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-Flashback to 6 years ago-
There is (y/n) training with a man with black hair with a black beard and a set of emerald green eyes as the man says.
???:"You ready (y/n)? I want you to come at me with everything you got."
(Y/n):"I'm ready and this time I'll land a hit on you that much I can promise!"
???:"Alright then bring it."
(Y/n) gets into a fighting stance while holding a standard katana and allowing a glimpse of his face to be shown. Showing his right eye and a very heavily wrapped left eye. (Y/n) then without warning dashes forward in a blur swinging his sword in a vertical motion as the man replies.
???:"So predictable."
As he begins to raise his sword that looks like a giant butterfly knife to block as (y/n) smirks causing their blades to clash followed by (y/n) shifting all his weight to the side. Causing (y/n)'s body to twist and spin to the left of the man while also in the process causing the man to drop his sword and fall off balance allowing (y/n) to get behind him as (y/n) utters.
(Y/n):"Yes,I'm too close for you to move. I'm to quick for you to grab your sword."
The man just closes his eyes as (y/n) swings his sword as fast as he can leaving a silver glowing streak in the air. The man opens his eyes slowly as he becomes a blur and ends up on the dull side of (y/n)'s sword, grabbing (y/n)'s wrist and utters.
???:"You got overconfident."
After saying this (y/n) looks up to see the mans eyes are crimson red, with an upside down star as the pupils. Then (y/n) doubles over in pain as the man buries his fist into his gut to which (y/n) says in a whining tone.
(Y/n):"Hey that's not fair! You used your Balor eyes."
???:"And what did I tell you about the world. I told you it's unfair and cruel. And it's obvious you still have much to learn."
(Y/n):"I had you beat until you cheated!"
The man snaps back very angrily shouting at the boy.
???:"How many times do I got to tell you in the real world there is no such thing as cheating just who dies and who survives. I've told you the world doesn't care what's fair and what's cheating I thought of all people you'd understand that. So let me ask you this. Was it fair when the world took your eye!?"
(Y/n) looks at his feet and mumbles lightly.
???:"SPEAK UP!!!"
???:"Was it fair when it cast you into the world alone, cold, scared, hungry, and injured all at seven years old?"
(Y/n) then says with shakiness in his voice.
???:"Was it fair when the world allowed you to be picked on and hated for being a Faunus?"
???:"Was it fair when it took the only person who ever cared about you?"
(Y/n) just sat there silent as he tenses up.
???:"I asked you a question!"
(Y/n) continued to sit there quietly as he began to shake like he was crying a few audible sniffles can be heard. The man then got close and lifted (y/n)'s head so he was looking him in his red eyes and he shouted.
???:"I'll ask this again! Was it fair when the world showed your mother gutted in front of you as you were unable to help her in anyway? WAS IT!!!??!?
(Y/n) looked up and shouted as his whole body shook with tears coming from his right eye.
???:"Good. Now come at me again."
(Y/n) looks forward while wiping tears from his eyes and says
(Y/n):"Yes Master Alex."
-2 months later-
(Y/n) is sitting with Alex at a table eating. They're are both looking down eating as Alex is the first to look up with a bandage wrapped around his left eye as he asks.
Alex:"How's the new eye treating you?"
(Y/n) then looks up revealing that he has an emerald left eye as he replies with.
(Y/n):"It's just taking time to get used to seeing normally honestly."
Alex:"Well kid you're welcome. I gave you that eye because honestly I felt bad being that you don't really have a semblance that I could help you learn. Your mom's was very intricate and kept a secret to those who weren't of her families bloodline. Plus I only need one to see everything.
(Y/n):"Well thank you I appreciate it so much."
Alex:"Don't mention it kid."
-3 years later-
(Y/n) is holding a very wounded Alex in his home as lies him on the table.
(Y/n):"Come on stay with me. You'll be alright just don't fall asleep."
Alex then grabs (y/n)'s hand as he states very weakly.
Alex:"Nah kid I'm not gonna make it. Look I know I never said it but I always saw you as a son."
(Y/n) then states with a shaky voice and tears welling up in his eyes.
(Y/n):"Stop with the sentimental nonsense you're going to be fine. I promise!"
Alex:"Kid I want you to have this."
