The Last Ditch Effort (Slight Rewrite)

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Cinder looks down at all the people who are opposing her and she just simply tells Emerald and Mercury.
Cinder:"It would be wise for you two to leave. I wouldn't want you to be caught in the blast radius."
Emerald:"Cinder, you can't mean..."
Mercury just shouts.
Mercury:"Are you serious that'll level all of Vacuo in the process."
Cinder:"Well luckily the artifact is underground then. I will reduce this place and it's people to ash. Then I can look for the artifact without opposition."
(Y/n) just asks to everyone around him.
(Y/n):"She can't be strong enough to destroy an entire kingdom, can she?"
Cinder just smirks as she answers (y/n) by saying.
Cinder:"Why don't we test to see."
At that moment a black portal appeared that Mercury and Emerald step through. Leaving only Cinder to fend all of the hunters off. Despite this, however she seems really confident. She then just lifts her grimm looking arm as a black orb is resting in its palm. The black orb then ascends into the sky and it sits there for a second almost looking as if it is resonating before Cinder says.
Cinder:"This will leave nothing but devastation in its wake."
After saying this she closes her hand of which the orb came from. Upon doing so everyone watches as it gathers rocks and rubble from all around them forming a giant meteor.

 Upon doing so everyone watches as it gathers rocks and rubble from all around them forming a giant meteor

