A Proposition

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-two day after the events of last chapter with Team VYNS-
They were all sitting by a campfire at night as they are all eating simple canned foods as Sera says after taking a bite.
Sera:"God this is terrible ugh."
Yamato:"Better than nothing right?"
He also makes a disgusted looking face after taking another bite. The two look in surprise at Neo and (Y/n) who are eating their respective cans with indifference on their faces. At seeing this Sera exclaims.
Sera:"How are you two even able to stomach this crap!?"
(Y/n) just says simply between bites.
(Y/n):"This is nowhere near the worst thing we've eaten across our travels. Right, Neo?"
Neo just gives a simple nod in agreement with (y/n) before continuing to eat. Not long after everyone ate they all got ready to sleep. (Y/n) laid down for awhile but every time he closed eyes he either keeps seeing his mother's death playing through his head or seeing Yang with tear filled eyes continually asking him "Why?!". This has been eating away at him ever since he went to warn her about Salem's attack. He gets up out of his tent and walks a little bit into the woods so he can think. He eventually comes to a pond that is completely still and peaceful. He just takes a seat at the edge of the water before taking a deep breathe as he reflects on the events of the last few months of his life from killing team DEMN to his current situation. His thoughts are plagued with moments of him and Yang. Which causes him to slightly tear up at the realization he basically abandoned her, this actually hurts him a great deal. He had been suppressing these thoughts as to avoid this reaction but he knew he couldn't keep them suppressed forever. He then hears a limb snap which causes him to jolt from his thoughts and turn around with his hand on his blade only to be face-to-face with Neo. This causes him to breathe out and ask.
(Y/n):"What is it Neo?"
Neo has noticed the tears in his eyes but, it's weird because while he looks as if he's been crying his voice is as if nothing has happened. This prompts Neo to write on her notepad which causes (y/n) to groan as he says.
(Y/n):"Can I try something?"
Neo looks a little confused but nods anyways. (Y/n) goes back to a seated position and motions for Neo to sit in front of him, which she does willfully. Then (y/n) takes his index and middle finger and tries to touch Neo's forehead which she backs away from at first only for (y/n) to say.
(Y/n):"Please just work with me here."
Neo just reluctantly lets him do as he attempted before he then tells her.
(Y/n):"Now close your eyes and take a deep breath."
She does as he says and while she has her eyes closed (y/n) activates the eye of the Witness. Something odd happens as her aura has become visible as his aura is doing the same. Both auras then rush to the point of contact between the two individuals. (Y/n) then takes his two fingers away from her forehead and says.
(Y/n):"You can open your eyes now."
Neo opens her eyes and notices nothing different prompting her to think.
Neo's thoughts:"What hell was he doing?"
Neo watches as (y/n) looks a little surprised prompting her to give him a confused look. Before going to write something only for (y/n) to grab her hand before just shaking his head. She then thinks to herself.
Neo's thoughts:"What does he want me to do?"
(Y/n) then says something that honestly shocks Neo.
(Y/n):"Nothing special just wanted to check something."
Neo:"What?! It's like he responded to me. Is he reading my thoughts?"
(Y/n):"Yes and no."
Neo:"How do you know what I'm thinking!?"
(Y/n):"Well I used my eye of the Witness to link my mind with yours then I caused our aura to flow to one another and combine (may not be the best explanation so, sorry). So now you have no need for the the notepad and pencil while talking to me and if you ever don't want to talk to me I can disable it as easily as I established it. Now what is it that you wanted?"
Neo:"I wanted to ask if you were okay."
(Y/n):"Neo, when have I ever been ok?"
Neo:"Okay fair point but, you actually seem upset now."
(Y/n) just sighs before Neo continues on by asking.
Neo:"Is it because of your last trip to Mistral?"
(Y/n) just says very bluntly
Neo:"You talked to 'her' didn't you?"
Neo:"You wanna tell me why it's got you so riled up?"
(Y/n):"Neo, have you ever thought things would've been better if you just didn't exist?"
Neo just looks down as she tells (y/n).
Neo:"Twice. Once when I was just a little girl and again after I was betrayed by Cinder."
(Y/n) just looks at Neo a little intrigued and Neo looks a little saddened as (y/n) says.
(Y/n):"If you don't wanna talk about it you don't have to. I trust and believe you no matter what you're one of the few people I can say that about."
She just smiles before saying.
Neo:"No it's fine. Back when I was still a little girl probably six or so I had to bury the one person who cared about me most, my father. He was a great man that's why I'm really not proud about all the things I did under Cinder's command but I digress. He always took good care of me and he meant the world to me and I know I was his world. My mother wasn't very fond of me ever since I could remember she just rejected my existence so all I had was my dad but that didn't matter because he was such a great person. He was a little worried when both my parents realized I couldn't speak and I was very upset at realizing this because so many kids at school picked on me for being mute but, my father made sure to tell me how none of that mattered because I was still his little girl."
