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-team RWBY's dorm-
(Y/n) and the rest of team RWBY excluding Blake had just walked into room as it seems Blake was leaving. (Y/n) has noticed her antisocial behavior increase as of late and this bothered him but he didn't want to intrude. Though he didn't have to because Weiss stops Blake saying.
Weiss:"Stop! Lately you've been quiet, antisocial, and moody."
Yang then interjects.
Yang:"Have you met Blake?"
Weiss then continues on.
Weiss:"Which I get is kinda your thing, but you've been doing it more than usual. Which quite frankly is unacceptable. You made a promise to me, to all of us that you'd tell us if something was wrong. So Blake Belladonna, what is wrong?!"
As she says this Weiss is balancing on a chair before she decides to put said chair back. Then Blake responds with.
Blake:"I just, I don't understand how everyone can be so calm."
(Y/n) broke his silence by asking.
(Y/n):"The white fang?"
Blake then replies with.
Blake:"The white fang, Torchwick all of it. Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it."
Yang then tries to calm Blake down by saying.
Yang:"Ozpin told us not to worry, I'm sure the police and the huntsman have this under control."
Blake then yells.
Blake:"Well, I'm not! They don't know the white fang like I do!"
Everyone looks at one another at a loss for words to respond with. Until Weiss says.
Weiss:"Okay. Between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves, and fighting for freedom; I'm sure the four of you think you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er-do-wells. But let me once again be the voice of reason. We're students, we're not ready to handle this sort of situation."
Ruby then interjects with.
Ruby:"Well yeah but..."
Weiss then interrupts.
Weiss:"We're not ready!!"
Blake then shouts.
Blake:"And we may never be ready! Our enemies aren't gonna sit around and wait for graduation day! They're out there, somewhere, planning there next move,...."
(Y/n) at this point tuned out as he thinks about what Weiss said about not being ready. He then thinks to himself.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"Weiss is right we're not ready. Daemon almost killed me despite me using all my strength. The eye of Balor almost killed me because I overused the manipulation of time. It apparently stops my heart whenever I use it I have to be more careful. Even with that I only beat him because he underestimated me. But Blake is also right. We can't just sit and wait, they're planning something big. I just can't think of what that would be."
He is then snapped from his thoughts as Ruby says.
Ruby:"Okay. All in favor of becoming the youngest hunters to single-handedly bring down a corrupt organization conspiring against the kingdom of Vale, say aye!"
Surprising (y/n) everyone seems to be on board until they all look to him, waiting for his answer. (Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"I guess I'm in."
Ruby then says excitedly.
Ruby:"Let's hatch a plan! Wait I forgot my board game in the library. I'll be right back."
Ruby then darts out of the room. Then (y/n) states.
(Y/n):"We're going to come up with a plan to take down the white fang and we are going to need a board game to do it?!?! Yeah, I don't see this being anything less than a riveting success."
Then Yang responds.
Yang:"That's the spirit (y/n)!"
After coming up with their plan they realize how late it is and go to sleep.
(Y/n) is in those same woods he was before. Upon realizing this he runs to the clearing where he met the cloaked figure the first time. As expected the figure is there, sitting next to pond like he was before. (Y/n) walks closer to the figure until the figure breaks the silence by saying.
Cloaked figure:"Ah, you know this place is so full of peace and tranquility sometimes. Though, we both know that won't last forever."
(Y/n) is confused as to whether he is referring to (y/n)'s mind or just the forest in general. Until (y/n) breaks his silence asking.
(Y/n):"Why did you bring me here again?"
The figure then sighs as he stands up and says.
Cloaked figure:"Straight to the point are we? You should learn to enjoy what's around you, rather than continuing to just look forward."
(Y/n) then grunts a little annoyed at the figure for not even answering his question. (Y/n) then shouts in an irate tone.
(Y/n):"Stop toying with me and answer my damn question!"
The figure just shakes his hooded head before saying.
Cloaked figure:"I don't know why you're yelling at me. This is your dream. If anything you came here of your own accord."
(Y/n) then asks confused.
(Y/n):"Wait, what?!? How do you know this is a dream?!?!"
The figure then says bluntly.
Cloaked figure:"Y'know it's not proper etiquette to start a conversation by asking someone a question."
The figure then sits back down facing the pond as he says.
Cloaked figure:"Your mother seemed like a well mannered person. Surely, she taught you better manners than that."
(Y/n) then grits teeth as he yells to the figure.
