True Feelings

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(Y/n) is sleeping peacefully for first time since Beacon fell. Though this doesn't last long as he snaps awake as he grits his teeth in pain. From his elbow down to his finger tips on his right arm is in excruciating pain. It feels like its nerves are on fire but, it's cold to the touch, not to mention it's shaking like tremors in his fingers. All (y/n) can do is hold it and pray it stops. As this is happening he notices that all the dust elements on his hand are pulsating their respective colors. After a few agonizing minutes the pain subsides and the tattoo goes from pulsating back to normal. (Y/n) is relieved that the pain has stopped as he asks himself.
(Y/n):"What the hell was that about?"
(Y/n) just begins to stare at his right palm as he keeps closing his fist slowly and carefully hoping to not invoke more pain. (Y/n) then gets snapped from his trance by a knock at the door. This causes him to get up and grab a shirt as another set of knocks ring out causing him to say.
(Y/n):"I'm coming, I'm coming, chill."
Upon opening the door he sees Neo standing there with a piece of paper which reads.
"Happy late Birthday, fearless leader!"
Underneath this statement is a drawing of chibi Neo eating birthday cake while a chibi Yang is patting a chibi (y/n) on the head.
(Y/n) looks back at Neo and asks.
(Y/n):"How did you..."
He is interrupted as she hands him another piece of paper which reads.
"Yang told me."
Which prompts (y/n) to say.
(Y/n):"Well thanks Neo this is pretty neat."
She just smiles as she begins to walk off. At this (y/n) takes the piece of paper with the drawing and puts it into his bag so he doesn't lose it. He then begins to get ready to walk around the ship for something to do. According to the captain it shouldn't take more than one more day.
-somewhere in Remnant-
In a bar there is a man sitting down wearing a black and red duster. This man has dark blue eyes, black wolf ears, and the same color hair as (y/n). He is staring intently at a necklace which he has open like a locket. He seems saddened as he continues to look into it. The man lets out a sigh as he closes his pendant, which makes the shape of a snarling wolf head, before saying to a familiar looking black haired woman sitting next to him.
???:"Y'know if I wanted to eat shit food and drink rotgut whiskey for several hours, I would've just stayed at camp. Are you sure he's coming through here, Raven?"
Which prompts Raven to say.
Raven:"I know my brother he doesn't miss a drink."
The man just leans his chair back as he props his feet up on the table as he says.
???:"Whatever you say, boss."
Raven says a little agitated.
Raven:"I told you not to refer to me as that."
???:"And I told you I'd call you what I pleased."
Raven:"It's funny that you resent what your apart of so much. Especially, when you were begging for my help all those years back."
The man then says in a low intimidating tone.
???:"Don't go there Raven."
Raven is unfazed by the mans tone as she says mockingly.
Raven:"What? Did I strike a nerve Dean?"
Dean:"I said to not fucking go there Raven."
Raven:"Go where, Dean?"
She says this with a smug smirk showing that she knows exactly what Dean is referring to. Before she can continue they are interrupted by Qrow who says.
Qrow:"Well it seems you two are getting along as well as usual."
Dean begins to sink back into his chair as he stares back at his pendant which he has reopened. At this point he has tuned out the conversation Raven and Qrow were having. He then thinks to himself.
Dean's thoughts:"I shouldn't have ever left. I'm sorry."
The image in his necklace is of Demetria and she's holding a baby with white wolf ears. He closes the necklace as Qrow says.
Qrow:"By the way congratulations to the both you tying for parent of the year. Well, just to update you two."
He then turns to Raven.
Qrow:"Yang lost her arm and is in a depressed state."
He now turns his attention to Dean.
Qrow:"Your son has gone off the deep end. I don't even know where he is right now."
Dean:"What do you mean he has gone off the deep end?"
Qrow:"He was going after a group of people on his own. He said he was going to kill them."
Dean:"Who was he going after, Qrow?"
Qrow then sighs before answering.
Qrow:"He was going after the ones who killed his mother."
Dean:"You're telling me you let him go after team DEMN alone!?!!?!"
Raven puts a hand in front of Dean to keep him from doing anything to Qrow. Qrow answers Dean's statement with.
Qrow:"I didn't have a choice. He has the same determination his mother had."
Raven then states as she stands putting her mask on.
Raven:"That's enough. We're leaving Dean."
Dean gets up and puts his plague doctor mask on while staring down Qrow. Raven then opens a portal which the two walk into and disappear.
