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The group has been walking for a while, the sun was beginning to set. (Y/n) remarks at this by saying.
(Y/n):"It seems as though we'll be fighting in the dark."
Everyone is silent as they nod that is until a unknown voice says.
???:"Fighting at night is way cooler anyways."
This causes everyone to turn to see a guy with black hair and blue eyes along with some cat ears. He is wearing black boots, a vest, and gloves. Everyone was in a state of shock at how someone could've snuck up on them. Neo was by far the most surprised as she was half paying attention and he was right behind her as she turned causing her to practically jump out of her skin before he chuckles and says.
???:"Sorry didn't mean to scare you."
As he finishes this statement (y/n) summons the skeletal arm which picks him up in its hand keeping him confined in the process. However, the male cat Faunus doesn't seem frightened by (y/n)'s action, instead he just exclaims.
???:"Wow that's pretty awesome."
(Y/n) just asks him coldly.
(Y/n):"Who are you and why are you following us?"
The Faunus just replies.
Seth:"Oh yeah probably should've started with that. My name is Seth Rayner. I followed you because I heard about the white fang base and planned on investigating it myself. Then I saw you five so I figured as a full fledged huntsman you hunters in training could use some help."
(Y/n) kinda cocks his head to the side with a confused expression before saying.
(Y/n):"I don't think I buy that. You don't look very much older than me."
Blake then walks up looking at him as she says.
Blake:"Wait you're the one from Haven that graduated early right?"
Seth just nods his head as he says.
Seth:"That would be me."
(Y/n) then asks as he continues to feel paranoid.
(Y/n):"You're a long way from Mistral. So why are you here in Menagerie?"
Seth just answers pretty simply.
Seth:"Just cause I went to school in Mistral, doesn't mean I'm from there. My home is here in Menagerie."
(Y/n) then drops him from the ice skeletons hand as he begins to walk forward passed his other teammates. That is until Seth asks him.
Seth:"Hey if you don't mind me asking are you part Schnee?"
(Y/n) turns around to him and says surprised.
(Y/n):"Um yeah. How did you..."
Seth then interrupts answering (y/n)'s question.
Seth:"I thought the whole ice summoning looked familiar. Since your part Schnee your life must've been great."
(Y/n) then pulls down his hood to show his wolf ears as he says.
(Y/n):"You'd be wrong."
(Y/n) then continues to walk forward until everyone else falls in behind him, Seth included. They continue to walk for a few hours until nigh had set (y/n) then tells everyone as he starts a little campfire.
(Y/n):"Get rest if you need it. We'll be heading onto the base in an hour."
All except for (y/n) and Seth rested. (Y/n) was sitting propped up against a tree that was just far enough to be out of the light of the fire. He is sitting peacefully as he is staring at the picture that Ruby had left for him while he was in the hospital. Until Seth walked up to him and said.
Seth:"Look I didn't mean to pry with my questions."
(Y/n) just sighs before putting his photo back into his pocket as he tells him.
(Y/n):"Don't worry about it. I shouldn't have just walked off I've just had a rough... well if I'm being honest, I've had a rough 11 years of my life."
Seth:"Damn I'm sorry to hear that. It's hard on all Faunus."
(Y/n):"Yeah but not all Faunus lose their own mother at seven and have to sleep in gutters and alleyways all while missing an eye."
Seth is in a predicament where he literally has nothing to say to that. He then says.
Seth:"I'm sorry I asked about that."
(Y/n):"Its fine, talking about it doesn't bother me much anymore. It's been an hour if you wouldn't mind wake the others and we'll head out."
