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-Flash back 11 years ago-
There is a six year old (y/n) walking down the streets of Meadow with his mother in silence before asking.
(Y/n):"Hey, mommy."
Mom:"Yes son."
(Y/n):"Where are we going?"
Mom:"Well we're going to the weapon smith."
Mom:"So we can buy me a new weapon (y/n). Because a huntress without her weapon is useless."
Causing (y/n) to look up and smile very warmly at his mother and it seems as if it's infectious as his mother smiles just as warmly at he did. As (y/n) says.
(Y/n):"Ok Mommy."
The two continue to make their way down the street until they come to a stop in front of a building as his mother says.
Mom:"Looks like we're here."
After saying this she feels something tugging on the bottom of her cloak, as she looks to the source she sees her son who seems rather nervous who then looks up at her with puppy dog eyes (no pun intended) as he asks.
(Y/n):"Mommy, do I need to hide my wolf ears?"
The mother just squats down next to her son while rubbing his wolf ears as she says.
Mom:"Don't they make you look cute. Look these are good people they're not gonna care that you're a faunus."
(Y/n) looks at his mother happily causing his ears to stand up in excitement while saying.
(Y/n):"Ok mommy I can't wait to meet them."
His mother just smiles while ruffling his hair and says.
Mom:"That's the spirit."
This causes (y/n) to smile widely. Once they enter though the child begins to hide behind his mother as she walks up to the counter where a man with emerald eyes is standing who actually greets his mother.
???:"Ah Demetria. How are you today?"
Mom:"I'm good. How about you Alex?"
As Demetria is coercing with the Alex he notices (y/n) peering his head from behind her as he asks.
Alex:"And who do we have here?"
As he says this (y/n) hides himself behind his mother as she says with a giggle.
Mom:"This is my son, (y/n)."
As she says this she grabs the child's hand and pulls him to her side as she begins to scratch his wolf ears which seems to calm (y/n) down by considerable amount as she states.
Mom:"I'm sorry he gets real nervous around people he doesn't know."
She then looks down to her now calm child and asks.
Mom:"Hey, (y/n). Why don't you introduce yourself?"
(Y/n) then says stuttering the whole way through.
(Y/n):"Hello sir .....my name is um....um....um (y...../n) (y/n)."
Upon fumbling through his words the child looks at his feet ashamed as he felt his mothers hand on his shoulder as she looked down at him and mouthed.
Mom:"Don't worry. If your not comfortable you don't have to speak."
(Y/n) then just nods as he hugs his mother causing her to smile and say to Alex.
Mom:"So do you have anything like what I was looking for?"
Alex:"Well, I have this."
He says as he lays a katana on the counter and she just responds with.
Mom:"I'll take it."
-timeskip to that night-
(Y/n) is playing in his room as his mother comes in and says.
Mom:"Alright son it's time for bed."
(Y/n):"Yes, mommy."
(Y/n) then begins to crawl into bed as his mother tucks him as he says.
(Y/n):"Hey Mommy."
Mom:"Yes son?"
(Y/n):"I know what I wanna be when I grow up."
His mother looks incredibly intrigued as she asks very curiously.
Mom:"Oh? And what is that my son?"
(Y/n):"Well, I see how kind, confident, and strong you are so I want to become a hunter like you, mommy."
Upon hearing this she smiles as she tells her son.
Mom:"Well, I believe you've still got a while before you should worry about that. But if you you haven't changed you're mind at eleven I'll start training you. Deal?"
(Y/n) looks at his mother with pure excitement and joy as his mother notices it's like his eyes became brighter as he says.
(Y/n):"Thanks mommy! You're the best."
His mother just smiles as she hugs and kisses him goodnight.
Mom:"Goodnight son. I love you."
(Y/n):"I love you too mommy. Goodnight."
-Present day-
(Y/n) wakes up differently from this dream as he has a warm feeling in his chest. Upon awakening he looks down at his necklace and smiles. As he is staring at the pendant he is snapped from his thoughts by a panicking Ruby who is yelling.
Ruby:"We overslept!"
As (y/n) begins to get changed as the rest of team RWBY does the same as they begin to rush to Ms. Goodwitch's class surprisingly making it on time. Once class starts Jaune and Cardin are selected to battle one another. It doesn't long for everyone to pick up on the fact Jaune looks winded as he has done nothing but attack. Then (y/n) says.
