The Secrets They Keep...

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-two weeks later-
The majority of the group is sitting around a fire which (y/n) had started. There are two that aren't however, and those two are Yang and Sera of which are sparring (Sera's weapon is two hidden blade gauntlets but not like the assassins creed variation. More like the one Billy Russo had in the Punisher series). It's pretty amazing how quickly she has learned and improved, granted she still doesn't use her glyphs just for the sheer fact of not having any expertise with it but that'll come with time, at least that's what (y/n) and Weiss figure. While those two are sparring everyone else is sitting around the fire, Blake was sitting and reading until Seth laid his head on her lap. Which prompts Blake to say.
Blake:"Y'know I was reading."
Seth:"Oh don't mind me I just thought I'd rest my head somewhere comfortable."
At this Blake just smiles and leans down and kisses Seth. Weiss sees this and turns to look at (y/n) to see what his reaction is but, instead she sees him using a sharpening stone to sharpen his sword, he hasn't even payed them any attention. This causes Weiss to scoot next to her cousin and ask.
Weiss:"Does that not bother you at all?"
(Y/n) looks up from his sword and replies with.
(Y/n):"Huh? Oh that. No it doesn't bother me anymore."
Weiss:"Ok it's just odd to see especially how you told me you..."
(Y/n):"Stop. I'd prefer not to think about it I've forgiven her and we've both moved on. So just as a request from me, drop it."
Weiss:"Sorry I didn't mean to strike a nerve."
(Y/n) just sighs before saying.
(Y/n):"It's fine I just don't like to think about it extensively."
Weiss then sits in silence as she sees Neo who is drawing something. This does cause Weiss to ask.
Weiss:"What about her?"
(Y/n) looks at Neo before saying.
(Y/n):"She shares a common end goal with all of us. If it wasn't for her I would've died in the cold. She's proven that I can trust her on multiple occasions."
After that was said it seems Yang and Sera had finished their little sparring match. As Yang sits on the other side of (y/n), before saying.
Yang:"Your sisters hand-to-hand combat is amazing."
To which Sera says.
Seraphine:"Thank you Yang. You're pretty incredible yourself."
With that said they all start drifting off to sleep. (Y/n) is the last to go to sleep though he doesn't last long as Yang fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. (Y/n) awakens to see a group of people stealing their supplies which causes (y/n) to bring forth the skeletal arms as he picks up one of them as he uses the second arm to easily beat the other people who were stealing from them. (Y/n) then returns his attention back to the one who was picked up with the skeletal arm as he starts applying pressure with the arms hand. The man then immediately starts pleading.
Bandit:"Look man please don't do this. I'll do anything you want just please don't kill me."
(Y/n):"Unless you know where to find the bandit tribe, you are useless to me."
(Y/n) just continues to apply pressure until, the man says.
Bandit:"Wait your looking for the bandit tribe? I know where that is."
(Y/n) pulls the man to his face as he says in a very menacing tone.
(Y/n):"Fine. You lead the way but, if you're lying to me I will not hesitate to rip your spine from your body. We clear?"
The man then says with complete fear in his voice.
(Y/n) drops the man who he then pushes in front of him as he says.
(Y/n):"Get to walking."
After following this man for a few hours they were upon what looks like a fort. This causes (y/n) to ask the man who had been leading them to this place.
(Y/n):"This it?"
Bandit:"Yeah man I swear."
(Y/n):"Well I'm gonna let you knock."
The man then knocks and the giant door opens up. (Y/n) just shoves the guy forward again as to use him as a hostage. They soon find themselves in the middle of the camp and before them is a giant tent where three people emerge from. Two of which are familiar to (y/n), one is a woman wearing a white and red mask with long black hair, the other is a man wearing a white and red plague doctor mask with a black and red duster, the last person, which (y/n) has no idea who they are, is a girl with short brown hair, blue eyes, and the best way to describe what she was wearing is bandit clothing. The (y/n) sounds off first by saying.