Seth then wakes everyone up and then gets back to (y/n) who is waiting for the rest while smoking. They then all set out to the base. Upon arriving at the base (y/n) sneaks on top of hit and place red fire glyphs all across the top. He does somehow managed to not be caught however he sees that apparently another member of the group got caught as they are all fighting with what seems like an endless supply of fang members. Thus causing (y/n) to hop down and aid in the battle. This battle is not going well as (y/n), Neo, and shockingly to (y/n) Seth are the only ones killing the white fang members. That is until (y/n) finds himself knocked to the ground by a big soldier that is about to swing down until Yang throws a insanely powerful punch that connects with the members jaw causing their head to jerk in the opposite direction of the punch causing a loud snap. The member then falls limp as blood seeps from his mouth. (Y/n) pulls himself to his feet as he looks to Yang who is staring at her hands as if she's in a trance. That is until (y/n) shakes her and gets her attention as he says.
(Y/n):"Yang! Focus, don't do this right now!"
She nods and continues to fight with a bit more lethality. (Y/n) then notices Blake being overwhelmed and thus he does his time manipulation to get to her and kill the one that was about to kill her. He then looks as he is now a little exhausted to which he notices Sun in a fight with several of the soldiers. Sun is not fairing well as he is taking a multitude of attacks. (Y/n) could go to help Sun but, his body just stays locked into place and watches. Sun is then stabbed in his stomach by two different soldiers, this causes Blake to scream.
Sun then falls to his knees as one slashes his throat causing him to choke and cough on his own blood. (Y/n) just takes a deep breath in as he closes both eyes for a moment, he then breathes out but, his breath out causes the world around him to get colder as his breath is seen in steam. This prompts Seth asking.
Seth:"Did everything just get colder?"
Yang also looks confused as they all look to (y/n) except for Blake who has run to Sun. Neo however knows what's about to happen as she looks to Yang signaling to her to help her fight with (y/n). Seth however has also ran over to Sun in a futile attempt to help Blake save him. (Y/n) then grows an evil looking smirk as he walks forward with both eyes closed still. At this point all the white fang soldiers have stopped in confusion about as to why everything around has gotten colder. (Y/n) then asks in a dark intimidating tone.
(Y/n):"What is the most tactical and greatest strategy in battle?"
They all sit there in confusion as to what he is saying.
(Y/n):"Is it suicide bombing? No. Is it chemical warfare? No. Is it the amazing technological advancement of Atlas allowing them to make war machines known as a mech? No. I believe the best strategy to employ is..."
Upon finishing his statement (y/n) then snaps his fingers causing all the red glyphs to explode throwing debris and pieces of soldiers all over the battlefield. All the other soldiers are looking on in horror at the crumbling base that was once their home. Even Neo and Yang seem shocked by what (y/n) just did before he says as he opens his eyes showing that he has activated the eye of Balor and the eye of the Witness.
(Y/n):"My personal favorite is scorched earth. Not really in the context that the military use it however. The way I use it, is to destroy everything my enemy knows. By doing this even if I'm to befall by any of your blade, you all no longer have a place to call home."
(Y/n)'s smirk has somehow become even more maniacal as it is now a toothy grin as he states laughing evilly to himself.
(Y/n):"Now come, throw your life away to avenge your home. As I will not let any of you live."
They all begin to rush (y/n) who has at this point readied both of his swords. (Y/n) just simply dodges all the attacks and then he makes two slices and the soldiers all stay in place until they all fall to pieces spraying blood all over him. He then makes the fully formed Neige, that begins to just cut through several soldiers at once. This causes Yang to look at Neige in awe and says.
The bodies Neige is dicing up, is causing body parts and blood to rain from the sky covering (y/n) in the blood. His hair is completely wet down and his face is coated in blood. It doesn't take long for Neige and (y/n) to decimate all the white fang soldier. Once this is done (y/n) is breathing heavily with both eyes still active. Neige now kneels to its summoner and disappears into a glyph. Yang then grabs (y/n) and turns him to her to see he has a grin plastered across his face. This causes her to shake him as she looks into his eyes, while saying.
She keeps repeating this which snaps (y/n) back to the real world causing him to say in between pants due to his exhaustion.
(Y/n):"Did we win?"

A/n: That's part 38 completed. I hope you guys enjoyed and a special thanks to @rwbyfan722 for allowing me to use his OC Seth. Other than that I hope to see all of you in part 39. Until then, Peace!

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