The Lay of the Land

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(Y/n) is just taking in the size and overall beauty of Beacon which is a massive improvement to the slums he was accustomed to. It feels different to him to actually see something as beautiful. (Y/n) was trying figure out what this different feeling was, for all of about let's say 2 minutes. (Y/n) was snapped from his thoughts as he heard a fairly loud boom to which gathers his attention, he then looks over to the source of the explosion to see a girl in white yelling at a girl in red. It honestly makes him smirk at the sight of the girl in white reprimanding the girl in red like she's a child. (Y/n) begins to watch the rest of this event unfold without being directly involved.

After the whole situation was resolved, well more accurately the girl in white stormed off, just kinda leaving the girl in red by herself as she then kinda falls on the ground in a defeated manner, to which (y/n) sighs and begins to walk over to her. He stands over her before asking
(Y/n):"You alright down there? You seem less than comfortable down there."
The girl in red opens her steel colored eyes as they see a boy in a cloak with two different colored eyes this intrigued her. Which was obvious that she noticed his eyes as she unintentionally made a face to which translated utter confusion. (Y/n) then asked her this time in a little bit of an annoyed tone all the while snapping his fingers.
(Y/n):"Hey you awake down there?"
To which she immediately realized that she had virtually ignored this person as her mind tried to conceive a reason that someone has two different eye colors. She then said with haste and panic as she literally leapt to her feet.
Girl in red:"I'm fine thanks. I'm sorry I kinda blanked out for a second."
Her voice was filled with nervousness as (y/n) began to reply with a sigh followed by.
(Y/n):"Don't worry about it.
Girl in red:"Um you don't mind if I just hang around you for a little bit I'm not good with social interaction."
She says all the while pushing her two index fingers together.
(Y/n):"Um sure I guess. I guess I should introduce myself then. I am (y/n) Villalobos."
He says all the while pulling his hood down but not before flattening his wolf ears amongst his hair. As he is honestly afraid of what people would say and do if he were found out. The girl in red then happily replies.
Girl in red:"And I'm Ruby Rose."

The two began to walk together around Beacon just talking about random stuff until Ruby just pretty much randomly blurts out.
Ruby:"I have this."
As she began to flip out this mechanized scythe that has a crimson red paint job.
(Y/n):"That's different I must say."
Ruby:"Different in a bad way?!!!"
(Y/n):"No no just unique I've never really seen anything of the sort."
Ruby:"Sorry, I'm just very proud of my weapon since I made it with my own two hands, so yeah. Well what's your weapon?"
She asks truly giddy at the prospect of seeing your weapon.
(Y/n):"I mean it's no where near as flashy as yours but I'll show you regardless I guess."
(Y/n) then brings out the folded butterfly sword. To which Ruby seems almost disappointed. (Y/n) just lets out a sigh at her look of disappointment and begins spinning it around his hand as it opened and fell perfectly into his left hand. Ruby seems a bit less disappointed by this show as she begins to stare at the double-edged sword and replies.
Ruby:"I mean it definitely looks cool when presented."
(Y/n):"Uh thanks I guess. It took a long time to get that little trick down. If I had one lien for every time it slammed shut on my fingers or I dropped it, I'd be a millionaire.
At this comment Ruby just begins to giggle a little, to which all you can do is sigh and let her finish giggling. You two then make your way to a big auditorium like area until you begin to hear someone shouting for Ruby to which she says.
Ruby:"I gotta go, see you later I guess."
(Y/n):"Yeah sure."
As the speech is started by a man with glasses (y/n) kinda just day dreams for a second as he stairs at the pendant on his necklace which is accompanied by a flash of that awful memory. At realizing this (y/n) quickly averts his eyes from the pendant. Upon doing so he see's the man with glasses walk off the stage as blonde with glasses tells them
Blonde with glasses:"You'll sleep in the ballroom for the night and tomorrow will be your initiation. You are dismissed."
-time skip to nighttime-
(Y/n) is basically in the same thing he was wearing previously except now he's removed his cloak folded it and is now using it as a pillow, granted it's not a great pillow but better than being on the floor he figures. But just as (y/n) is on the verge of sleep until he hears a familiar voice belonging to the girl in white along with Ruby's voice begin to argue to which (y/n) takes his folded cloak and places it over one side of his head. As he drifts off to sleep (y/n) thinks.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"Its gonna be a long several of years."

(A/n): Well that's part two I hope you guys are enjoying it. It's funny because I haven't  watched vol. 1 of rwby in forever so I've had to rewatch some of it for knowledge on this part. Also I would like to thank my sister Chanmaebae for making the new cover for this, and I will see you guys in part three. So until then peace.

It's so cold....(RWBY Male insert)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin