The Dwindling Flame

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(Y/n) then responds to the blonde haired man.
(Y/n):"Um well, sir. We're actually looking for the home of Yang Xiao Long, would you happen to know where that is?"
The man then says a little wary of the two as (y/n) is still wearing his hood.
???:"As a matter of fact I do. I hope you don't mind me asking, who are you two?"
(Y/n) then says apologizing as pulls down his hood.
(Y/n):"Oh I'm sorry sir. My name is (y/n) Villalobos and this is Neo."
The man then looks relieved as he asks.
???:"Oh, wait your Yang's teammate that was in the hospital right?"
(Y/n) then responds.
(Y/n):"Yes sir that would be me. Now, you said you know where her home was?"
???:"Well as it happens kid, this is where she lives and I'm her father."
(Y/n):"Oh, well do you mind if we come in Mr Xiao Long?"
Tai:"Of course not kid. I think Yang could benefit from talking to you."
(Y/n) then asks confused as to what Tai had just said.
(Y/n):"Wait, what do you mean?"
Tai:"Well, Yang didn't come out of Beacon that night unscathed either. Y'know what I'll let you talk to her yourself."
(Y/n) then follows Tai upstairs to a room with closed door of which he knocks on eliciting Yang saying.
Yang:"What is it?"
Tai:"There's someone here who wants to talk to you."
Yang:"Tell them to go away. I don't want to talk to anyone."
Tai just looks to (y/n) while sighing before saying.
Tai:"Look just go ahead in she'll be happy to see you, believe me."
(Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"Ok whatever you say."
(Y/n) then opens the door to see Yang sitting up in her bed as she looking out the window. She then says without even turning to (y/n).
Yang:"I said go away. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone."
(Y/n) then sits on the edge of her bed while saying.
(Y/n):"That's a little rude don't you think?"
Yang then whips her head around to see (y/n) sitting on the edge of her bed. She then says.
(Y/n):"Hey Yang."
She then jumps up and hugs him. However, he notices that she only has one arm but despite this he returns the hug. Yang then asks.
Yang:"How long have you been out of the hospital?"
(Y/n) then answers honestly.
(Y/n):"Well, I've been out for at least two or three months."
Yang then rips away from the hug asking confused and shocked.
Yang:"Wait, three months?! Why didn't you come find any of us?!"
(Y/n):"Well, I kinda didn't know where to look."
Yang then begins to calm down while saying.
Yang:"I can understand that. After all that happened at Beacon, me and Ruby came back home, Weiss was taken to Atlas with her father, and Blake just kinda left."
(Y/n):"What do you mean, she just left?"
Yang looks as if she is dreading telling (y/n) about Blake. Because she knows how hard it'll be for him to hear. She then says.
Yang:"Well, while you were in your coma she began to have a relationship with Sun. Ruby and I soon became the only ones checking in on you. Her and Sun just left one day without a word, she left us all behind. I'm sorry, (y/n) I really wished I didn't have to tell you that but I thought you needed to know."
(Y/n) then despite all the pain he feels in his chest, he says.
(Y/n):"No it's fine Yang. It was right to tell me."
Yang at this point has realized the bandaging on (y/n)'s right hand and asks.
Yang:"(Y/n), what did you do after you got out of the hospital?"
(Y/n):"You were truthful with me so I'll be truthful with you Yang. I went after a team within the white fang."
Yang then asks as the image of Adam cutting her arm off flashes through her mind.
(Y/n):"Because they are the ones that killed my mother."
Yang sits in silence for a second before saying.
Yang:"I hope you got some closure."
(Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"The only thing that came out of that were four dead white fang members."
Yang then asks shocked.
Yang:"You killed them?!"
(Y/n) then sighs as he nods expecting Yang to resent him. Yang then says worried about (y/n)'s state of mind at this point.
Yang:"Did you feel better after you killed them?"
(Y/n):"I felt good knowing that I avenged my mother. However, I feel sad knowing she'd be ashamed of the decisions I've made. I also felt bad knowing you and the rest of my team would hate me for the decision I had made."
Yang then says.
Yang:"(Y/n) the rest may not like your decision but, I understand and think you did the right thing."
(Y/n) then asks.
Yang:"(Y/n) your my friend and I know you. You wouldn't have shed blood for no reason."
(Y/n):"Thanks, Yang. I also had to ask you about something."
Yang then looks at him patiently waiting for him to ask his question. (Y/n) then asks.
(Y/n):"Well, I've been forming a team for a mission, as of right now it's just me and Neo. So, I wanted to ask if you'd like to help? You don't have to say yes I just figured I'd ask you."
Yang:"(Y/n) I'm missing my arm how useful could I be to you."
(Y/n):"Yang, I understand more than anyone how it feels to lose a body piece. I'll tell you what if I can get you into battle shape will you consider it?"
Yang says while looking back outside.
(Y/n) then realizes it's night time and decides to gather Neo and head into town for a place to stay before Tai asked.
Tai:"Hey where are you two going?"
(Y/n):"We are going to head into town for a place to sleep. Don't worry we'll be back tomorrow."
Tai:"How about this, since you two are helping Yang, y'all can stay here."
(Y/n):"Um thanks Mr Xiao Long. We appreciate this so much."
Tai:"Don't mention it, kid."
Thus, (y/n) and Neo got ready to sleep. Tai had set up the room Ruby slept in for Neo. (Y/n) just slept on the couch in the living room. Though, he didn't do much sleeping because all he could do was think of how betrayed he feels. His whole heart seems to be hurting again so, he decided to go out on the porch and smoke. He then just begins to cry uncontrollably, he had held this back as he didn't want to believe what was told about Blake but, with it coming from Yang he can't ignore it. (Y/n) sits there for awhile until he hears Yang say.
Yang:"(Y/n) your crying. Are you ok?"
(Y/n) turns to Yang and can tell she's truly worried about her friend. (Y/n) then asks with tear filled eyes.
(Y/n):"Why does everything I care about get taken from me?"
Yang then just brings (y/n)'s head into her shoulder as he continued to cry. She has never seen him like this and it honestly hurts her to see her friend who would always smile is now in complete shambles. Yang then says.
Yang:"(Y/n), you've still got me."
As she says this she begins to rub his wolf ears like his mother used to. This causes him to tighten his arms around her. As he says with tears in his eyes.
(Y/n):"Thanks, Yang. I'm glad I still have someone."

A/n: That's part 30 complete. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in part 31. By the way I would like to thank all of you for your continued support for this little story of mine which I started with absolutely no idea of how this would go. I'm glad for some reason you guys have found enjoyment in my writing and I hope I can continue to keep you guys interested as I continue to move forward. Until next time, Peace!

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