Chapter 59

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It was nice to be back at church, especially altogether as a family. It was also such a great feeling to be able to come back and be accepted with open arms, no judgments from anyone. All we were surrounded with was love and support, even though there were some questions about what happened to Prince's still mangled eye. I could tell he tried to cover it the best he could with makeup, but it was still a little puffy. Prince, trying to make light of the situation, would respond "Jensen" or "my wife." I would have to jump in and explain it was an accident.
Devon was super excited to see her friends and ran and hugged her closest friend, Becca, who was just a couple months older than her. I dropped Waverly off in the nursery and took my seat next to Prince in our normal pew. As we stood to sing the first hymn, Prince squeezes by me and heads up to the stage. He sits down at the organ and plays along with the music. In all the times we had been to church, Prince had never done anything musically there. I had never seen or heard him play the organ, but like every other instrument, he played it flawlessly. After singing several hymnals, Prince, and the other musicians on stage, took their seats again as the preacher walked to the pulpit. "What was that?" I whispered as Prince sat down next to me and draped his arm across my shoulders on the back of the pew.
"Oh I play or sing if someone isn't here or they need extra people...."
"Since when?"
"Since January I guess. I think they knew they needed to give me something to do during services so I wouldn't sit in this pew and have a nervous breakdown while y'all were gone."
"Ba..." I was cut off by Brother Gibson asking us to bow our heads. I couldn't even concentrate on what the preacher was praying about as I thought about my distraught husband coming to church week in and week out, hoping and praying his family would return to him. It was almost too much to bear, especially when I thought about that I did to him the one thing I should never do to someone like him...abandoned him. How he has been able to move on so effortlessly amazes me. I'm not sure the Prince of a few years ago could have, but the more mature, spiritual, and therapy aided man of today could.
As we got back into the car, Prince suggested we stop by my favorite kid's boutique to get some outfits for Waverly. I excitedly agreed, but reminded him we needed to be home by 3:00 so I could finally talk to Laura. It only took about fifteen minutes in the shop before Devon started whining that she was hungry. "There's a cafe across the street. I'll take the girls so you can shop in peace." Prince offered. "Take Devon. I'll keep Waverly." I suggested, since she was content in the stroller. "Have some Devon/daddy time."
Prince leans in and gives me a quick but loving kiss on the lips. "If she starts to get fussy, call me and I'll come get her." He says while scooping Devon up and going out the door with her. Within an hour I was done and checking out as Prince and Devon returned. "Daddy let me have some cake!" Devon announced as soon as she approached us.
"Devon! I swear, child! I told you to keep it a secret!" Prince chuckles.
"Oops! Sowwy, daddy! I get 'sided!" She smiles.
"Don't be telling her to keep secrets from me." I tease, but did have a lot of truth behind it.
"It was the only way to get her to stay there longer. She did eat most of her lunch." He explained.
"Honey, I don't care." I assure him.
"You don't? Since when?" He asked in a shocked tone.
"Since I've decided to let some stuff go and not be so upright about everything she eats and drinks and sees and hears. I've got to pick my battles." I sigh.
"I think that's a very healthy approach to parenting. I could even take a tip from it, I suppose."
"You think?" I laugh as we grab the bags and kids and head to the car.
We didn't get ten feet from the store before we were ambushed by no less than half a dozen paparazzis flashing their cameras and immediately starting in on question after question. Prince was holding Devon and the bags as I was pushing Waverly in the stroller. As soon as the first camera snapped, Devon smiles real big and says "cheese." I couldn't help but hang my head and try to stifle a laugh. "What's the baby's name? How old is she?" one of the men asked. Of course, Prince and I stayed mum but Devon announced "her name Waverwee. She zero. She a baby. I almost tree." She takes her left hand and holds down the pinky and thumb of her right hand to show three fingers. "Shhh Devon." Prince quietly tells her, but knowing she would spill the beans, they started directing their questions towards her. "When's your birthday?" another guys asks her. She shrugs her shoulders and then says "I have party soon."
"Oh really? Where?"
"At my house."
"Are you living at Paisley Park again?"
"What that?! I don't wive in the park. You siwwy!" She giggles.
Knowing they couldn't quite get the scoop they desired from a small child, they went back to addressing us. "Was there a split? Jensen, why did you leave? Are you back for good? What happened to your eye, Prince? Was domestic abuse a factor in Jensen leaving? So have you guys reconciled? Are you allowed to keep your kids? Why did Lenny and Mayte have them?"
