Two things

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(Y/n) just continues to lie awake with Yang wrapped around him for a bit before she asks.
Yang:"Hey (y/n)."
(Y/n) then simply responds.
(Y/n):"Yes, Yang?"
She sits quietly for a bit as she tries to figure out how to ask her question. Before finally asking.
Yang:"I wanted to know. How do you bring yourself to kill someone?"
(Y/n) sits in silence which causes Yang to have a mini panic attack at thinking she asked a painful question. Yang then says as to apologize for what she just asked.
Yang:"I'm sorry. I just feel like I need to know because I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to when the time comes."
Yang begins to have a face like a child who just admitted something wrong they've done, waiting for (y/n) to answer her. There is a long period of silence before (y/n) sits up to look at Yang as he tries to figure out how to explain it. Yang says grabbing his hand with a pleading face as she feels as though she needs an answer.
Yang:"Please, tell me how you cross the line and come back."
(Y/n) says in response.
(Y/n):"Well Yang, for starters, once you cross that line there is no coming back."
This prompts Yang to ask.
(Y/n):"You can't kill someone and just go back to normal. Once you kill you've opened the door for one of three people to show up. The first one is overbearing regret, you will hate yourself for the decision you've made, you just can't live with it. The second one is becoming overjoyed by the act, you will begin to love and enjoy the act of killing. Then there is the third and last one, this person is completely indifferent to the act all together, this person can kill without feeling anything."
Yang just sits marveling at the words (y/n) just uttered, before asking.
Yang:"Which are you then?"
(Y/n) takes a second before answering with.
(Y/n):"I'm the third one."
Yang then asks.
Yang:"Is the killing why you can't sleep?"
(Y/n):"Yes, but not for the reasons you think. I don't have nightmares because of the people I killed. I have nightmares because I don't feel bad for killing them, I just don't and that scares the shit out of me."
Yang looks confused as she asks.
Yang:"Why does it scare you?"
(Y/n):"It scares me because I feel like a merciless monster."
Yang then tells (y/n).
Yang:"I don't think your a monster."
(Y/n) just sighs before saying.
(Y/n):"That would make you one of the few."
Yang just sits there as she has one other thing she wants to ask him. (Y/n) breaks the silence by saying.
(Y/n):"If you've got something else to ask, go ahead and do it."
She then tells him.
Yang:"I think Blake is trying to win you back."
(Y/n) just says simply.
(Y/n):"Okay, and?"
Yang then asks.
Yang:"Would you take her back?"
(Y/n) just sighs before answering with.
(Y/n):"As much as I would love for things to go back to normal, I won't be able to forget what she did. Plus, you've been by my side throughout this whole ordeal with her and that means a lot to me."
(Y/n) then brings Yang into a hug causing her to smile before falling asleep in his arms. (Y/n) is not far behind as he drifts off to sleep as well.
He is awoken the next day by Neo shaking him, to which he responds with.
Neo hands a piece of paper to (y/n) that reads.
"Mrs Belladonna told me to wake you two because breakfast is ready."
Neo then realizes Yang is wrapped around (y/n). This causes her smile before mockingly making a heart with her hands and mouthing the words "So cute!". She then leaves the room to go get breakfast. (Y/n) then wakes Yang they follow suit. Upon making it downstairs (y/n) notices everyone is at the table eating. He takes the seat next to Neo, while Yang takes the seat on the opposite side of (y/n). (Y/n) has noticed as he is eating Blake keeps stealing glimpses of (y/n). Yang has also noticed this and asks Blake.
Yang:"Blake can we talk in the other room?"
Blake:"Sure thing Yang."
The two go into the living room, leaving (y/n), Neo, and Sun at the table. There is a tense silence as Sun is just staring down (y/n) who doesn't really seemed fazed as he keeps eating. However, Neo does not like the fact that he looks as though he wants to start a fight with her team leader. (Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"Y'know it's not polite to stare. If you got something to say, say it."
Neo just looks at (y/n) as if to say "Don't stir up shit!". Sun then says.
Sun:"Two things. One, why doesn't she talk? It's just very weird, it's almost unnerving."
Neo looks a little displeased by the question. So, (y/n) answers for her by saying.
(Y/n):"She doesn't talk because she's mute."
Sun then ignorantly says.
Sun:"I thought being mute was something people used as an excuse for not talking."
Neo looks offended and saddened as she seems to be remembering something. Sun then follows up with.
Sun:"Two, why are you trying to take my girl?"
(Y/n) once again seems very indifferent as he says.
(Y/n):"I have no clue what you're talking about."
Sun then jumps out of his chair and gets into (y/n)'s face as he yells.
Sun:"Ever since you got here she has done nothing but talk about you."
(Y/n) then slowly gets up from his chair causing him and Sun to look eye to eye, as he says.
(Y/n):"I can't help your girlfriend has a fascination in me, must mean your pretty disappointing in some aspect. Now, get out of my face."
Sun then slaps the shit out of (y/n) causing him to stumble back before Sun tackles him and starts punching (y/n) in the face. That is until (y/n) rolled both over, putting him on top of Sun and (y/n) commence to beat the shit out of him. (Y/n) does eventually stop beating him because he thought he had knocked him out. Sun then suddenly raises his head and spits blood into (y/n)'s left eye causing him to recoil. Sun then rolls back on top and begins punching (y/n) again, before he picks him up and slamming him onto the ground and whipping the shit out Sun again. Everything is a loud ringing to (y/n) until Neo and Yang grabs (y/n) and pulls him off of Sun, who at this point is out cold. (Y/n)'s left eye is a little swollen and there is a cut on his cheek. He then spits out a little blood along with a tooth as he tells Kali who is looking at him and Sun with a surprised face.
(Y/n):"Hey, he started it."

A/n: That's part 36 completed. I hope you guys have enjoyed and I hope to see you guys in part 37. Until then, Peace!

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