Chapter 7

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Soon after, Prince headed backstage and Alicia Keys and the two members of OutKast, Andre and Big Boi, came onstage. Andre spoke first about what an inspiration Prince was to him growing up, but how he appreciated Prince's talent even more once he started writing, recording, and producing his own music. I wished I could see Prince's reaction to the words being said about him. I hoped he could hear it backstage. Then Big Boi spoke and basically reiterated what Andre had said about him being such a huge inspiration, but he also added that even though he didn't know what "erotic" meant when he first heard "Erotic City," how it amazed him that he said the "f word" in a song. Alicia tried to correct him by saying "he said funk," but Big Boi said "but I thought he was saying it, I still to this day still say he was saying it." I started giggling bc I thought he said it too. The story I had heard was Sheila didn't want to say it so Prince told her to say "funk" and blurred it enough so it sounded like she was saying "fuck." And when he's saying "thoughts of pretty you and me," I always thought it was "fuck so pretty you and me." But I know for sure in the lyrics he says "we can fuck until the dawn," even if Sheila is technically saying "funk" in the chorus.
Then Alicia makes her way to the mic and within a few seconds, I leaned towards John and said "is she..."
"Higher than a kite." He whispered.
Shit! She better not ruin this! Thankfully she got through what she was saying and it was actually pretty good even if she did stop to chuckle some and do things I remember Lenny doing and looking like when he was stoned. At the end, she commanded we all get on our feet for "the one and only Prince." I jump to my feet before anyone else I think, and applauded my little heart out for my talented husband. Not sure if being pregnant was making me extra emotional, but I was blinking and wiping away tears as everyone cheered for him and he accepted his award. Nobody deserved this more than him, and I would think that even if I wasn't married to him. I scan the crowd and see Puff Daddy or P Diddy or whatever the hell his name is standing up in his chair applauding. Prince asked us to sit, and I felt my stomach doing flip flops for him bc I knew he was nervous to speak. First he thanked God which was a great start. Then he thanked the three that presented his award to him and the Rock and Rock Hall of Fame, saying it was "definitely an honor." So far, so good. He went on to say when he first started out in the music business he was most concerned with freedom. Freedom to produce, freedom to play the instruments on his records, freedom to say anything he wanted to and how Warner Brothers granted him that freedom and he thanked them for that. Classy move, maybe bury the hatchet a little. Then he talked about how he embarked an a journey more fascinating than he could ever imagine. But then he went into a warning about how without real spiritual mentoring, too much freedom can lead to the soul's decay and I started to worry he was about to start preaching up there. But he didn't. He just advised young artists to be careful who they surround themselves with and to find true friends. He said a true friend cares for your soul as much as they do their own. He went on to say if you can just find one person in your life that feels that way to hold onto them and never let them go. Someone who loves and supports the real you, the person you are inside, in your heart and soul. Then he said "I have found that person. It took awhile and I made lots of mistakes, but I finally found what I needed in my life to bring me inner peace and unconditional love and bc of that, I know I have become a better person and a better artist. And when that person gives you the greatest blessing life can bestow, a child, then even accolades like this, as great as they are, pale in comparison. I love you Jensen. And I wish all of you the best on this fascinating journey. It ain't over. Peace."
I couldn't even applaud, it was too beautiful to me for just some clapping. I literally had to catch my breath. The tears were falling at a rapid pace now and I had to excuse myself to the ladies room to freshen up. Luckily I had brought some powder in my clutch so I was able to fix my makeup a little and do some deep breathing to collect myself. My eyes still looked a little bloodshot but not too bad. I know I had been gone a good fifteen minutes and someone else was performing on stage by the time I returned to our table. When I sat down, Prince looked concern. He leaned into my ear and whispered, "is it morning sickness momma?"
"No." I smile at him.
"Ok good. John said you jumped up and scurried to the bathroom so I was worried you may be feeling sick. And your eyes look a little red like you may have been throwing up. Are you sure you're ok? Don't lie to me. My part is over, you can go up to the room baby."
"No honey. It's not that at all. I feel great. Your speech. It was so wonderful, it made me cry. I had to go freshen up in the bathroom." I giggle. "It couldn't have been more perfect. You did great."
"Thanks momma. I kept it short and sweet but to the point. I knew the longer I stood up there, the more nervous I would get. I didn't sound or look nervous, did I?" He asked curiously.
"Nope. Smooth as always." I wink at him. "And I love you too. So much." I lean in and give him a short but loving kiss on the lips. "So who are these guys?" I ask, referring to the older men singing on stage.
"The Dells. Ever heard of them?"
"I don't think so. I don't recognize this song. What else do they sing?"
"I only know a couple of their songs. They have one called "oh what a night..."
"Oh yeah. I know that one. "Oh what a night, late December back in '63..."
"Nope that's The Four Seasons." He laughs.
"Oh." I say sheepishly. "Then I guess I don't know them. They can sing really well though."
"Yeah bc they were around at a time you actually had to be able to sing." Prince responds.
After just that one song, their performance was over. "They didn't give them long." I exclaim as I clapped. "They didn't give you long enough either." I added.
"Well I guess I'll have to make up for that during the tribute then." Prince smirks.
The next couple hours were filled with performances and speeches by the other inductees, except George Harrison, of course. Really sucks when someone isn't alive to receive their recognition. I wouldn't have been able to pick Jackson Browne, Bob Seger, or Traffic out of a lineup but when they all performed I did know and enjoy their songs. When Bob Seger played "Old Time Rock and Roll," Prince had to comment that I probably only knew that song bc of Tom Cruise dancing around in his underwear to it in "Risky Business."
"So? I still know it." I laugh causing Prince to glare at me. "I didn't say I enjoyed it. Now watching him and Val Kilmer shirtless and playing volleyball in Top Gun..."
"Just watch the performance!" Prince huffs.
I enjoyed Jackson Browne's performance too, but that man is long winded! I bet his acceptance speech was at least ten minutes. Everyone else kept it around five minutes or less. "See I didn't want to be that guy." Prince jokes. "Nobody wants to listen for more than a couple minutes!"
Now ZZ Top, I, and the whole world, could have picked them out of a line up. Even though I enjoyed watching all the inductees perform, it was apparent who the best entertainer of the night was by far. Prince had put everyone else to shame. He was just so much more fascinating to watch than the rest. Even though they all could sing and play well too, they just didn't have the stage presence and were all bland in comparison to Prince.
After ZZ Top's performance, before they were officially inducted and gave their speech, Prince said he needed to go backstage to change his suit and prepare for the tribute. "Good luck. I mean break a leg." I tell him as he stands up to leave.
"Thanks momma. I'm just playing a little solo at the end, nothing to get that nervous about. Nothing to write home about either. I'll see you after. I called for a limo to wait for us outside, meet me in it ok?"
"Ok, where are we going?" I asked eagerly.
"Nowhere, but you owe me a limo fuck remember?" He whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine. I blush as he heads off towards backstage.
Finally it's the end of the ceremony and time for George Harrison's tribute.

At first I didn't even see Prince on stage. He was off to the far right and in the shadows. I counted no less than six men with guitars so it seemed a little overkill. But it was a bit of an addicting song and I was enjoying it, even if, again, the performers were a bit boring. George's son was the spitting image of him and my thoughts drifted to if Prince and I had a little boy how adorable it would be if he looked just like Prince. I was suddenly snapped out of my fantasy when I saw Prince step up and I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what he had planned since I knew he didn't get to rehearse it last night. It started out great and still within the realm of normalcy for about a minute or so. But then Prince starts to get more into it, which causes his whole body to change. His face makes expressions that can only be described as orgasmic, and I should know bc I've seen this man cum hundreds of times. And anytime he turns his guitar outwards or starts squatting with it, you better prepare yourself. Then a few seconds later, he walks to the edge of the stage and turns away from the audience and leans back and someone catches him, while he continues to play flawlessly. Once back up onstage, he really turns it up another notch, throwing his hand up over and over as he plays and I knew he was lost in the zone. It was apparent he was stealing the show and I worried what the reaction from the other musicians might be, but they all looked just as happy and fascinated as the rest of us. The very last note he played, he kept fingering the guitar over and over and I felt my panties getting soaked as I watched his magical fingers that I know so well. As everyone erupts in applause, he takes his guitar off straight over his head and throws it up and struts offstage. I didn't even let the applause die down, before I grabbed my clutch and raced to find the limo outside the hotel. He wants a fucking, I'm about to give his sexy ass the fucking of his life!

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