I could feel my blood pressure rising, especially with the last couple of questions. Thankfully, we were at our vehicle and Prince tells me to get in. He quickly straps both girls into their car seats while I could still hear them littering him with questions about our relationship and our children. Prince kept his cool and stayed silent before hopping in and speeding away. For a couple miles, not a word was spoken. Finally Prince said to Devon, "hey babygirl, next time men with cameras start taking our picture and asking questions, just ignore them. Ok?"
"Ok. Why daddy?" She asked innocently.
"Because they're just trying to bother us. I love that you want to be nice and talk to everyone but not them. If mommy or daddy say you can't  talk to someone, you have to listen. Plus they're strangers. It's not safe to talk to strangers or tell them things about yourself or your family." He explained.
"Oh! Stranger danger!" She exclaims.
"Umm, yeah. How do you know about that?" Prince asks.
"Lenny and Mayte told me."
"Well I guess they did do that right." He chuckles.
I give a faint smile and continue to stare out the window.
Prince snakes his hand over and squeezes mine, bringing my fingers to intertwine with his on the console. "What's wrong, momma? Don't let anything those leeches said get to you. Please. Don't let them ruin our day or halt the progress we're making. They're idiots...."
"How did they know?" I interrupted.
"How did they know what, honey?" Prince asked sympathetically. I know he wishes I could just let it roll off my back. But I can't. He can because he's put up with it for over twenty years. I haven't. I'm still fairly new to the invasion of privacy.
"About me leaving. About Mayte and Lenny having the girls." I sigh.
"I don't know for sure baby. But like I said they're leeches. They've got nothing better to do than snoop around other people's lives and try to find any dirt they can. And if they can't, then they make stuff up..."
"But they didn't make it up. It was all true. Well not the domestic violence part..."
"Exactly! Speculation is all they have. They might have hit on somethings that were partially true but they don't know what's going on and we want to keep it that way. You can't feed into them. Even when they say something out in left field like that and you're first instinct is to refute it, just don't. It's best to not say anything at all..."
"So why do they even try? I mean you have proven time and time again that you don't respond so why do they even attempt..."
"That's an excellent question. I guess they think one of these days I'll say something. But I won't. Ever. Plus they try to get a rise out of people. That's why they'll say things that are hurtful. Lots of celebrities can't keep their cool and that's what they're looking for. Guess they think they'll eventually break me."
"But they've mostly left us alone in Minneapolis. Why today? How did they even know where we were?"
"Who knows. Could be lots of scenarios. Someone in the shop or cafe probably tipped one of them off. My guess is it's been noticed that you and the kids weren't around for awhile. Not that I really went anywhere besides church and I do trust people there but word gets around. Someone tells someone who tells someone. So I'm sure there was talk that I had been alone for awhile. Also they may have seen you alone in LA with the kids..."
"Yeah but so what? I'm from there. I could have just been visiting..."
"That's very true. But that doesn't make for a juicy story so they start trying to make it into some scandal. It might could have been left at that if Lenny and Mayte weren't spotted with the girls. That made it look odd I'm sure."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I put us in this predicament. I should have never left..."
"Don't Jensen. We aren't going backwards. We are moving forward. I know this bothers you. I understand. But it doesn't bother me. So don't worry about that. I think you need to talk about this with Laura today. Maybe help ease some of your guilt and anxiety. We will try to lay low for awhile. That normally helps."
"I don't want to feel like we have to hide out in our home though..."
"I know. If the two of us want to go somewhere or even all four of us, I'll figure something out. I'm not saying we can't leave. Trust me momma. I've got my ways. I'm just sorry we got ambushed today. I'm not used to it much here and wasn't thinking. I forgot that Waverly really hasn't been out in public at all here with us. That was my own stupidity..."
"It's ok. It didn't cross my mind either. I forget we sometimes can't do normal things or be a normal family...."
"I'm so sorry. I don't want that for you or the girls. I..."
"Don't apologize, babe. You're worth it. If it's the price we have to pay to have you, it's definitely worth it." I assure him. I scoot closer to him and kiss his cheek. I turn my head towards the back seat and notice both the girls sacked out. I smile as I turn my attention back to Prince and begin nibbling at his neck, causing him to moan and rub my outer thigh.
"I love you, Jensen." He whispers softly.
"I love you too." I breath in his ear. "You know, we can still do things normal couples can do."
"Oh yeah? Like what?" He chuckles.
"When's the last time you had some road head?" I ask, taking his earlobe into my mouth.
