Bonding (lemon)

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Warning: this chapter will contain a lemon scene. It will be marked by the same bold text. Also why I'm here I'd like to give credit on the lemon part to my cowriter KyloBo .
(Y/n) then took a glance around the battlefield after asking his question. He just sees carnage all around between fire and dismembered bodies strewed about. He then looks at his blood soaked hands and he can tell he is covered in it from head to toe as some drips from his hair onto his open hands. After all this he eventually turns his attention back to Yang who has blood on her hands with a bit of splatter across her face partially reaching her hair and a little blood staining her shirt.  Yang then looks at her hands and then the thought of what she had done just hit her and she began to throw up. At this point Neo, whose shirt has several spatters of blood across it, is standing by the hunched over vomiting Yang rubbing her back as to comfort her. (Y/n) has taken this chance to walk his way to the rest of the group, upon arriving there Blake is hunched over the lifeless body of Sun. She is crying her eyes out as his blood has stained her coat, hands, and face. Seth just looks to (y/n) and says.
Seth:"He was far beyond saving by the time I got to him. I'm sorry."
He looks down at his feet feeling like he had failed the group. (Y/n) just tells him.
(Y/n):"Hey, you did what you could."
Seth turns back to the crying Blake, to which (y/n) walk over to her along with Seth. (Y/n) has now noticed the condition of Sun's body, his neck has been opened up making his head dangle by a tiny bit of flesh, his stomach is opened up showing his entrails. Blake kept crying into her bloodied hands placing some onto her face. Seth goes to her and comforts her bringing her into a hug as she buries her face into his chest as he says.
Seth:"Hey hey hey, it's alright. It's gonna be alright I promise."
She just says through tears.
Blake:"Thanks Seth."
At this point he begins to escort Blake away from the body. After Yang had calmed a bit both her and Neo walked up to (y/n) as Yang asked.
Yang:"What's next?"
(Y/n):"I'll let you know when I figure that out. Right now I know I need a shower."
At this remark Neo looks at him and nods as to agree with her blood soaked leader needing a bath. They then begin the slow trek back the Belladonna residence. Upon arriving at the home Kali is in shock to see everyone covered in blood. She just quickly rushes everyone to a bathroom to shower however there is one less shower than people there. So Yang and (y/n) are left in the guest room they slept in the night before, as (y/n) just sits on the floor as not to stain anything in the room. He tells Yang.
(Y/n):"Yang you can go first I'll wait."
Without needing any other confirmation she begins to undress before looking back at (y/n) who is looking away as to give her some privacy. She then walks to (y/n) grabs his hand turning him to face her, as she is wearing only her bra and panties, before she asks him with a pretty big blush on her face.
Yang:"I mean you need a shower bad too. So would you care to join me?"
Upon hearing her question (y/n) also begins to blush though his goes unnoticed by Yang due to the blood that has now dried on his face, hair, and wolf ears. He just takes her hand as she guides him to the bathroom. Upon making it there she turns to him and slips his cloak and shirt off. She then pauses to stare at his torso due to how many scars there are thanks to this she just puts her hand to his chest causing both to blush again. But then (y/n) grabs her hand as to avoid making this any more embarrassing as he says.
(Y/n):"I can undress myself thanks Yang."
Disclaimer: Lemon scene ahead if you wish to not read it then skip to next chapter you have been warned.

She just slowly backs away stealing another glimpse at his toned and scarred body. That is until she walks up to him and brings her face to his causing (y/n) to do the same leading them into a deep passionate kiss that becomes heated real quick. Yang stops kissing for a second and looks at (y/n) with love and admiration for him, eyes glazed over with passion and says "So should we move this to the shower?" And (y/n) says "Well i was enjoying this right here but sure if you're ready." With a joking tone that almost instantly turned serious. Yang then says "Of course i'm ready... honestly i was thinking about it the other night when we were sleeping together." (y/n)'s eyes immediately shot open as wide as they possibly could and so much blood went rushing into his crotch that he thought he would pass out. He looks at her and says "Really?" And she looks at (y/n) and says "Well...yeah....I honestly had to fight touching myself to the thought of you having sex with me." (Y/n) was done, he immediately pushed her against the wall kissing her viciously with a mix of love and intense lust pulsing through his body. She could feel his hard cock pushing against her through his pants which he swiftly took off leaving both of them in their underwear. He pulled away for just a second and she moaned in arousal. She said "I want you to fuck me... please.. now." (Y/n) pulled her off the wall leaving a partial bloody human back print considering they hadn't showered yet but had taken their clothes off which is where a bulk of the blood had landed. But they weren't thinking about any of that in this moment. Just how much they wanted to be with each other. (Y/n) picked Yang up and carried Yang to the shower and they were immediately tearing each others clothes off trying to remove the small pieces of fabric keeping them from actually fucking. They were both nude now and Yang was extremely wet, literally dripping with arousal. She looked down at (y/n)'s cock and her eyes went wide and her mouth opened slightly and she then bit her bottom lip as she said "I want you inside me so bad ..please put it in me" as soon she said that he slapped the water on and thrust inside her, probably harder than he should've but also with some care considering she's a virgin. She moaned in pleasure but also winced in pain. (Y/n) stopped for a second and Yang said "Please keep going, oh my god this feels incredible, i don't even care about the pain, don't you dare fucking stop!" With that (Y/n) started thrusting harder and faster into Yang against the wall of the shower with water cascading down on them. Water running down Yang's breasts and across (Y/n)'s toned scarred chest. Yang was moaning and practically screaming with pleasure and then said "Holy shit i think i'm about to..." and with that (y/n) felt wetness flowing down his cock and down his legs but didn't stop and Yang is moaning "Fuck, fuck, fuck." And then (Y/n) was grunting with every thrust as he felt something build up inside of him and pulled out at last second and came all over Yang's breasts and face, which Yang took a small lick of with a orgasmic look on her face. It was quickly washed off as they both sat there in the afterglow of what they'd just done. After coming down from their euphoric highs they went to bed but not before Yang tells (y/n).
Yang:"I love you, (y/n)."
(Y/n) follows up with.
(Y/n):"I love you too, Yang."
They then drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

A/n: That's part 39 completed. I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope to see you all in part 40. Until then, Peace!

It's so cold....(RWBY Male insert)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang