A Familiar Face

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(Y/n) is sitting in the stands as he watches his teammates compete in the tournament. They are holding their own with relative ease. (Y/n) is then approached by team JNPR as Pyrrha states.
Pyrrha:"Hey, (y/n)."
(Y/n) then turns his attention to team JNPR while saying.
(Y/n):"Oh hi guys. How are y'all?"
Pyrrha responds.
Pyrrha:"We're good. I'd have imagine you would be participating."
(Y/n) then says while hanging his head and lifting the hilt of his sword.
(Y/n):"Well, as it would seem no weapon smiths in town had the materials and time to make my sword. So, I had to sit out of the tournament."
Nora then says.
Nora:"Aw that sucks."
(Y/n):"Yes it does, Nora. Yes it does."
Jaune then interjects.
Jaune:"Well, hey we're going to go explore the Vytal festival. Would you like to come?"
(Y/n) just smiles as he says.
(Y/n):"I would love to but, I need to support my teammates. Sorry, Jaune. I'm sure we'll catch up later."
Jaune just simply shrugs it off while saying.
Jaune:"Hey don't worry about it man. We'll see ya later."
All team JNPR waves goodbye to (y/n) as they leave. (Y/n) then says with a smile on his face.
(Y/n) then turns his attention back to the battle. It doesn't last much longer as team RWBY K.O.'s the whole team they were facing. After that they all meet up with (y/n) and head to the Vytal festival as Ruby asks as she holds her stomach.
Ruby:"Anyone else starving?"
(Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"I told you to eat a light breakfast."
Ruby:"Your idea of light breakfast excluded bacon and pancakes. I refuse to eat breakfast if it doesn't include the two."
(Y/n):"I didn't say you couldn't have them. What I said was that six pieces of bacon and five pancakes does not a light breakfast make, Ruby."
Blake then says.
Blake:"I guess I worked up a bit of an appetite."
Then a loud growl comes from Blake's stomach. Weiss then says sarcastically.
Weiss:"Gee if only there were somewhere on campus to get food around here. Oh wait."
Ruby then says putting a hand on Weiss' shoulder.
Ruby:"Its okay Weiss I forget about the fairgrounds too."
Weiss then says.
Weiss:"I was being facetious."
Ruby then says while throwing her arms in the air.
Ruby:"Well, if you were hungry, why didn't you say so!?"
Yang then motions everyone forward saying.
Yang:"Cmon I know just the place."
They begin to follow Yang until someone says from behind them.
???:"Hey! Might be hard to eat without this!"
Everyone turns to see Emerald holding Ruby's wallet. Emerald then chuckles as she hands Ruby her wallet back. Emerald then states.
Emerald:"It's good to see you again Ruby."
Ruby:"Thanks Emerald! Guess I dropped it. Girl pockets are the worst!"
Yang then walks to Ruby and asks Emerald.
Yang:"What's up Em?"
Emerald then coerces with team RWBY for a little bit before leaving them to go eat as well. They then arrived at a ramen shop at which they all order pretty much the same thing except for Blake and (y/n). Blake ordered a full bowl of fish while, (y/n) ordered ramen with pieces of steak diced up in it. Weiss then gave the man her card to which the man gladly accepts until it is thrown back at the counter for being declined. Blake then went to take the bowl of fish off the counter very carefully on for it and (y/n)'s bowl to be taken causing both him and Blake to go.
(Y/n) and Blake simultaneously:"Noooo."
They both are interrupted from their despair by Pyrrha saying.
Pyrrha:"Maybe I could help."
Leading to Ruby saying in excitement.
Yang:"You don't have to."
(Y/n) and Blake:"BUT SHE COULD."
Pyrrha then simply responds with.
Pyrrha:"I think you all deserve it after the amount of work all five of you have put in."
Jaune then asks.
Jaune:"Mind if we join you?"
Thus they begin to eat. This honestly doesn't take long for both teams to finish eating. Then Ren asks.
Ren:"Are sure it's wise to have eaten before a battle?"
(Y/n) at this point is very close to taking a nap as the conversation around him becomes more like mumbles more than anything else. That is until he is shaken by Blake causing him to jerk back up into an attentive position as his eyes blinked quickly. Blake then says as she grabs his hand causing his face to go red.