(Y/n):"He refuses to dodge or block and he doesn't have the speed or strength to be a glass cannon."
As (y/n) says this Jaune takes another hit and gets knocked to the ground as Cardin clashes with Jaune as Cardin says.
Cardin:"This is the part where you lose."
Jaune:"Over my dea...."
He is interrupted by Cardin kicking Jaune in the gut, knocking Jaune to the ground. As Cardin looms over Jaune he goes to swing his morning star at Jaune until a buzzer goes off. As Ms. Goodwitch says.
Ms. Goodwitch:"That's enough. Students as you can see Mr. Arc's aura has fallen into the red. In a tournament style duel this would indicate Jaune is no longer fit for battle and the official may call the match. Mister Arc it's been weeks now please try to refer to your scroll during battle. Gauging your aura allows you to determine when it's right to attack and when it's right to be more tactical. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowulf. Now would we?"
Cardin then says.
Cardin:"Speak for yourself."
Ruby notices this angers (y/n) as she tugs his sleeve to get his attention as she asks.
Ruby:"You all right? You seem a little agitated."
(Y/n) just sighs as he says.
(Y/n):"I just despise bullies."
As (y/n) finishes his statement Ms. Goodwitch begins to say.
Ms. Goodwitch:"Remember everyone the Vytal festival is only a couple of months away. It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale so, keep practicing. Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale."
As she finishes the bell begins to ring.
-time skip to the cafeteria-
Nora is telling one of her famous exaggerated stories with fact checks from Ren.
Nora:"So there we were in the middle of the night."
Ren:"It was day time."
Nora:"We were surrounded by Ursai."
Ren:"They were Beowulfs."
Nora:"There were dozens of then!"
Ren:"There were two of them."
Though normally Nora's antics would have the attention of (y/n) instead, his focus was on the fact Jaune looked off as he was just prodding his food with a fork. While (y/n) is noticing this he realizes Nora has finished her story. Then (y/n) was gonna ask Jaune something but as he was about to Pyrrha beat him to it.
Pyrrha:"Jaune are you alright?"
Jaune then answers.
Jaune:"Oh yeah. Why?"
Ruby then pitches in.
Ruby:"You just seem a little not ok."
Jaune then attempts to lie which (y/n) just looks right through with relative ease.
Jaune:"Guys I'm fine. Seriously. Look."
He says using a paper thin smile. As (y/n) looks over seeing Cardin making fun of a Faunus girl with bunny ears. As Pyrrha continues to talk to Jaune (y/n)'s hearing becomes muffle as he just becomes increasingly angry at Cardin. As he the begins to pull on the Faunus girls ears as (y/n) begins to stand up and says to the rest of team RWBY and JNPR.
(Y/n):"I'll be right back."
(Y/n) then walks over to where Cardin was and pulls the Faunus girl away from Cardin placing the girl behind him as Cardin asks.
Cardin:"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
(Y/n):"Just putting a stop to you picking on someone."
Cardin then points to the Faunus behind (y/n) and says.
Cardin:"And why would you stand up for someone like that? Faunus are freaks and mistake to all existence."
(Y/n) just grows a smirk as he closes his eyes and says.
(Y/n):"Look Cardin we could do this the easy way or...."
(Y/n) then opens his left eye revealing the eye of Balor while stating.
(Y/n):"We could do this the violent way. And unlike everyone else you pick on I'll hit back."
Cardin just says.
Cardin:"Whatever man. If you wanna be butt buddies with freaks be my guest. Cmon guys he's not worth it."
(Y/n) then turns closing his left eye to ask the bunny Faunus.
(Y/n):"You alright?"
Bunny Faunus:"Yes, thank you!"
(Y/n):"Don't worry about it."
(Y/n) then sits back down at his table as Pyrrha says.
Pyrrha:"Thank you to putting a stop to that (y/n)."
(Y/n):"I just was tired of him treating everyone like shit."
Yang then just says.
Yang:"It must be hard to be a Faunus."
(Y/n) then thinks to himself.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"You have no idea Yang."

A/n: Ok that's part 7 done. I know I said I would attempt to finish two chapters but I got caught up in other thing so I'm sorry. Regardless I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in part eight. Until then, Peace!

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