"What?!" He chokes out, glancing into the review mirror and smiling when he sees the girls asleep. "Not counting a tour bus or back of a limo? Like actual road head while I'm driving?"
"Uh huh." I respond, trailing my hand down his chest and towards his crotch. "Do you remember?"
"I remember vividly. Do you, momma?"
"No." I giggle. "I guess not. Remind me." I begin to rub up and down on the outside of his trousers. It only takes a few seconds for me to feel him growing firm against my touch.
"The night after I took you to the hospital for dehydration..."
"Oh that's right. But you didn't let me finish..."
"Oh we finished! In the back seat!"
"I definitely remember that. Even as delirious as I was. But you didn't let me finish sucking you off. Will you let me finish this time, daddy?" I plead, unzipping his pants and letting his erection free.
Prince's eyes dart back to the rear view mirror. "Well I am more confident on these roads than back in LA. I could drive them with my eyes closed. But what about?" He motions his head towards the back of the vehicle.
"They're out like a light. Just don't be too loud. Here I'll raise the console to block Devon's view if she happens to wake up." I suggest and pull the console up between our seats. I slip my seat belt off and lean down into his lap. "Just whatever you do, don't stop moving the car. If it stops for too long, the girls might wake up."
"Ok." He agrees as he pulls my hair away from my face. "I'm ready babygirl."
He already had precum drizzling from his opening, so I swirled his head around my puckered lips. I pulled back and licked the clear substance from my mouth. "Mmmmm." I groan before taking his entire tip into my warm mouth and sucking lightly.
Prince sucks air in through his gritted teeth, making a hissing noise. I swirl my tongue around and around the crimson end of his member. Then I take his entire shaft into my mouth and throat. I hear Prince hit the steering wheel with the palm of his hand. "Shit baby." He whispers. "I'm going to wake them."
I pull him out, drool hanging from my mouth, attaching to his dick. "No. Don't you dare. I'm going to finish you this time. The only noise that should be coming from in here is the sound of your cock hitting the back of my throat."
"Oh fuck, girl. I love it when you get nasty." He cries quietly as I get back to the task at hand. I waste no time working him in and out of my mouth. I was trying to only use my mouth and no hands, which I've always found difficult. Especially with Prince's length and my fairly small mouth. I was right that the only sounds in the vehicle were emitting from me, especially when I gagged a couple times trying to take him all the way in repeatedly. It made for sloppy work as my saliva continually seeped out of my mouth and all over him.
"Damn, baby, raise up. Red light. We are pulling up beside someone." Prince warns me.
"I don't care...." I begin to say but he forces me up gently. Prince shoves himself back in his pants quickly while I sit back in my seat. Thankfully the light was short and when he takes off again, I go back to his lap. I gently take my teeth and glide them from bottom to
top of his boner. I could feel Prince tense up and saw his fists gripping the steering wheel tightly. "Oh baby that's not a good idea. You never know when I might have to slam on the brakes. I don't want my dick accidentally bitten off."
I laugh at the thought. He raises me up to look him in the eye. "That's not funny. You want to be married to a dick-less man?"
I shake my head but still am suppressing a humorous smile. "They could reattach it though. They did with John Wayne Bobbitt."
"Who the hell is that?!" Prince chuckles. "Someone who had their dick bit off by his woman?"
"No! You don't know about Lorena Bobbitt?!" I asked in shock.
"No. Should I?"
"I thought the whole world did. Like ten years ago, she cut off her husband's penis with a knife and threw it out in a field..."
"She did what?! What the fuck?!! Why?!" He shrieks in a quiet voice.
"Is there really any good reason?!" I laugh.
"No! No there's not! Don't be getting any ideas?!" He stammers out.
"Well don't give me a reason to chop it off then!" I smirk. "Could you imagine waking up to find your dick had been cut off and was lying in some field?!"
"I would rather you just kill me. Honestly. If you ever get to the point where you hate me that much, just murder me, with my penis intact."
"What would you need it for when you're dead?"
"Who knows! I'm still not convinced there won't be fornication in heaven..."
"But I won't be there so who would you be having sex with?!" I exclaimed, lightly slapping his arm.
"Well not you if you kill me!"
"Oh, right!" I giggle.
"Anyway, let's get back to the blow job and stop talking about one of the zillion weirdo things you always seem to know. You know you actually scare me a little sometimes with your bizarre factoids."
"It's ok baby. If I bite it off, they can just reattach it..."
"Jensen." He says sternly, as I evilly laugh and make my way to his trembling member.

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