(Y/n):"Its been awhile Raven."
The woman then removes her mask allowing (y/n) to see those same red eyes that looked right through him when he was a kid. Raven follows up (y/n)'s statement by saying.
Raven:"Indeed it has."
Unbeknownst to (y/n) the man with the plague doctor mask is staring at both (y/n) and Sera. However, one has noticed and that one is Sera, she feels like she should know who this man is but she can't place it. The man then speaks up by asking.
???:"What brings all of you here?"
Yang responds to this by saying.
Yang:"We want Raven to take us to Qrow."
This prompts Raven to say.
Raven:"And why would I want to do that?"
(Y/n):"Look. We just wanna reunite with the rest of ours friends. I really don't give a shit about what you do here, we just want you to make a portal and take us to Qrow."
The man standing beside Raven tenses up at the usage of Qrow's name. The man then says.
???:"Kid there's a big reason we refuse to take you to Qrow."
This causes (y/n) to look at the man and say.
(Y/n):"And who are you?"
The man removes his mask before saying.
Dean:"My name is Dean Villalobos."
At this (y/n) and Sera's eyes widen in shock, Sera then begins to walk toward the man before she asked very unsure.
Dean:"Hey kid."
Sera immediately runs up and hugs him but, (y/n) on the other hand has hung his head low as he grits his teeth with rage building before he says through his teeth.
(Y/n):"Why did you leave?!?!"
Dean hung his head as he says.
Dean:"Why don't you come with me and I'll tell you."
(Y/n) and Sera follows their father to a tent. After arriving there Dean turns around to catch a punch to his face by (y/n) who was hyperventilating. Dean doesn't seem angry he just wipes a little blood from his mouth, as he simply says to his son.
Dean:"Yeah I deserved that."
(Y/n) is fuming with anger at this point as he shouts at his father.
(Y/n):"Why did you leave? Better yet why didn't you come back?"
Dean takes a deep breath before starting by saying.
Dean:"As you know from dealing with team DEMN I was a member of that team. I was sent off on missions all across Remnant which prevented me from being around you and your mother. After you were born I was doing a lot for the fang until, they figured out who my wife was. They didn't take to kindly to me being married to a non-Faunus so, I was exiled. The reason I never came back is because, Daemon stabbed me and left me for dead and as I laid bleeding out he told me he was going to pay a visit to you and Demetria by the time I could actually go to where you were it was two years after. I'm so sorry for what happened but, after that I couldn't come back as much as I wanted to. I loved the both of you too much to put you into more danger."
(Y/n)'s anger has faded and replaced by being extremely unsure of how to feel until, he asks.
(Y/n):"Why won't you take us to Qrow?"
Dean just looks at his son as he says.
Dean:"I guess Qrow didn't tell you he played just as big a role in Demetria's death as Daemon."
This causes (y/n) to ask in complete shock.
Dean:"With what little consciousness I had left after Daemon had stabbed me I called Qrow. I warned him about Daemon coming after you and Demetria but, he just hung up. It's also very apparent from your face that my assumption was correct, he never showed up did he?"
(Y/n):"He didn't."
(Y/n) feels betrayed but it feels way worse because, it was at the expense of his mother's life. (Y/n) just responds to this with complete refusal by saying.
(Y/n):"Your lying."
Dean:"Fine. Why don't you ask Qrow yourself? Use the eye Alex gave you to see if he's lying."
After Dean says this Raven pokes her head in and says.
Raven:"Dean. It's time for them to go."
Both (y/n) and Sera leave that tent and (y/n) seems normal to Yang and the rest of the group. On the inside Sera can tell he is insanely conflicted. They all soon go through the portal Raven made. On the other side they are before Qrow. All seem either indifferent or happy to see him except, for two who are looking at him with pure distain. Those two are Sera and (Y/n).

A/n: That's part 43 completed. I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to see you all in part 44. Until then, Peace!

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