Chapter 60

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It took some aimless driving around a few backroads so that Prince could finish in the car. After several minutes of some of the most intense sucking I've ever done, he finally explodes in my mouth. Prince throws his head back on the headrest and lets out a huge sigh. "Damn." He whispers breathlessly. After I clean every last drop from him, I continue to stroke him with my mouth slowly until he starts giggling like a girl and pulls his dick away from me and back into his pants. I raise up in my seat and close the console to see the girls were still out. "We did it." I chuckled.
"The real test will be to see what else we can do before they wake up." Prince smirks as he pulls up to Paisley and parks in the garage.
"What do you mean?" I sincerely asked as he left the engine running so they wouldn't get cold.
"Lay back momma. It's your turn." He seductively says as he unbuckles and puts the console back up. I lay back against the passenger side door and hike my dress up over my belly button. "Shit! Where's your panties?!" Prince exclaims, a little too loud and he lifts his head over the console to see if he woke the girls. Thankfully he hadn't.
"I didn't wear any...."
"To church?!" He whispers in shock.
"Sometimes I go commando when I don't want a panty line but also don't want to wear a thong." I explained.
"Lord have mercy!" He cries out in a soulful voice. Then I spread my legs wide for him. "Hallelujah!"
"See I've got you talking to God." I giggle.
"Now I'm going to get you to screaming for Him." Prince says confidently as he lowers his mouth to my clit.
And he wasn't wrong. It didn't take long before I was quietly squirming in my seat and indeed yelling for the Almighty. Prince raises up and lifts his hands in the air like a boxer that just won a fight. "And they still didn't wake up. What else can we try..."
"Nothing." I cut him off as I smooth my dress back down. "Laura will be here soon. And I need to freshen up and get some lunch and feed the baby."
"Mmmm." Prince pouts at me. "Raincheck for after your session?"
"Of course." I smile, kissing his swollen lips.
As we walk into the house with both girls still sacked out in our arms, we see Mayte and Lenny still on the couch and watching tv. Lenny looks at his watch and then up at us. "It's 2:30! What kind of church y'all go to? One of those Pentecostal ones where they do an alter call fifty times before you can leave?" He laughs.
"Yep! We've definitely been crying out to God and rocking our bodies around all afternoon." Prince responds.
Mayte takes him seriously and asks "they don't handle cobras or stuff like that, do they?"
"Well, Jensen did have a snake in her mouth just a little bit ago." Prince continues.
"What?!" Mayte shouts, startling both girls. "Sorry." She winces and I could hear Lenny telling her that Prince was making a sexual reference as we walked the girls to their rooms to change into play clothes. 
Laura arrived at 3:00 sharp for our session. I told her all about how rough the first couple of days were with the girls and Lenny and Mayte all being here together. She helped talk me though some troubles I was still having, and about future issues that could possibly arise with the girls and the trauma they had endured during their weeks with me.
I, of course, asked her what would be the best birth control plan for us that didn't involved condoms. She suggested a pill that would be the most compatible with my current medication. She said she would call Dr. Thatcher to put in a prescription for me. "Jensen, it is very important you take the pill consistently. I don't advise you getting pregnant for at least a year or more. Even if you get off your medication for PPD in the next few weeks or months, you still don't need to consider pregnancy for awhile, if ever. We will just have to see."
"I understand." I reply solemnly. Not that would even want to have another baby again that soon, but to have someone say you shouldn't is a blow to your mind and heart. To know that you are too messed up to be having kids. Or at least that's how it feels. I just hope I recoup enough that I can, one day, have another child. "I want to get better, obviously, for a number of reasons. But I have to admit that one of the top ones is so that Prince can get his hips repaired soon."
"I agree that he needs his hip surgery sooner than later, but we can't rush your recovery or speed it up for a certain event. It doesn't work that way. And everyone is different with their own timescale and own level of recovery." She explains.
"You mean there's a chance I'll never fully recovery or get off the meds?!" I shriek in disbelief.
"Anything is possible, Jensen. You have to remember you didn't just have what we call the "baby blues." Not to downgrade the significance of women who do, but yours was, IS, much more severe. It is postpartum psychosis. Not to sound harsh, but it really doesn't get any worse than that. I'm just glad we caught it before you became homicidal or suicidal. That's why it is so vital that you don't have another baby too soon. I can't guarantee it won't happen again, with dire consequences, if you do choose to have more children. That's also why we don't need to be trying to speed the process up. You will be no good to your husband or girls if you try to skip steps. If Prince decides he needs the surgery before you fully recover, he still can. You don't have to be his full time caretaker..."
"He's my husband, so yes I do. I want to be there for him the way he's been there for me through all this...."
