Chapter 15

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July 6th
11:11 pm

Laying under the stars is something I need to do more often. Especially with her. I check the time on my phone to see how long we've been out.

"Hey, it's eleven eleven, make a wish." I say to my favorite person laying right next to me. Pretty perfect setting for wishes, all I need to see is a shooting star. "I wish Ally outta the crap relationship she's in." Lauren says barely loud enough for me to hear.

I wish that- wait... I turn to face Lauren. "What do you mean?" I figured something was going on with Ally. "... She isn't in the healthiest relationship. I don't want her to be with someone who doesn't treat her well. That little boy she's with is a d*ck."

"Oh." I take in. Bringing my phone back up to my face, it's no longer 11:11. Dang it. "What's his name?" I ask referring to Ally's boyfriend. "Jake... Very American Jake." Lauren says with a tone of disgust.

"Sounds like a douche name. No offense to all the other Jakes, it just does." I say, a small smile forming on Lauren's face. "That's what I'm saying."

"He's the reason Ally is never around anymore. At least not as often as she used to be... Not like she wanted to always be with him, he's just extremely controlling. I don't like that. Plus, he hates me."

"How do you know he hates you?" I say confused how anyone could hate her.

"I'm a good sister and care about what happens to Ally, he does not like that, therefore, he does not like me." She shrugs.

I sigh at the new found knowledge, "Ally's to nice for that. She needs to find someone better."

"She's the sweetest, she's always been really, it wasn't very hard to except her as my sister because she was never rude to me, she never lashed out on me like I did her. Which hurts the most. I want to protect her at all costs and she doesn't understand that. She doesn't understand the person she's with is far from deserving of her."

I nod in assurance and Lauren continues, "She thinks I'm mad at her when it's the complete opposite. I'm f*cking angry with myself for not being good enough. I was never good enough... but now I want to try? F*ck that. -(Lo.-) I swear if I don't get to see her tomorrow I'm- (Laur.-) parading to Jakes house and putting pepper spray in his underwear, cause-(Lo, baby.-) he better not try to pull some sh*t and hurt my sister on her birthday..." I put my hand over her mouth to stop her rant, "Breath, baby. Relax."

A single tear is seen fall from her eye. I reach over to wipe it away. "How hard have you been taking this?" I ask with concern. I know she has trouble dealing with her negative emotions and I haven't really checked in on how long she's been clean.

She responds with a shrug and a sniffle. "Did you take it out on yourself?" I asked implying self harm. This time she responded by sitting up. I sat up next to her, "I'm not mad, I understand if you did. I just want you to know before it ever gets that far, talk to me, ok?"

She nods wiping her face. I pull her into a hug and kiss her forehead tenderly. "I love you." I remind.

"I love you more." Lauren whispers. "Let's head home."

July 7
3:33 pm

Lauren sat on my bed while I searched through my art supplies, "Lauren, have you seen my acrylics?"

"No." She responds softly, I look up to see her vigorously typing away on her phone. I sigh and drop pile of supplies to go over to her.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me. She tenses up slightly when I plant my lips on her neck then drops her phone next to her and completely melts into me.

"Let's do something today." I suggest trying to distract her from Ally's situation.

"Okay, what shall we do?" She turns to face me. The awesomest idea came to mind. I gasp, "Let's go snowboarding."

A small chuckle fell from Lauren's lips, "Where? Why?" I uncontrollably smile at her puzzled look.

"I don't know, it'll be fun. I've gone before back when I was in the U.S. It's easy if you skateboard." I take her hands in mine.

"I do neither and isn't it expensive?" Lauren tilts her head slightly. "It's not expensive to rent and I'll teach you." I smile and we both agree on it.

4:32 pm

"I'm snervous." Lauren said while we were already half way up the ski lift. The air felt like a burning solid and that was new for me, "Are you used to this kind of weather? Like its f*cking 0 degrees out."

"Not really and its 12 degrees. Don't over exaggerate." She giggles. "WoW, big difference."

We were nearing the stop where we get off. Buckled up and ready to go. "Ok, Lauren. You go before me alright?" She nods nervously.

She hops off when instructed and I follow. It was looking good for two seconds then BAM... She falls on her butt. "Aw. You ok?" I say stopping when I reach her.

She nods her head with a pout on her face. "We kinda gotta move out the way before we get run over." I laugh.

Lauren rolls over on her stomach in attempt to get up. "Go on your knees and hop like a dog." I say as I demonstrate.

Lauren starts laughing at how stupid we look, but nonetheless gets out the way.

"See, I know the tricks bro." I smile proudly. Good thing I'm wearing about 2 pants under the ski pants. I'll remind you that a made Lauren start out snowboarding which is supposedly harder then skiing... BUT who cares, am I right? Snowboarding is lit.

"Ok, so that's a small slope, so we go down that one first..." I place my hands on the sides of Lauren's helmet for effect, "Remember, slightly let yourself tilt from side to side, make sure you're always turning in and out, that's how you do not pick up a scary amount of speed. Do not get scared in the middle of your decent and try to stop, because you will go flying. When you reach the bottom, let yourself fall on your butt, ok?" Lauren nods. "If you try to stop you will fly on your face and scrape it off. Trust me, I know." I finish letting go of her helmet.

I put my thumbs up ready to receive a response and get one back.

"Itza mE aMariO!" I shout as I begin my ride.

I'm kinda rusty, but I still got it. It takes about 10 seconds to reach the bottom and I stop to see Lauren doing exactly as instructed.

"Woo! Good job!" I shout as she practically uses me to stop, forcing me to the ground, "Ok, that's not what I told you to do." I laugh.

"That was lit. I feel cool." Lauren says pulling her ski mask down as we sit at the foot of the slope. "This is no place to relax... again, let's hop away like dogs." I say in a English accent.

"Dogs don't hop." Lauren laughs. "But when they do, they look like this, so hurry up." I say hopping away.

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