A Mother's Return

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(Y/n) just stays completely frozen in place staring at this woman as she is looking back at him with a warm caring smile. He lifts his right hand creating a black glyph underneath her to keep her in one place. This causes her to ask out of surprise.
Demetria:"(Y/n) what are you doing?"
He begins to feel a slight pain in his chest at hearing her voice. However, he doesn't let this show he just grits his teeth before taking a deep breath and activating both of his eyes. After doing this he says to her in a voice devoid of emotion.
(Y/n):"Because you were dead and people don't just come back. So, to put it simply, I'm a little suspicious as to whether you are who you seem."
She just smiles as she slowly begins to tear up prompting (y/n) to ask blandly.
(Y/n):"Why are you crying?"
She wipes her face with her sleeved arm before looking at him and saying with a smile.
Demetria:"Because you've grown up so much."
Demetria:"You were only 7 last time I saw you. You were still my little fragile child."
That pain in his chest is continuing to grow as he hears her talk about when he was little but, he is still not letting that be seen.
(Y/n):"Funny how things change, eh."
Demetria:"Yeah I guess it is."
(Y/n) just walks to right in front of her as he tells her simply.
(Y/n):"I'm gonna ask you a question just to test my little theory."
She doesn't seem angry or worried in fact she seems to be very compliant as she says.
Demetria:"Well then ask away."
(Y/n) then peers into her eyes with his to see if she's lying as he asks.
(Y/n):"Why are you here?"
Demetria:"To be completely honest, I have no clue. The last thing I remember was being stabbed by Daemon and then next thing I know I wake up in an alleyway not far from here."
She's telling the truth according to his eyes, he isn't fully convinced though thus, he presses on by asking.
(Y/n):"So, did anyone make contact with you before me?"
Demetria:"No. I felt sore and my joints were stiff so I came to this hotel to get a room. I would've never have guessed I would see you here."
(Y/n) realizes she has been doing nothing but tell the truth. The whole time she has been speaking that pain has kept growing, he can't contain it any further as he deactivates both his eyes and makes the black glyph disappear. He hangs his head and begins to shake as tears overcome his eyes. His mother notices this and hugs him tightly. This takes (y/n) by surprise, but he eventually accepts her warm and loving embrace as he returns the hug, while crying into her shoulder. The amount of tears tells his mother that her son has so much pain pent up inside thus, she rubs his wolf ears like she used to in hopes to calm him. It seems to have worked as he pulls back from the hug only lightly sniveling before she says beginning to tear up herself.
Demetria:"I'm so sorry I couldn't have been with you as you grew up. I'm so so sorry."
The fact that she can see the scar over his left eye and that he hasn't slept recently only makes her feel worse as she actually starts to cry now. Only for (y/n) to tell her.
(Y/n):"Its okay, Mom."
She then says after wrapping her son into a tighter hug than before.
Demetria:"No it's not. You were my baby boy and I left you without someone to take care of you. I was supposed to protect you and I failed."
As she says this her crying actually seems to double in severity. Her son then says.
(Y/n):"Its not your fault Mom. Besides I thought you were supposed to be the one comforting me."
This causes her to pull back and wipe her tears away as she giggles at her sons comment. (Y/n) follows this up by saying.
(Y/n):"How about tomorrow I tell you about what all you've missed ok?"
Demetria:"That sounds great!"
(Y/n):"Well for now you can stay in the hotel room with me and my team."
With that said the two head into the hotel and search for the room that (y/n)'s team was residing. They come to one and (y/n) is about to knock until he hears from inside.
There is a pause until.
Seraphine:"I'm not being a cry baby, Neo!"
(Y/n) knocks because the door is locked to which he gets Sera to respond by saying.
Seraphine:"Who is it?"
(Y/n):"It's me."
Seraphine:"Oh um. Neo's got it."
Soon the pink and brown haired mute opens the door to see (y/n) thus, she smiles. However, she soon notices a woman standing beside (y/n) prompting Neo to ask.
Neo:"(Y/n), whose that?"
(Y/n):"I'll introduce everyone just give me a sec."
As he enters he sees Sera with her shirt over her shoulders as Neo returns to treating her cuts, by stitching and cleansing them. Yamato is sitting in a chair that is face toward (y/n), which also faces him away from Sera as he says.
Yamato:"That was a long smoke break and whose that?"
(Y/n) then says while motioning to her.
(Y/n):"Guys this is Demetria Schnee."
Demetria:"Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you all."
Neo finally recognizes her from the picture (y/n) had of him and his mom. Yamato just greets her by saying.
Yamato:"Well it is great to meet you Mrs Schnee my name is Yamato."
Sera then puts her shirt on as Neo finished her last set of stitches. Sera greets her by saying cheerfully as her black wolf ears stand at attention.
Seraphine:"And I'm Seraphine Villalobos, great to meet you!"
Demetria's eyes widen in shock as she covers her mouth and gasps. This causes Sera to ask a little confused.
Seraphine:"Are you okay? Is something wrong?"
Demetria:"I can't believe how much both you and your brother have grown."
Sera looks confused before she says.
Seraphine:"Wait, (y/n) this can't be who I think it is, can it?"
(Y/n) just grows a slight smile which actually surprises everyone as Sera asks with tears beginning to well up.
Sera is then hugged by Demetria as they begin to cry. After this everyone got ready to sleep and something odd happens (y/n) actually falls asleep with ease whether that's because of his lack of sleep or the reunion with his mother he is unsure. However he does know he is enjoying his peaceful sleep.

A/n: That's another part completed. I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to see you all in the next one. Until then, Peace!

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