The Warning

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While I was writing this chapter I heard two songs that pertain to (Y/n) throughout the story. The first is pretty synonymous with his life and that is World so Cold by 12 Stones. The next is like his relationship with Blake and it is Hymn for the Missing by Red. If you would I would like to hear if you guys agree with me on that or not. I know that was kinda random but it just kinda stuck in my mind so, without further ado let's start this chapter.

(Y/n) just turns to Yamato and says.
(Y/n):"Go get Raven and Dean."
Yamato:"What about the other two?"
(Y/n):"No let's keep this between us, Raven, and Dean. Besides we're all gonna talk like civilized beings right?"
He directed his question towards Cinder and her lackeys before Yamato leaves to get Raven and Dean. To which Mercury responds with.
Mercury:"What if we don't wanna be civil?"
He said all the while getting inches from (y/n). His mask is hiding the rage that is building being in the presence of these three as for the fourth he has no idea who he is but that doesn't matter. (Y/n) just speaks with complete venom in his voice as he grips his blade's handle and says.
(Y/n):"Well I guess you plan on leaving in several pieces then."
Cinder of all people speaks up to diffuse the situation as she says.
Cinder:"Ignore him, (y/n)."
(Y/n) is kinda shocked that she was able to tell who he was. Then she asks.
Cinder:"Why with the mask?"
(Y/n) just takes his mask off as he says.
(Y/n):"Well unlike you I don't hide behind people when I do my deeds so my face is kinda well recognized."
Cinder just has that wicked smirk she always does as she asks.
Cinder:"By deeds do you mean what you did to the white fang? I must admit it's pretty impressive that you've managed to rack up such a high body count by yourself no less."
(Y/n):"It's not exactly something I'm proud of."
Cinder:"Your cute when your serious."
She begins to walk in a circle looking (y/n) up and down before (y/n) says.
(Y/n):"If you came here to flirt with me I'm kinda already taken."
The man with the mustache that (y/n) doesn't know steps forward to say.
???:"Ignore her she is no less a child than you are. However, Mistress Salem would like to extend her thanks to you for removing at least a majority of that reckless team within the white fang."
(Y/n):"I didn't do that for anyone else other than myself."
Cinder:"Oh? I could've swore it was for Demetria and Alex. Let me ask how much did it hurt to realize you had been lied to your entire life?"
(Y/n) just hangs his head and looks at the ground before Cinder continues.
Cinder:"It must have been crushing to have placed the hate on the one individual that deserved it the least and putting trust in the one who fucked up your whole life."
(Y/n)'s anger continues to build but, despite this he takes a deep breath before saying.
(Y/n):"Yeah it was excruciating, what's your point?"
Before he gets an answer (y/n) feels a hand on his shoulder which causes him to whip around only to be face-to-face with his father with his mask on. (Y/n) is basically hyperventilating before his dad tells him.
Dean:"Go to the tent with Yamato, son."
(Y/n) turns back to see Cinder with that same smirk before he shakes his head and nods to his fathers request and leaves him and Raven to this. Upon making it to the tent where Yamato was he sees Vernal, Neo, and Sera. Neo in particular is staring (y/n) down which causes him to turn to Yamato and say.
(Y/n):"Y'know there was reason I told you not to tell them."
Neo begins to try to make her way out of the tent, only for (y/n) to get in front of her and shake his head no. Neo goes to push past him only to be halted by the skeletal arm from his ice rib cage. Neo begins to squirm and writhe within its grasp. For the first time since meeting Neo (y/n) is so glad she can't speak because if she could she'd be screaming her head off. Neo's face is that of pure anger as (y/n) says in a whisper.
(Y/n):"I don't like the fact she's here either but we are not strong enough to fight the fall maiden, plain and simple. I'm sorry Neo."
Neo just continues to stare (y/n) down though, he really doesn't notice as him, Sera, and Yamato used their faunus ears to eavesdrop on the conversation between Cinder, Dean, and Raven. While doing this (y/n) has figured out that they plan to attack Mistral and that Raven is composing a plan with the help of Cinder to kill Qrow that is if they show them their Spring maiden. (Y/n) looks at Vernal before hearing.
Dean:"Vernal come here."
(Y/n) just moves the skeletal arm causing Neo to be out of sight when Vernal heads outside to where Dean and Raven were. After everything is settled between them Dean walks into the tent to see his son, Neo who is currently still being held by the skeletal arm, Sera, and Yamato sitting and looking at him intently waiting for him to say something. That is until (y/n) breaks the silence by asking.
(Y/n):"'d it go?"
Dean just looks at his son as he slowly pulls his mask off before sighing and saying.
Dean:"I'll tell you in the morning. I just wanna sleep this day off."
(Y/n) finally drops Neo from the arm and she immediately walked up to (y/n) and slapped him as hard as she could. Actually stumbles back at this as Neo then storms off. Sera looks to her brother and says.
Seraphine:"I'll go calm her down."
This left Yamato, (Y/n), and Dean in the tent alone. So Dean asks the two faunus.
Dean:"So how much you two and Sera hear?"
Yamato turns to (y/n) before saying.
Yamato:"Most if not all."
Dean sighs before saying.
Dean:"I figured."
(Y/n):"Hey dad can I talk to you. Just me and you."
(Y/n) says this looking at Yamato, who gets up and leaves, leaving (y/n) and Dean to talk.

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