Blake:"Cmon we're gonna watch team JNPR's battle."
Once they make it back to the arena it's very clear that team JNPR have this under control. They only catch the tail end however. Once the match is over (y/n) then states.
(Y/n):"Alright well that's all the matches I have any interest in seeing so I'm gonna head back guys."
The rest of the team agrees with (y/n) and thus they begin to leave until (y/n) and Ruby bump into Weiss who is at a complete stop. Ruby then asks.
Ruby:"What are you doing?"
(Y/n):"Yeah Weiss. You seem completely focused on that ship up there."
Weiss then says excitedly.
Weiss:"She's here."
(Y/n) then asks confused.
(Y/n):"Who's here?"
Weiss then just starts to head toward the landing pad with (y/n) and Ruby right behind her. Once they finally make it there (y/n) and Ruby are winded as he says.
(Y/n):"Weiss. Please stop running. Who is she?"
Weiss then responds.
At this point (y/n) realizes there is a woman who has the same white hair and pale blue eyes as Weiss. Weiss then shouts.
She then rushes up to the woman saying.
Weiss:"Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh, your presence honors us."
(Y/n) then watches as the woman walks up to Weiss as she states.
Winter:"Beacon, it's been a long time. The air feels.....different."
(Y/n):"Better than the polluted air of Meadow but whatever."
Weiss then punches (y/n)'s shoulder while saying to Winter.
Weiss:"So, what are you doing here?"
Winter then responds.
Weiss:"Oh, right. Well, how long are you staying?"
Weiss:"Of course."
(Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"Not very talkative, eh?"
Weiss:"You're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas! Vale, too. The government and school are completely separate! Can you believe it? I..."
She is then interrupted by Winter stating.
Winter:"I'm more than familiar with how this handles its bureaucracy. That is not why I came."
Weiss:"Right! I'm sorry."
Winter:"Nor did I come to watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle. But it appears I have no choice in the matter."
Weiss:"But we won."
Winter:"Only a novice would refer to that as a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed."
She then lifts a hand as she tells the robot soldiers.
Winter:"Leave us."
She then sighs before continuing.
Winter:"How have you been?"
Weiss:"Oh, splendid! Thank you for asking. I'm actually the very top ranking of our sparring class. The rest of my studies are going wonderfully too. I'm..."
She is then interrupted by Winter smacking her on the head while shouting.
Winter:"Silence, you boob! I don't recall asking about your rank. I asked how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?"
Weiss then says.
Weiss:"Well there's Ruby and (y/n). I don't know if he technically counts since he's family."
Winter:"I see. So this is the leader you wrote of. How appropriately....underwhelming."
Ruby then says.
Ruby:"Um thank you."
Winter:"Greetings Ruby Rose. I wish to thank you for taking an interest in my sister."
Ruby then tries to be formal while saying.
Ruby:"Oh, yes, of course! The honor is my....court."
Winter then looks over to (y/n) and says.
Winter:"And you are the cousin to Weiss and I, correct?"
(Y/n) then states.
(Y/n):"That would be correct. It's nice to meet another extension of my family."
Winter:"I would like to speak to you later about some things."
(Y/n) just responds a little confused.
Winter:"Well, I have business with General and your headmaster. But seeing as I'm early, why don't you take me to your quarters."
Winter:"Yes I wish to inspect them and make sure they're up to my personal standards."
Weiss:"Of course. Just so you're aware, the bunk beds only look unstable."
(Y/n), Weiss, and Winter are walking toward the academy until a mans voice shouts from behind.
They all turn as they see a man in a white and gray shirt, with black hair, and red eyes. (Y/n) just sits there and asks confused.

A/n: That's part 17 done. As always I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you in part eighteen. Until then, Peace!

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