He says as he hands (y/n) his butterfly sword and continues with.
Alex:"Its funny when I first took you in I didn't think you'd amount to anything, but you proved me wrong at every turn. You never quit even when your whole body screamed in pain. I'm glad I got to be your teacher."
(Y/n):"Master please stop you can't leave me too. I don't want to be alone again.
Alex:"Hey look at me. I've taught you all I can teach you. I want you to protect those who can't protect themselves like you said you wanted to when you first met me. You have the strength to do it now. Goodbye (y/n).
Alex went limp as he closed his eye. (Y/n) then sat there with tears streaming down his face shaking him saying in a shaky voice.
(Y/n):"Come on you bastard! Don't die on me! Please don't I'm weak I need you! I don't want to be alone again I can't I'm not strong enough!!! Alex? Alex?! ALEX?!!!!?!?!
(Y/n) then falls to the floor in a heap as he begins to cry and shake uncontrollably, until stating through his stutters and sobbing.
(Y/n):"Wh....wh.....why is the so un....unf.....unfair? WHY!?!!? WHY DOES EVERYTHING I LOVE GET TORN AWAY!!!??!??!
-Present Day-
(Y/n) jerks straight up from his slumber with tears flowing from his right eye as his left eye is still slammed shut from yesterday. He realizes all of them are asleep so he relaxes a bit as his Faunus ears stand up as he hears a gasp. So, he immediately looks to the source to see Blake who is wearing her Beacon uniform however she isn't wearing her bow showing her faunus ears as they both say quietly.
(Y/n) and Blake:"You're a Faunus, too?"
They both stare at one another in utter silence for a few seconds until Blake breaks the silence saying very quietly.
Blake:"I'll keep your secret if you keep mine."
After (y/n) says this he hears the others beginning to stir so he flattens his ears and goes to brush his teeth. As he is doing this he catches a glimpse of his closed left eye in the mirror as he sees a flash of himself without a left eye for a brief second before changing into his uniform. Upon coming back out Ruby and Yang about knocked him over as they begin to fight over who gets to use the bathroom first. After Yang and Ruby got dressed it seemed everyone was awake except Weiss. However, this was short lived as Ruby blew a whistle waking Weiss from her deep sleep as she asks.
Weiss:"What in the world is wrong with you?!"
Ruby:"Well now that you're awake we can begin our first order of business!"
Yang then interjects while holding a pile of knick-knacks.
Blake:"We still have to unpack."
She says as she holds up a suit case as it opens up spilling its contents as she adds on
Blake:"And clean."
Leading to Ruby blowing the whistle again while stating.
Ruby:"Alright Weiss, Blake, Yang, (y/n), and there fearless leader Ruby have started their first mission. Bonzai!
As Yang and Blake follow up with.
Blake and Yang simultaneously:"Bonzai!"
This caused (y/n) to chuckle and face palm.
-time skip to after room has been renovated-
Weiss:"I don't think this is gonna work."
Blake:"It is a bit cramped."
Yang:"Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff."
Ruby:"Or we could ditch the beds."
(Y/n):"At least I wouldn't be the only one sleeping on the floor then."
Then all of the sudden Ruby makes a noise that conveys she has an idea the thought of how well her last idea went honestly makes (y/n) a bit nervous.
Ruby:"And replace them with bunk beds!"
Weiss:"That sounds incredibly dangerous."
Yang:"And super awesome!"
Blake:"It does seem efficient."
Weiss:"Well we should ask what (y/n) thinks. I'm pretty sure he has an opinion about it."
As she says all four turn and look at you as you simply respond with.
(Y/n):"So long as when my bed gets here it stays on the ground, I honestly don't care."
Then they all rush toward the beds and begin stacking them. (Y/n) lived in the slums his entire life and he even thinks these bunk beds look really sketchy. Once the bunk beds are set Ruby says.
Ruby:"Alright our second order of business is classes. Now we have a few classes together today at 9 we've got...."
Before she continues Weiss interrupts.
Weiss:"What?! Did you say 9 o'clock?!
Weiss:"It's 8:55 you dunce!"
As the whole team looks at one another and takes off at a full sprint to class.

A/n: That's part five wrapped up. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in part six. Peace!

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