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(Y/n) spends the next five weeks with nonstop training the only times he stopped is when he ate and when he slept. The fruits of his training were great as he has reached perfect control of the eye of Balor allowing him to use it infinitely, granted the time manipulation still has that awful side effect making that power from it more or less improbable in battle. He also has gotten really talented in his summon being able to make that rib cage and skeletal arm into a full formed knight called Neige (imagined Sauske's full body armored susanoo but only as tall as Weiss' summon), not to mention he also has become adept with the eye of the Witness. He also now has two tattoos, one on each palm, on his left hand he tatted his hand with the same glyph formation used during summoning allowing him to summon Neige with just concentration. The right hand consists of a dust tattoo made from four different dust crystals; fire, electricity, and wind are in a circle with ice in the middle, this allows him to make glyphs of those elements which can, for example, allow him to place fire glyphs on people making sticky bombs and all manners of other things, he can also make different elemental weapons for Neige to use. (Y/n) is now packing a bag as he is going to need a good water and food supply as he is going to be traveling for a long time. He is then interrupted ,as he walks into the kitchen and lays the duffle bag he has packed on the table, by Qrow who is now sitting at the table who then asks.
Qrow:"What you doing, kid?"
(Y/n) just says simply as he puts on his new cloak he had made.
(Y/n):"Something I should've done after Alex died."
(Y/n) then goes to grab the duffle bag only for Qrow to grab his arm. (Y/n) then says in a voice that honestly takes Qrow off guard.
(Y/n):"Qrow, please take your hand off of me and let me do what needs to be done."
Qrow has never heard (y/n) sound like this, he sounded so cold and devoid of empathy. Qrow then tightened his grip on his arm as he said with complete seriousness looking (y/n) in the eyes.
Qrow:"I'm going to ask you this once more. What are you going to do?"
(Y/n) then says very easily without holding back anything.
(Y/n):"I'm going to kill all of team DEMN."
Qrow then shouts in shock and panic.
Qrow:"What are you crazy?! Those people dealt with your mom with ease and she was a pro huntress. What makes you think you can handle them on your own?"
(Y/n) then tells Qrow.
(Y/n):"Because I'm not gonna be merciful. I will not spare them as they don't deserve anymore chances."
Qrow then says after sitting in silence upon hearing (y/n)'s statement.
Qrow:"Y'know your mother would disapprove of what you just said. She also would never let you step across that line."
(Y/n) then lets go of the duffle bag as he says to Qrow.
(Y/n):"Qrow, I don't really won't to hurt anyone...."
He is then interrupted by Qrow.
Qrow:"Then don't please. (Y/n) killing them won't bring Demetria or Alex back. Not to mention what would your team think huh?"
(Y/n) then says a little agitated at how quickly Qrow interrupted him.
(Y/n):"I know it won't bring my mom and Alex back, I'm not that naive. I'm also aware my team would not like this decision but, I can't let team DEMN ruin anyone else's life like they did mine."
Qrow then says in a desperate attempt to change (y/n)'s mind.
Qrow:"Why don't I come help you."
(Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"No. I want to do this myself."
Qrow:"Look kid, I'm begging you don't do this. If not for me, for your mother, please."
(Y/n) then looks at Qrow as he says truly apologetic.
(Y/n):"I'm sorry Qrow but, maybe if someone did this several years ago my mother would still be here to tell me how much she hates this idea."
Qrow then hangs his head as he says.
Qrow:"I'm not gonna change your mind am I?"
(Y/n) then grabs the duffle bag and begins to undo his necklace and hands it to Qrow as he says.
(Y/n):"I do have a favor to ask of you Qrow."
Qrow:"Oh, and what's that?"
(Y/n):"Give this necklace to Ruby. So that way my mom can watch over someone who she'd be proud in. I don't want her to see what I'm gonna do."
With that said (y/n) walked out the door and headed to the cemetery before heading off on his journey. Upon making it to his mother's tombstone, he takes his hood down and makes his ears stand up as he begins to say.
(Y/n):"Hey mom. It's been awhile since I last talked to you, so much has happened since then, not all good either. I just wanted to say I love you and I know you would be very unhappy with what I am planning. I want to say I'm sorry you have every right to be disappointed in me but, I can't let those people continue to draw air in this world. I also gave your necklace to someone I think you'll enjoy watching over way more than me. Her name is Ruby she was one of my first friends at Beacon she is also my team leader. With that said I have to go mom, I love you and goodbye."
(Y/n) then pulls up his hood and begins to walk off.
-a week later-
(Y/n) is currently walking down a path with his hood pulled up at this point he has no idea as to where team DEMN would even remotely be. His wolf ears then perk up as he can tell he is being followed prompting him to shout aloud.
(Y/n):"Y'know for someone trying to sneak up on me, you're being real fucking loud!"
After he says this a man with long black braided hair, yellow eyes, and a scorpions tail that honestly looks a little unstable comes out and says.
???:"Well I guess you're more perceptive than you look. I'll cut to the chase, my boss would like a word with you."
(Y/n) then says bluntly as he turns his back to the man.
(Y/n):"Well as it were I don't have time to talk with your boss. Sorry pal maybe after I've dealt with my little problem."
The man then laughs manically and says.
???:"My boss just figured you'd want to know how the one you call 'Blake' is doing."
(Y/n) then stops dead in his tracks. The man then says.
???:"Oh it seems I've got your attention."
(Y/n) then says very impatiently.
(Y/n):"Cut the shit and tell me what you mean."
The man then says.
???:"Me and my boss thought you should know Blake and that monkey boy have become extremely close."
(Y/n):"And this matters to me because?"
???:"What?! I thought she was your girlfriend?"
(Y/n):"I've been gone for several months and we went on one date and she moved on. This doesn't bother me so whatever your playing at your failing. Now leave me alone pest."
With that the man then rushed (y/n) out of anger. The man swings the blades attached to his wrist at (y/n) only for it to be blocked by the ice rib cage. Causing the man to say.
After he says this the skeletal arm grabs him and pulls him up to (y/n)'s face as (y/n) says.
(Y/n):"I don't know who your boss is but I do know if I ever see you again I'm gonna rip your tail off and shove it so far up your ass you'll be able to use it to eat. Now let's see what you fear."
(Y/n) then opens his eye of the Witness which causes the man to fall to his knees as he begins to scream with tears coming from his eyes. After about a minute of that the man passes out, not long after that (y/n)'s right eye has a blood tear coming from it before it slowly closes. (Y/n) then begins to keep following the path ahead. As he continues his walk the sun begins to set thus, he decides to set up base camp for the night. After doing so he begins to look at the fire he made as he feels his heart hurting and falling apart, he then has a singular tear come from his left eye as he lightly sobs as he thinks about what was said about Blake. He doesn't feel angry but instead he feels completely alone and sad again and it hurts so much. After sobbing for a bit the tears stop and instead he feels completely cold and numb inside. (Y/n) for the first time in his life feels nothing emotionally. It seems as if the way the world has pushed him his entire life has finally broken him. He no longer cares what happens to himself or those that don't categorize as his friends. Even the world itself, as far as he is concerned, can burn so long as his friends are ok. This only reinforces his need to finish his mission of killing all of team DEMN.

A/n: That's part 21 complete. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in part twenty two. Until then, Peace!

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