Together Again

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Dean can't believe who is before him thus he says.
Dean:"But you... you died. How...?"
(Y/n) interjects by saying.
(Y/n):"Honestly neither of us really know how."
Demetria just walks up to Dean and asks.
Demetria:"Dean. Where did you go after word of my death?"
(Y/n) can tell exactly why she is asking this. Dean seems to know as well because he hangs his head in shame before answering with.
Dean:"I joined the bandit tribe with Raven."
She walks up to him as her eyes begin to water as she says in a angry voice.
Demetria:"Why didn't you come home for him?"
Dean is just standing there feeling more and more ashamed before he says.
Dean:"Because I was afraid Demi."
Demetria:"Afraid of what?!"
Dean:"The white fang killed you and took his eye to get to me. I thought if I came back for my son then, they would try to kill him and me."
Demetria:"Dean that doesn't matter he's your son and he needed you."
The pain on Dean's face is very apparent and Demetria notice this as she lifts his head up by his chin to reveal the light tear trails trickling down his face. This actually surprises Demetria and she realizes how insensitive she may have been prompting her to say.
Demetria:"I... I'm sorry Dean I didn't..."
Dean interrupts her by saying very lowly.
Dean:"Your right, I fucked up and I should've gone back for my son. I've hated myself everyday for making the decision I did. I was just trying to prevent more pain but..."
He then turns to look at his son and Demetria does the same before he continues on saying.
Dean:"I guess I ended up causing even more. I'm... I'm sorry Demi I screwed up and I know that."
He just hangs his head again as his wolf ears flatten out of sadness. He soon feels Demetria hug him. This actually takes him off guard, while he is still in a state of shock Demetria says as her eyes fill with tears.
Demetria:"It's okay Dean. I've missed my big bad wolf."
He just lightly chuckles as his tears continue to flow. He then says as he wraps his arms around her.
Dean:"You know how much I hate that nickname. I love you Demi and I've missed you so much."
Demetria just giggles before saying.
Demetria:"I love you too Dean."
The two just tighten their hug until they both hear a light sniffle. This causes them to look at their son who is smiling and wiping his eyes of tears. This prompts his father to signal him over allowing both Dean and Demetria to hug their son starting a family group hug between the three. That is until they hear Sera exclaim from the doorway.
Seraphine:"Family group hug!"
She then runs up and joins in on the hug. Everyone is smiling including Neo and Yamato who are just watching. (Y/n) can't help but tear up at the predicament he's in. After a good few minutes of staying like this they all relinquish their grips breaking the hug. (Y/n) then steps out so he can go outside to smoke. After getting outside he lights a cigarette and exhales with a smile, but this smile doesn't last as he hears Yang's voice echo throughout his head asking "Why?!". He just begins to take another a drag off of his cigarette until he hears.
He turns around only to be almost tackled to the ground by Yang, who has tightly wrapped her arms around him. He can't help, but to ask out of surprise.
(Y/n):"Yang? How did you...?"
She pulls away as she looks at him with her tear filled eyes before answering him by saying.
Yang:"Dean brought all of us because he said he knew where you were."
(Y/n):"He did? Where is everyone else?"
Yang:"They went ahead inside the hotel. I saw you and told them I needed to talk to you by myself."
(Y/n) sighs and says feeling very similar to how his father felt just moments ago (the shame part).
(Y/n):"You have every right to hate me Yang. I deserve it."
Even though Yang is angry about what he did. She hates seeing that look of pain on his face, thus she says.
Yang:"I haven't even said anything and you already feel shitty. Are you ok?"
He just begins to tear up before he says.
(Y/n):"No I'm not. I haven't been for a long time."
He then sits on the ground as he runs his hands through his hair before Yang sits next to him and takes his hand into hers. He then asks something that Yang was not expecting to hear.
(Y/n):"Why do you love me?"
Yang just sits there stunned by his question before asking to make sure she heard what he said correctly.
(Y/n):"Why do you love me? I've never been able to understand what you see in me. Even now I abandoned you and yet you show me sympathy and love. I don't deserve you."
Yang:"Though I was angry at you for leaving my love has never wavered. I've missed you so much (y/n). The reason I love you is because, your such a great guy, you always help everyone regardless of how large or small the problem. You also have such a kind heart even after all you've been through your still one of the nicest guys I've ever met."
She then ruffles his hair while also rubbing his wolf ears before saying.
Yang:"Plus, your wolf ears are super cute."
This was obviously to make him lighten up, which much to Yang's surprise it seems to work as (y/n) has a smile before he says while turning to face her.
(Y/n):"Thanks Yang. I'm sorry for leaving like I did."
She can't help but smile before saying.
Yang:"It's fine. Hey since I told you why I love you, could you tell me why you love me."
(Y/n):"Its hard to explain but I'll try my best. When I'm around you I feel completely different. I'm not cold or sad or even broken feeling, I feel nice, warm, and complete (cheesy I know). I spent so long alone without anyone that these kind feelings became foreign to me. You're the only one that's made me feel that way. You're also one of the first people to actually care about me since my mom passed. That's why I love you Yang."
She just looks at him with a huge smile with tears slowly streaming down her face as she leans her face toward him. He soon does the same leading to them having a nice and passionate kiss. Once they both pull back she says.
Yang:"Well, hey it's late so why don't we head up for bed."
(Y/n):"I'm right behind you."
(Y/n) and Yang eventually found the room she was staying in. He soon follows her in and they both get ready for bed before laying down together and fading to sleep.

A/n: That's another chapter completed. I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to see you all in the next one. I would also like to say my book "Orphan's Path" will not be updated until this one is finished. This does mean this one will be ending pretty soon, but don't worry there is gonna be a sequel so, yeah. Other than that I'll see you all next time until then, peace!

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