Ice Goddess vs The Ice Wolf

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(Y/n) looks at his mother who is shaking as Cinder says mockingly.
Cinder:"What's wrong little wolf? Did you really think something that good could ever happen to you?"
(Y/n) says with a completely dead pan expression.
(Y/n):"To be honest I was skeptical of it the whole time. Something good like that would never happen to me."
Dean tries to step forward only for (Y/n) to put his arm out in front of his dad before he says.
(Y/n):"You and Sera need to help the other two and keep Cinder busy. I'll handle this."
Dean looks at his sons expressionless face as he asks.
Dean:"Are you sure about this (Y/n)?"
(Y/n) keeps looking forward at his mother before saying without even looking to his father.
(Y/n):"Yes I'm sure."
Cinder just giggles maniacally before saying.
Cinder:"Oh what a treat. You get to kill your son first for his insolence in light of being offered a position along side mistress Salem."
Demetria:"Please don't make me do this. I don't want to hurt him."
Her eyes continue to fill with tears as they also stream down her face. Cinder seems to be drawing enjoyment from this as she says.
Cinder:"I don't care if you want to or not. You are under my control and you will do as I say. Now go and kill your son!"
Demetria grabs her head as she screams again as she feels an intense pain course through her head as tears continue to flow down her face. Then a ice ribcage wraps itself around her and it then throws a punch at (y/n) only for his ice ribcage used its skeletal arm to grab the punch. This causes another ice arm to appear and throw another punch at (y/n) only for him to do the same to block again. As they are both deadlocked their respective knights continue to form until Neige is formed in his armored state and Demetria's knight is just as tall except it has wings and looks a step farther in its form in comparison to Neige.

(Looks like this except its color is solid white as opposed to Neige being solid blue it also has the yata mirror shield)Neige looks at the knight before him and says

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(Looks like this except its color is solid white as opposed to Neige being solid blue it also has the yata mirror shield)
Neige looks at the knight before him and says.
Neige:"Its been a long time Neve."
Neve:"Indeed it has been little brother. I can tell by the look their eyes we are set to do battle."
Neige and Neve get into battle stances as they both ready ice swords and Neve readies his shield. Neve then says.
Neve:"May the best one win little brother."
Neige:"Don't expect me to let you win. For if I do I will have failed our masters order."
Neve looks down to (y/n) whose eyes are completely focused on his mother. This prompts Neve to say.
Neve:"So this is (y/n) huh. Well I hope he's been a good master to my little brother."
Neige:"Enough talk! Now come on!"
Everyone else in the room is in a state of complete awe seeing Neige and Neve. Even prompting Cinder to say.
Cinder:"This is going to be a far more interesting battle than I anticipated."
Dean just looks up at the perfect form Neve causing him to say with a look of horror.
Dean:"They must have complete control over her. I've only ever seen her use that once and it destroyed 1,000 grimm on its own. I'm not sure (y/n) can handle this."
Cinder:"Too bad because your current battle is with me."
Dean then commenced to battling Cinder. (Y/n) looks at Neve and he says.
(Y/n):"So that's your knight. That's amazing."
Demetria:"And you've expanded Neige to fully armored on your own. That's remarkable."
(Y/n) and his mother then draw their swords and do battle with each other while Neige and Neve do the same. The two massive knights end up colliding swords and breaking walls and pieces of the ceiling allowing Neve to use his wings to get on top of the roof.
-in the streets of Vacuo-
The rest of the group is running through the streets trying to make it back to where (y/n) and everyone else was until Raven hears Ruby ask.
Ruby:"Guys what's that?"
Raven looks up and freezes seeing Neve. Yang then notices Neige emerge and land a hit on Neve and this causes Yang to say.
Yang:"That's (Y/n)'s summon, but I have no idea whose knight the other is."
Raven:"Demetria's knight."
Yang:"Why are they fighting then?"
Raven's eyes widen causing her to say.
Raven:"We have to get there and now!"
-back with the fight between Neige and Neve-
Neige' armor is cracked and or broken in most spots, while Neve on the other hand has a few cracks but that's all. This causes Neve to say.
Neve:"I don't know why you continue to battle it is clear I outclass you. Just give up."
Neige:"I refuse to quit on my summoner."
Neve:"I'm pretty sure Demi would understand."
Neige:"I'm not talking about her I'm talking about the boy who has suffered constant pain but has never given up. If my new master won't quit then neither will I!"
Neige then takes Neve off of his feet and begins to continually slam his fists into Neve's face which actually cracks and breaks the head of Neve causing him to disappear into a glyph. Neige is not that far behind as his armor flakes off and he says.
Neige:"I dealt with the big gun. Now, I'll leave this next part up to you (y/n). Don't let those words of mine be lies."
Neige then also fades into glyph leaving nothing behind of both summons except a bunch of rubble that has litter a lot of the area surrounding the building where the artifact is being held. Demetria and (Y/n) are both panting heavily as they used an astounding amount of energy to create both of their summons. Demetria says through pants.
Demetria:"It seems your inability to quit has rubbed off on Neige. I don't think I've ever even seen him fight so hard."
(Y/n) just reaches up grabbing the tattered remains of his whit cloak and rips it off of his shoulders before saying.
(Y/n):"Come on let's finish this."
The two collide again as they land punches and kicks on each other across the entire course of their battle. (Y/n) dodges one attack that was in a stabbing motion by ducking and kicking her into the air. He then follows up by using the eye of balor to freeze time and end up above her and kicks her back to the ground causing her to slam into the ground. Then he lifts his hand causing a skeletal arm to erupt from underneath the ground and grab her and keeps her in place as (y/n) stands over her. She watches as he raises his blade and thrust it downward in a stabbing motion. Demetria then closes her eyes and waits for the strike only to hear metal clanging against stone this causes her to open her eyes to see her son over top of her with the blade stabbed into the ground inches away from her face. His hair is covering his face making it impossible to see his face until she feels three droplets land on her cheek before (y/n) says lowly.
(Y/n):"I can't do it."
(Y/n) raises his head showing that he has started crying before he repeats himself by saying.
(Y/n):"I can't do it. I can't kill you. Your my mom and I love you. I'm sorry. I guess I'm still the same weak child from all those years ago."
He drops his sword and makes the ice arm crumble which frees Demetria. She just looks at her son in shock before he says.
(Y/n):"If you kill me so be it but I can't bring myself to hurt you mom."
Her heart breaks as she remembers when her son came home from school that first day. She vividly remembers how much pain her son was in this reminds her of this. She then goes against everything she was being commanded to do by hugging her son and saying.
Demetria:"Your not weak (y/n)."
Demetria:"You kept up with me the entire time we battled and even gave Neige the ability to beat Neve. Your amazing my son and I'm so proud of you."
Then a golden glow starts enveloping Demetria, which causes (y/n) to say with tears still flowing as he tightens his grip on her.
(Y/n):"Please don't leave me, not again."
Demetria:"Shh. It's ok (y/n) I'm always with you through Neige and now..."
She pulls away from his hug and places her hand on his head causing a white glow to wrap around (y/n) and says.
Demetria:"Neve. Goodbye my son just remember I'll always love you."
With that she fades away into nothing but not before giving (y/n) her signature warm and caring smile. (Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"Goodbye mom. I love you too."
After he says this Cinder throws a giant fireball at (y/n) only it to be sliced in half by Raven who is standing in front (y/n). Then Team RWBY stands in front of (y/n) while team JNR and Seth help Dean, Sera, Neo, and Yamato. Ruby then turns and asks (y/n).
Ruby:"(Y/n) are you okay?"
(Y/n) stands up and wipes his eyes of tears as he says.
(Y/n):"Yeah I'm fine. Let's finish this guys."

A/n: That's another part completed. I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to see you all in the next one. Until then, Peace!

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