(Y/n):"I'd tread lightly if I were you!!"
Cloaked figure:"There you go again with the hostility. Actually, I'll humor you, what are you gonna do if I don't? Kill me, no that would make you a monster. Instead you'll beat me to a pulp and hope I'll go away. Well news flash I'm not gonna go anywhere so...."
The figure then stands up and turns to face (y/n) as he says in a menacing tone.
Cloaked figure:"Take your best shot."
(Y/n) grips his blade in anger but calms himself and says through his teeth.
(Y/n):"I apologize for being hostile as you said nothing to provoke me."
The figure then simply says in a sarcastic tone.
Cloaked figure:"That didn't sound very sincere, I honestly don't think you meant that."
(Y/n) is visibly fuming with rage. Which makes the figure chuckle as he states.
Cloaked figure:"Now, (y/n), all that anger can't be good for your weakened heart. It's not wise to push powers without knowing the drawbacks, now is it?"
(Y/n) is left speechless at how this being knows so much about him but he knows nothing about him. The figure then says.
Cloaked figure:"Now I'm gonna ask you a question for once."
The figure then falls silent for a bit. (Y/n) then yells impatiently.
(Y/n):"Well go on and ask your stupid question!"
Cloaked figure:"My my, your an impatient individual aren't you."
(Y/n) then growls in anger and agitation. Causing the figure to then say.
Cloaked figure:"Fine my question is. Who do you think I am?"
(Y/n) then thinks about the riddle but remembers he never found a name. Despite this (y/n) answers questioningly.
(Y/n):"Are you the creator of the grimm?"
Cloaked figure:"Nope, not even close. I'll tell you what because I do so enjoy our talks I'll give you another riddle. Mess this one up you'll get only one more chance. I am protector of the innocent though, I reside in the dark. I'm neither good or evil but, when bad things happen I'm blamed. Who am I?"
As the figure finishes his riddle everything is enveloped by bright light as (y/n) wakes up.
-the next day in team RWBY's dorm-
Everyone is wearing something different to their usual outfit. (Y/n) is no different, he has ditched his cloak for this adventure. While exchanging the simple t-shirt and pants for a white pea coat with a teal blue scarf and black dress jeans with white tennis shoes.
Everyone has been talking while (y/n) was out of it. Until he hears Ruby ask.
Ruby:"Everyone ready?"
Weiss, Blake, and Yang simultaneously:"Yup."
Ruby then looks to (y/n) and asks.
Ruby:"(Y/n), you do remember your role right?"
(Y/n) then responds quickly to feign that he had been listening.
(Y/n):"Of course, I'm with you and Weiss. But do I have to wear this, I feel odd."
Weiss then says.
Weiss:"While we were shopping you picked it out. This was your decision."
(Y/n):"By that you mean I had a choice between this and full fledged suit. That's the only options I remember you giving me."
Weiss:"Look your a Schnee and Schnees always look professional."
(Y/n):"Whatever you say cousin."
Blake:"I think it honestly looks good on you."
(Y/n):"Thanks Blake."
Yang:"You two are too cute together."
Then (y/n) and Blake yell at Yang with pure red blushes on their faces.
(Y/n) and Blake simultaneously:"Shut up, Yang!"
All of team RWBY were about to head out to where their roles require them to be. Until Sun interjects causing everyone to look towards the window as he states.
Sun:"Whatever you guys are talking about sounds interesting."
They all jump back in shock as (y/n) asks.
(Y/n):"How are you doing that?"
Sun:"What this, I do this all the time."
Weiss then asks a bit agitated.
Weiss:"You do what?!"
Sun:"I climb trees all the time. So, what are we doing?"
Blake:"Well, we are going to investigate the white fang situation. As a team."
(Y/n):"No offense Sun, we would just prefer to involve as little people as possible. Especially friends."
Sun:"That's dumb you should always involve friends, that's why I brought Neptune."
Sun says this as he points out the window. This causes all of team RWBY to look out the window to find Neptune standing on a ledge. Leading Ruby to ask.
Ruby:"How'd you even get up here?"
To which Neptune answers as suave as he can with.
Neptune:"I have my ways."
That facade doesn't last long as he then asks in a kinda shake.
Neptune:"Seriously though, can I come in? We're like really really high up right now."
After getting Neptune inside Ruby goes back over who is paired with who by saying.
Ruby:"Alright. I'll go with Weiss and (y/n). Sun you can go with Blake. And Neptune you can go with Yang because she doesn't have a partner. Everyone good?"
