Jacobs and ask him what is going on. But I'm not even sure he could divulge that information to me. Knowing Prince, he would make sure his doctor followed patient privacy laws thoroughly. Plus, I didn't want to get the information bc I went behind his back or snooped around. It should come from him. I don't want a marriage or life where we have to play detective. So I will just wait. Wait for my husband to be honest and up front with me about what is going on with him and his health. I feel like whatever it is could be the Jinga piece that is about to make the whole thing, our beautiful life and family, come falling and crashing down.

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