-ship headed to Menagerie-
(Y/n) has been looking for Yang all day to no avail. It was actually around lunch before he even found Neo, who was eating ice cream. He walks up to Neo and asks.
(Y/n):"Hey Neo, you seen Yang today?"
Neo just shakes her head no before continuing to eat her ice cream. (Y/n) then just simply states after sighing.
(Y/n):"Alright then. Do you have any idea where she could be?"
Neo shakes her head no once again before handing him a napkin which reads.
"Why are you looking for Yang?"
(Y/n)'s mind is immediately snapped to the kiss the two shared the night before. This causes a slight blush to come over his face as looks at his feet and says.
(Y/n):"Well I needed to talk to her about something."
Neo then grows a devious smirk as she writes something quickly on a piece of paper which she then hands to (y/n). It reads.
"(Y/n) and Yang kissing in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g"
(Y/n)'s face has grown a deeper shade of red causing Neo's smirk to grow into a big smile. (Y/n) then tries to say through a stutter.
(Y/n):" at all."
At this point if Neo could speak she'd be laughing like the joker. (Y/n) just sighs as he walks off. He continues to look for her until he thinks he should probably check her room. (Y/n) is standing in front of the door, he then takes a deep breath before knocking. It takes a bit but eventually he gets a answer from the inside. It's Yang but she sounds completely exhausted as she asks.
Yang:"Who is it?"
(Y/n):"Um it's (y/n), I um was wondering where you were."
Yang:"Just come in."
(Y/n) does as she says. Upon entering he sees Yang laying on the bed in the fetal position, underneath the blankets. (Y/n) sits on the edge of the bed causing Yang to sit up slowly. At this point (y/n) has noticed her eyes are bloodshot and look heavy, prompting him to ask.
(Y/n):"Yang, did you get any sleep?"
She responds with, while rubbing her eye.
Yang:"Not really I kept having this dream and I couldn't stay asleep. Regardless you were wondering where I was, why?"
(Y/n)'s face instantly regains its blush as he says.
(Y/n):"Well um I wanted to ask about last night."
Yang looks a little worried by his statement and what he may ask as her face has a red blush coming over her face as she asks.
(Y/n):"Well I wanted to know, um why did you kiss me?"
Yang looks at (y/n) in surprise as that was not what she was expecting him to ask. She then says.
Yang:"Well I um I guess it was something I always kinda wanted to do."
She immediately looks down at her lap as to hide her blush. (Y/n) then asks in confusion from her statement.
(Y/n):"Wait, what?!?!"
Yang the states.
Yang:"Well ever since you saved me from that nevermore during the initiation at Beacon. I've known you were a good and powerful person but, you were way different from everyone else. You worked hard to get where you were and despite all the pain in your life you always had a smile. It wasn't until the fourth week at Beacon I started to feel this way. I wanted to be by your side because you were someone who would give anything for the people around you to be happy and safe. Then before I could talk to you about anything of the sort, you and Blake got together. While that hurt for a bit, I could tell you were happy so I was ok with it but, after all that had happened I felt sick to my stomach. I hated that she just left especially after you gave her everything. That's why I told you, you still have me, and as long as I breathe you always will."
(Y/n) just says simply.
(Y/n):"Your great person that honestly deserves way better than me, Yang."
Yang then says defiantly as she brings him into a hug.
Yang:"You may be right. Maybe I do deserve better but, I don't want better, I want you."
(Y/n) returns the hug and says before pulling away.
(Y/n):"Thank you for answering my question, I'll get out of your hair so you can sleep."
As he goes to get up, his arm is pulled causing him to sit back on the bed. He turns to his arm to Yang has a hold of it as she looks up at him with pleading eyes and says.
Yang:"Please stay while I sleep. I feel safe with you here, please."
(Y/n) just looks at her as he says a little hesitant.
(Y/n):"Ok I will."
She hugs him as they both fall onto the bed. She then places her head on his chest which causes her whole body to calm as she drifts off to sleep. (Y/n) isn't far behind as he also falls asleep.

A/n: That's part 33 complete. I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope to see you all in part 34. I'm real sorry this one took so long I've been having a little bit of writers block and I've been watching a lot of the Punisher since it came out. I promise I'll try to get another out today to make up for the lack of chapters. Other than that, Peace!

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