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Everyone is in a state of complete shock at seeing this thing. Thinking quickly (y/n) forms both Neige and Neve to try and keep it from colliding with the ground. As he does this he turns to everyone else and shouts.
(Y/n):"Get away from here! Get as far away as humanly possible! I don't know how long I'll be able to hold this thing!"
Jaune:"C'mon guys you heard him we have to go now!"
(Y/n) is straining as he is giving all of his aura to both Neige and Neve who are giving their all to keep this thing in the air, but their feet just keep being pushed further in the ground. All of a sudden however (y/n) feels the strain lessen ever so slightly causing him to look to his left to see Weiss with her rapier stabbed in the ground with her knight summoned who is helping Neige and Neve hold up the meteor. This causes (y/n) to say.
(Y/n):"I thought I told you to get away!"
Weiss:"Maybe I'm tired of letting yourself take the brunt of something to protect us on your own."
As she says this they both feel the meteor stop moving prompting (y/n) to say.
(Y/n):"We actually stopped it."
Everyone at this point turned back to see they have it stopped causing them to celebrate until Cinder laughs before saying.
Cinder:"So naive."
Then a second meteor appears from the clouds above the first one causing them to collide. This causes a huge explosion to occur bathing the immediate area in a white light and big enough boom to be heard all the way back in Mistral. (Y/n)'s eyes eventually slowly open, upon doing so he begins to cough because it has become extremely hard to breathe. He also realizes he is covered in rubble which he tries to move by himself but he soon becomes aware of how much damage he has sustained as he can't move his right arm and feels an intense pain on the left side of his ribcage. He is able to use what little bit of aura he has left to make a 2-rung layered ice ribcage with its skeletal arm that pushes the rocks off of (y/n). (Y/n) then tries to stand by using both of his arms only for him to put a very slight amount of pressure on his right arm which cause him to wince in agony and fall face first into the ground. He lays there for a second before putting his left arm underneath himself and tries to pick himself up again. This time the damage to his ribs is what causes him to fall again. He then takes deep breathes as he pulls himself up to his knees where he grabs his right arm and takes another deep breath before saying.
(Y/n):"Ok 1...2...3!"
As he says three he forces his right arm back into socket causing him to shout in pain.
He begins to breathe heavily on his knees before he coughs rather violently which elicits a little blood to drip from his mouth making him realize he has some serious internal damage. He then hears a very displeased Cinder say through pants.
Cinder:"Why...won' just die already?!?!"
(Y/n):"Why are you so winded? *violent coughing*"
Cinder:"That little attack may have taken more out of me than I had intended, but look around I've won."
(Y/n) just takes a quick look around and notices that almost all of Vacuo is in shambles thanks to Cinder not to mention he doesn't see any of his friends and all he can do is hope at worst their all just trapped under rubble. At realizing this he miraculously and slowly pulls himself up so he is standing. He then looks down and he sees his fathers sword in its sheath by his foot thus, he picks it up and draws it as he says in a fatigued voice.
(Y/n):"Now come on fall maiden show me what your made of."
Cinder just giggles before saying to the wounded (y/n).
Cinder:"You can't be serious. I can tell just by looking at you it's taking everything you have to keep from collapsing. I'll give you an ultimatum. If you help me find the artifact then I'll let you live. What do you say?"
(Y/n):"I'd rather die protecting my friends than help you."
Cinder:"Then so be it you've dug your own grave!"
(Y/n) tries to battle Cinder but it is very one sided. It would've been a difficult battle with just her maiden power but factor in the part of (y/n) being injured without any aura; he doesn't stand a chance and he knows this but he keeps fighting. Until she punches him in his already injured ribs, which causes him to double over in pain coughing up blood. Cinder then readies her bow and aims at (y/n) before she asks.
Cinder:"Any last words?"
(Y/n):"If I did I wouldn't waste them on you."
She just scoffs and looks angered before firing her arrow which is knocked out of the air by a sniper bullet and then a gust of wind carrying rose petals rushes to (y/n) and takes him away from Cinder causing him to look up to the figure who is now standing beside him. Upon looking up he just smiles and says.
(Y/n):"Glad to see your able to fight Ruby."
Ruby looks worried as she asks.
Ruby:"(Y/n). Can you fight?"
(Y/n) just begins coughing a little before saying.
(Y/n):"Nah I think I got several broken ribs plus, I've used all my aura. It's up to you Ruby, I'd do nothing but slow you down in my current state."
He begins to cough again while wheezing as he breathes in, this causes her to lay him down and says.
Ruby:"Just rest your really hurt, ok?"
(Y/n):"Trust me I'm not going anywhere."
Ruby then begins to do battle with Cinder and it's a lot less one sided than (y/n)'s battle. Despite this it is still pretty obvious Cinder still has the leg up in this fight. Cinder then readies an arrow that's aimed directly at Ruby. Ruby watches it get closer until she closes her eyes only to hear it make contact with flesh but feel no pain. Ruby opens her eyes and her face of confusion turns to an immediate one of horror as she sees (y/n) standing in front of her with his eye of balor active. This causes Ruby to scream.
(Y/n) falls backward into Ruby with an arrow in his stomach with blood coming from his mouth. Ruby falls to her knees while holding (y/n) and begins to cry before asking.
He just smiles lightly as his looks up at his first friend he had ever made as he says.
(Y/n):"Because your the first friend I ever had, what kind of friend would I be if I let you die. *violent coughing*"
Ruby:"(Y/n) please don't die. Please! I can't do this on my own."
She begins to cry more causing (y/n) to say.
(Y/n):"Of course you can. I've had faith in your strength ever since the first day at Beacon. Can you do this one last thing for me?"
Ruby tries to wipe her tears away but she just keeps crying as she just nods. (Y/n) then tells her.
(Y/n):"I want you to beat Cinder. Do you think you can do that?"
Ruby just nods again as (y/n) says.
(Y/n):"Thank you Ruby Rose. I'm gonna rest now and I just want you to know I believe in you."
With that she feels (y/n) fall limp in her arms thus, she says.
Ruby:"No. C'mon (y/n) wake up. C'mon please get back up. Please don't die I don't wanna lose another friend."
There is no response from (y/n) he just remains limp. Cinder then walks up and says.
Cinder:"How touching. The wolf has entrusted the battle to you I suppose..."
Ruby interrupts Cinder by shout in a grief filled voice by saying.
Ruby:"Shut up! I'm going to make you pay for everything you've done!"
Cinder then realizes that Ruby is exuding a silverish glow. Cinder tries to hit Ruby with a fireball only for it to explode into black and purple flames before making contact. Once the smoke clears Sera is standing beside Ruby and she says.
Sera:"Cinder, this is your end now prepare to die!"
Sera and Ruby then do battle with Cinder and they beating her handily. To finish her off Ruby floats over past Cinder and spins her scythe backward causing it to stab through Cinder's back poking out the front. Sera then slowly walks up to the now gasping and panicking Cinder with her eyes of the Witness active. Sera just looks Cinder in the eyes and says.
Seraphine:"You deserve to burn for eternity for all your sins. So, I'll let you get a head start!"
Sera's eyes glow as Cinder then smiles fires a fireball from her hand straight into Sera's face. Ruby panics dropping Cinder as she falls into a portal disappearing causing Ruby to sit there in all the destruction before screaming and breaking down into tears on the ground right as medical help arrived.

A/n: That's another part completed. I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope to see you all in the next one. Untold then, Peace!

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