She takes a pause as she gets choked up before wiping her tears away and continuing with.
Neo:"He was murdered not long after they discovered I was mute. He was killed for just 20 lien. I felt sick when I got the news, that day I ran to my room and cried for hours I couldn't believe the one person that actually care and loved me was gone. After my mother and I buried him she began to mock me for being mute. I don't know why she began to pick on me I guess maybe to make her feel better about dad's death but all she did was lead me to run away. I just laid in a alleyway and just wished I didn't exist at all, I felt worthless. After a few years of living on the street I learned how to fight not out of a want more so out of necessity. I then stowed away on a bullhead that was headed for Vale. As you could guess that's where I spent a huge duration of my life and then one day I was approached by a girl a little older than me with black hair and amber eyes; Cinder. But even though I was working with a group of people none of them were people who cared or loved me. Knowing what I know now I realize they were just using me. I remember after she had stabbed me and left me for dead I just thought to myself as I faded out consciousness 'Let it please be over. I don't wanna exist anymore.' Surprisingly I jolted awake and was able to treat my wound so I wouldn't die. Then I began planning my revenge and I knew I needed an ally but, I didn't even know where to begin. Until I heard about a boy who was traveling across Remnant destroying any White Fang that crossed his path. I found you and I'll be honest I thought after I helped you with your revenge you were going to stab me in the back but, you didn't instead you took me with you. It wasn't like you were just helping because I helped you. You were helping me because you saw what little good I had in me and because of you I have friends that care about me and it all started with you. So, yeah sometimes I wish I didn't exist but, I know if you didn't exist I'd be dead a thousand times over. I know we butted heads when you wouldn't let me go after Cinder but, I realize you were right we weren't ready. You've stitched me back up when I was wounded you've put your life on the line for me so many times and that means everything to me. And I'm proud to call you my friend and even if you aren't I am glad you exist."
Neo just has a smile as she has tears flowing down her face this prompts (y/n) to bring her into a hug. This surprises Neo. (Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"Thank you Neo. I feel better now."
Neo:"Your welcome. Are you gonna get some sleep now?"
(Y/n):"Yeah I'm just gonna enjoy the peace of this pond for a bit first, okay?"
Neo just nods and gets up to leave him alone not long after she left he feels notices someone's presence in the woods behind him prompting him to stand and say.
(Y/n):"Whoever you are I know your there. So you might as well show yourself."
The man with the mustache that was with Cinder when they came to the bandit tribe steps out of the wood line as he says.
???:"My my, Tyrian wasn't exaggerating when he said you were a perceptive one."
(Y/n) has his hand on his sword as he asks with pure venom in his voice.
(Y/n):"Why are you here?"
???:"Easy now boy there is no reason to be hostile. I come with a proposition for you to consider."
(Y/n) simply removes his hand from his blade as he says.
(Y/n):"Well then don't waste my time."
???:"Fine, Mistress Salem would like to offer you a position at her side as long as you bring the winter maiden to her."
(Y/n):"You keep referring to her as 'Mistress' and that's giving me a lot of disturbing imagery."
This statement actually causes the man to become a little angry at first but he soon calms himself before (y/n) continues with.
(Y/n):"There is nothing you could promise me that I'd want."
???:"Like bringing back your dear Mom?"
(Y/n) pulls his sword from his sheath and points it at the man before saying.
(Y/n):"You will not speak of her and I know she couldn't grant me that. Plus, even if she could I'd still refuse because my mother would hate for me to align with Salem."
???:"How do you know Salem can't grant that?"
(Y/n):"There is no possible way to bring someone back trust me I looked. At one point I was willing to give up anything to have her back but, now I'm just gonna let her Rest In Peace."
???:"You seem to doubt Salem a lot for someone whose never met her."
(Y/n):"I don't care if she could grant it or not. My answer is still no."
???:"Fine. But when Salem stepping on your corpse just remember she offered you a place by her side, more than once."
He then disappears into the woods right before (y/n)'s eyes. (Y/n) makes his way back to the camp sight before getting back into his tents and he thinks for awhile before succumbing to exhaustion.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"What if they could bring her back."
He then says to himself as he begins to fade to sleep.
(Y/n):"No she would kill me herself if I were to do something as stupid as siding with Salem."

A/n: That's another part completed. I hope you all enjoyed and hope to see you all in the next part. Until then, Peace!

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