A Silent Proposition

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There is a tense stare down between (y/n) and the girl who is formally known as Neo. He then brings his knee into her chest before bringing his feet up and pushing her off the bed with them. After he does this he begins to run to the downstairs portion as he aims to get outside. Upon reaching the bottom floor he sees a man and woman tied up with contusions to the sides of their heads. He then notices a simple handgun on the counter which he takes before grabbing his sword which was next to the door upon doing so his ears hear a shift in the air as Neo goes to stab at his head. He just simply leans his head to the right to avoid her strike, as she misses her whole body bumps into his back causing him to grab her arm and fling her into the front door only for her to land feet first into the door. This causes the door to fly open breaking in the process, sending the two tumbling into the snowy street as they go back and forth trading blows as they trade between whose on top attacking and on bottom defending. That is until (y/n) finally breaks away and slides on the icy road putting a decent bit of distance between the two. They both stand there in fighting positions panting, during that whole previous debacle (y/n)'s hood has come down revealing his hair, which is vastly different as opposed to how it was at Beacon. It's very long and thick though it looks very coarse and rugged, it's also very messy due to the conditions he's been living under. The two begin to eye one another again, fog forming from each of their mouths as they breathe, there is complete silence between the two making the scene that much more tense. (Y/n) and Neo then begin to get into their fighting poses as they both ready their weapons neither one looks as if they can afford to lose this battle. Then a bunch of civilians begin to gather around and look at the two preparing to battle, at this point for them it's like waiting for a grenade to blow. (Y/n) realizes him and Neo's battle is gonna be a violent and destructive battle and could endanger those nearby. Thus he says standing straight up coming out of his stance.
(Y/n):"Though I don't care about these people, they are innocent civilians. Let's move this to a place where we are the only ones we hurt."
Neo just stands up and looks at (y/n) annoyed but motions as if to say she'll follow him. This confuses (y/n) as she is trying to kill him it seems yet she is complying with him as much as possible. After a bit of a walk the two find themselves on the outskirts of the city to which (y/n) turns to Neo and says.
(Y/n):"This should be far enough. Now, show me what your made of shorty."
Neo looks visibly annoyed by (y/n)'s last remark as she charges him. As she does this she catches (y/n) off guard landing a few light cuts on him before he dodges the rest. He then opens his eye of Balor and the eye of the Witness in hopes to keep up with her but, her movement can't be tracked with the eyes as she doesn't make her move until the last possible second and thus the eye can't make a good prediction. So, (y/n) just uses them to increase his own speed along with spiking his aura which at first causes Neo to stop and look at his blue flame like aura coating his whole body in a state of almost awe. Then she rushes toward him again only for (y/n) to bring his sword up and block her strike, causing the two to be interlocked which makes Neo grow a smirk. This smirk however, is immediately erased from her face as (y/n) head butts her in the face causing her to stumble back which allows him to land a few blows doing more or less the same amount of damage she did to him. (Y/n) then goes to punch Neo with his right hand but, as soon as his fist collides with her, her whole body shatters into glass causing (y/n) to say surprised.
He then feels a kick land on the back of his head sending him stumbling forward, this actually causes his vision to be blurred for a second. Once regaining his bearings, he looks to his right hand which has shards of glass poking out of his hand, of which he slowly begins to remove leaving his right hand a bloodied mess. He then turns to Neo who just brings her hand up and motions her hand in a bring it on gesture. (Y/n) then rushes her with as much speed and strength he can muster causing him and her to have a huge back and forth battle until she turns her body into glass again. Though this time instead of attacking her glass body he brings his elbow back as hard as he can which catches the real Neo in the stomach causing her to be on (y/n)'s elbow silently coughing. (Y/n) then tries to follow up with a kick to her face only for her to change into glass again. Upon making impact with the kick (y/n) immediately grimaces in pain as looks down at his leg to see a giant shard of glass poking out that is stained red. Once he puts his leg on the ground he immediately reaches down and pulls the piece of glass out of his leg. Neo then kicks him in the face sending him falling back as he is now off balance due to his injured leg. He then lays there flat on his back as he looks up to see Neo walking toward him with her blade ready. He then suddenly remembers the handgun he picked up before which he then draws and points at Neo, who stops dead in her tracks. He then says.
(Y/):"What do you want?"
She just smiles as she puts away her blade and extends a hand to (y/n).

A/n: That's part 23 completed. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys in part twenty four. Until then, Peace!

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