Weiss then says.
Weiss:"Actually Ruby, why don't you go with Yang, after all she is your sister."
Ruby:"But Weiss who would go with you and (y/n) then?"
Weiss:"Well, I guess Neptune could come with us."
At this Ruby begins to laugh before simply saying.
And thus Weiss, (y/n), and Ruby head out to Vale's transmit tower. (Y/n) has spent the duration of the trek to the tower in deep thought about the riddle the figure gave him. That is until he sees Ruby run off as he looks to Weiss and says.
(Y/n):"Lets just do what we have to and leave. No reason to drag this out."
As he says this they walk into the tower and walk to the elevator. As they enter and it begins to go up (y/n) sees Weiss practicing a fake smile he decides not to mention it right now. Once they reach the top (y/n) tells Weiss.
(Y/n):"I'm gonna stay by the elevator, you do what you have to do."
Weiss just nods and walks to the counter before walking to a open seat. (Y/n) does notice that when Weiss sits down she seems as if she is dreading this but, once the operator picked up she put on a paper thin smile that he saw her practicing in the elevator. Then the operator adds something at the end of her sentence of which (y/n) can't quite hear, however he sees Weiss' whole body tense up. Once the call ends her smile falls away as she looks sad. Weiss then makes her way back toward the elevator once she gets there (y/n) asks.
(Y/n):"You done?"
She just responds in a tense way.
Weiss:"Yeah we can go now."
After they get in the elevator (y/n) asks.
(Y/n):"You seem tense and kinda upset. You alright?"
Weiss responds quickly by saying.
Weiss:"I'm fine."
(Y/n):"You don't have to tell me but, don't lie to me."
Weiss:"I don't have the slightest idea as to what you're talking about."
(Y/n):"So we're just gonna ignore the fact you had to practice a fake smile on the way up. I guess we're also gonna just not mention how you tensed up when the operator asked you something."
Weiss:"Look, (y/n) let's just say, my relationship with my father is not the best."
(Y/n):"Well for what it's worth at least you know who yours is."
Weiss:"I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing."
(Y/n):"That bad, huh? Well regardless I'm also your family and you got me."
Weiss:"Thanks, (y/n)."
(Y/n):"You're welcome, Weiss."
Once Weiss and (y/n) get back to ground level Weiss' scroll begins to ring and it's from Blake.
Blake:"We need back u...."
She is interrupted by Sun yelling. (Y/n) and Weiss then try to catch up to Blake luckily they end up on the overpass above before jumping down as Weiss and (y/n) simultaneously make a layer of ice causing the mech to fall off the overpass. (Y/n) and Weiss then drop down to Ruby with Blake and Yang in tow. All of team RWBY stood before the mech weapons drawn as (y/n) asks.
(Y/n):"Ok now how the hell are we gonna stop this thing?"
Ruby then shouts.
(Y/n) then falls back and waits for his cue. As the rest of the team performs combo attacks. Until Ruby lands next to (y/n) and calls out their combo.
Ruby:"Blistering blurs!"
Upon saying this (y/n) and Ruby move as fast as they possibly can. (Y/n) surprisingly kept up with Ruby's speed by just using his glyphs instead of using his eye of Balor, as he made a promise to the rest of his team he wouldn't use it until his chest pain went away. (Y/n) and Ruby begin to slice through the joints on the arm and legs. Her scythe and his sword at that speed went through the mech with relative ease as they finished their combo, they landed behind it finally stopping standing next to one another as the mech fell apart. Leaving Roman in the cockpit as (y/n) and Ruby smile and shout.
(Y/n) and Ruby simultaneously:"Savage barrage!"
At that point Yang rush the cockpit and pounded on it until nothing was left of the mech except the seat that Roman was sitting in. Yang was about to punch Roman only for a girl with pink and brown hair to get in the way of the punch and shatter like glass. Then (y/n) looks up to see an airship carrying both of them away as he says.
(Y/n):"It seems as though he's got more allies than previously thought."
Weiss then adds on.
Weiss:"Yeah, I guess you could say she made our plan fall apart."
When Weiss says this (y/n) just face palms as Yang says.
Yang:"No just no."
Weiss:"What you do it."
Yang:"Yes, but that was real bad."
And thus team RWBY headed back to their dorm for a well deserved night of rest.

A/n: That's part 12 finished. I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys in part thirteen. Until then, Peace!

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