The Wendigos

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-a week later-
(Y/n) feels completely exhausted because, he has fought large amounts of grimm twice a day for the past week. The sadness and pain he feels continues to draw them to his location. This probably wouldn't have been an issue if he actually got decent sleep or had his swords but those got left back in Mistral. The only thing he has with him is the clothes on his back and that's it; no weapon, no canteen, and no other survival supplies. The fact he has eaten and drank very little, not to mention him having to constantly use his glyphs to make himself weapons and using Neige is only making his exhaustion worse. (Y/n) then just hears growls, which causes him to think.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"Oh come the fuck on."
(Y/n) turns to see a pack of beowulfs which causes him to sigh as he makes a glyph beside him and puts his open hand through it. After a few seconds he removes his hand from inside the glyph for his whole left hand to be covered in a ice shell that seems to be edged like a blade (Basically what Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black used when he stabbed Vegeta). He follows this up by opening his eye of Balor and starting to fight against the whole pack. He is doing well but it's taking all the power and energy he has left to keep fighting and the number of grimm doesn't seem to be diminishing at all. Thus, (y/n) begins to slowly become overwhelmed as he begins to take hits that normally would be child's play for him to avoid, when all of the sudden he stabs through one of the with his makeshift sword but becomes stuck as it pierced through the beowulfs amour plating. This causes him to look around as he tries to free the blade, upon doing this he sees a beowulf lunge at him but, right before it lands it's strike on (y/n) it is knocked out of the air by something. With the time he had been bought he puts his foot on the grimm he was stabbed into and rips it out. Upon doing so he turns to see his sister rip her hidden blades from the grimm that she knocked out of the air. This causes (y/n) to ask out of confusion.
Then Neo appears next to his sister as she stabs through a beowulfs skull. Before (y/n) can even ask there is a earth shaking roar that's coming from a deeper part of the woods. This roar sends a huge current of wind past the three almost knocking them over. Once the roar had finally stopped all the grimm ran away from that location this causes (y/n)'s heart to drop as he utters.
(Y/n):"I don't like the feel of this."
Suddenly the ground begins to shake making it abundantly clear that whatever is coming is pretty sizable as trees keep rocking back and forth violently as this creature makes its way toward them. All of the sudden all the noise halts as two grimm wendigos emerge from the trees.

 All of the sudden all the noise halts as two grimm wendigos emerge from the trees

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(Looks like this)
This prompts Sera to ask confused.
Seraphine:"Are those what roared?"
(Y/n):"No those are too small to make all those beowulfs run. There's still something out there something bigger."
While this was being said the three have gotten back-to-back as the wendigos are circling them. They are unnerving to watch as their heads just keep jerking suddenly and rapidly without rhyme or reason. Then for some reason the wendigos back up to where they entered from and just stand there. (Y/n) tells both Neo and Sera.
(Y/n):"Be wary. They seem smarter than any other grimm I've ever seen."
Without warning another roar erupts from behind the wendigos. This time however the roar is a lot higher pitched almost like a scream which causes the three to cover their ears while also trying to remain upright thanks to another current of wind from the roar. This is a frivolous endeavor as all of them are thrown into trees causing the wind to be knocked out of them, Sera is the first to look back in that direction to say in a state of pure fear.
Seraphine:"G...g....g...guys. What is that?"
Both Neo and (Y/n) look up only for both of their eyes to widen in complete shock as it looks like there is a straight up demon peering through the trees at them.

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