"I understand where you're coming from and I hope that will be possible. But it's ok if it's not. He has the means to hire someone to help him during recovery. He's going to need a physical therapist anyway. Let's just leave this conversation for when the time gets closer."
I was glad she said that bc I was starting to shutdown and I think she sensed it. She left and said she would be back in a couple days. Our session didn't put me in the best of moods and Prince could tell as I approached him and the girls in the playroom. "What's wrong baby? She say we can't have sex?" He tries to lighten the mood.
"No, we can. I'm getting on the pill. Which sounds like I'll just be permanently on bc I'm too fucked up to have any more kids..."
"Ok first of all, watch your language." He sternly, but sweetly, says while motioning towards the girls.
"Sorry." I sigh, plopping down on the wood tile and burying my face in my hands. "It's the one thing I've always wanted, the only thing really, to be a mom...."
"And you are! Baby we have two kids!" Prince tries to reason with me. "Even if we never have another child, it doesn't change the fact that you're a mother."
"But I want more. To be told you shouldn't. Not that you can't, but SHOULDN'T is degrading. I feel like I'm being judged to a degree I guess. That I'm being told I'm too nuts to be having kids. Yet some crackhead..."
"I don't think Laura would advice a crackhead to have children either. Honey, you're taking it way too personally. I know she has your, mine, and the girl's best interest at heart. She's not suggesting it to hurt you or judge you. She is doing it for your, and our, well being. Plus you are jumping the gun. She never said it's not a possibility in the future, right?" He asked hopefully.
"No, but she said she couldn't guarantee I wouldn't go crazy again..."
"Stop saying you're crazy or nuts. I didn't like that." Prince warns.
"And she said it's possible I'll never fully recover. That I could literally be on this stupid medication forever, I guess."
"You won't. And you'll make a full recovery. And we will have more children. You have to have faith. That's always been your problem, you know that? You always think of the worst case scenarios. And you always take things way too personally. Like that time I thought you worked for Lenny." He chuckled.
"I had every right to get offended over that. You looked and talked to me like some peon. Like I was so far beneath you..."
"I wouldn't mind you getting beneath me right now." He smirked, sliding over closer to me and nuzzling into my neck. "How about that raincheck?"
"The girls are wide awake. We can't."
"We will just tell Devon to watch the baby and we will be right back..."
"Are you nuts?!"
"See! I was testing you. You passed! You're not crazy! Let's celebrate!" He says, pushing me down to the floor.
"Baby! What are you doing?! We can't have sex right here in the floor while Devon plays." I panic.
"We aren't. I'm just getting us warmed up." He assures me as he captures my lips.
We made out for at least ten minutes. I couldn't even remember the last time I just kissed someone, without any touching or other risqué behavior. Maybe not since high school. I could hear Devon playing around us and sometimes she would talk to us and ask us questions and we would break contact just long enough to respond. What eventually stopped our session was when Devon hit Prince on the back of the head with a toy pan. He bit down on my lip, causing me to cry out in pain as he did the same about his head. "Crap! I'm going to have a knot!" He exclaims while rubbing the back of his head. "You're giving me a black eye. She's putting bumps on my head. You girls are brutal. Come on Waverly, maybe you can be gentler." He says, scooping her up into his arms.
"Is my lip bleeding?!" I asked Devon, pulling it down for her to look.
"Yes! Mommy you beedin! What happened?!" She asked, oblivious to the chain reaction she had caused.
"Daddy bit my lip." I responded without thinking.
"No daddy! That bad! No bite!" She scolded him.
"It was an accident. You hit me on the back of the head with that pan!" He exclaimed.
"Nuh Uh!" She cries. "It was Waverwee."
"Oh really? The baby picked up this pan and somehow got over to me and hit me on the head with it?" Prince asked.
Devon nodded her head in agreement. "You bad baby!" She says, shaking her finger in the baby's face.
"So the lying has officially begun." Prince shakes his head at me. "How do they know to lie so young?"
"I have no idea. Just instinct I guess." I respond. "You know Devon, little girls who lie don't get birthday parties..."
"Ok! Ok! It was me! Sheesh!" She immediately admits to her actions.
"Thank you for telling the truth. Why did you hit daddy?" I ask, pulling her into my lap.
"I want him to play with me." She said in such a pitiful voice, I couldn't stay angry at her.
"Ok, well next time you want him, or anyone, to play with you, use your words. Tell them you want to play, don't hit. Hitting is not ok."
"Ok, mommy." Standing up and looking at Prince, she says, "daddy will you pay westauwant with me, peas?!"
"I would love to, babygirl." He responds, leaning down to hand Waverly off to me. He kisses my forehead and then pulls back to look me in the eyes. "You were made to be a mother. There's no doubt in my mind. There's no possible way someone could ever convince me you shouldn't have more children one day. So put that out of your mind because you WILL be having more of my babies."

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