60: Winter's Ball Prom

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Chapter 60

-Nina Angel Archera Tomlinson-

"Next week will be the day we've been waiting, gurls!".
Davina cheered grinning to me and Lovie making her laugh and I nod and smiled in agreement.

We've been planning this event since last year and I can't believe next week is the day we've been waiting for then month after that special event will be another special one, our graduation.

"Senior's Winter Ball Prom!".
We all said and laugh, I can say that we're all ecstatic now.

"Hey, and don't forget that it's also going to be this gurl's 18th birthday next week!".
Lovie said pulling me in a bear hug making me laugh.

"Awwe our little Nina's going to be all grown up, but what I couldn't wait to see is our dresses!".
Davina gushed, her eyeballs turning into a heart shape making me shake my head.
"Lovie, are you sure the Prom Committee agreed on having no theme for this year?".
She added and asked Lovie who was one of the members of the committee.

"Yeah, since lot of the students in the survey have written it, I'm just glad it wouldn't be a Disney themed like the last year".
Lovie replied almost like picturing that idea with disgust such as Davina.

"Screw you guys! Disney Princesses are amazing especially The Little Mermaid".
I shout at them, well I couldn't help it since whenever I was a kid I was such a big fan of Disney Princesses when Seth introduced them to me.

"So you would actually like the idea of being The Little Mermaid in Winter Ball?".
Davina and Lovie laughed and I roll my eyes at them.

"Sure. As long as Harry's Erick".
I smirked at them and this time they were the ones to roll their eyes.

"Anyways I just can't believe I'm finally going to use that pink dress I've been dying to use for this special event, with the matching Pink Roses for mine and Har's corsage and boutonniere, Oh Goodness!".
I smiled ecstatically and Davina smiled in agreement.

"As for me I still can't decide what I'll use. But William and I did agreed with the Red Rose boutonniere and corsage".
Davina rolls her eyes as she pops out a fry in her mouth.

"Well as for me I'm gonna be wearing my white pearl dress since I have convinced Nialler to use his James Bond white suit, and to be match we'll be using a White Rose".
Lovie grins to her self as she played with her blonde hair.

"Speaking of our dates, do you really think that it'd be okay if we bring some College students-- oh I mean outsiders to be our date?".
I asked them completely forgetting again that the guys actually have decided to drop off.

For me it's actually a scary thing actually because I know by all means they are dropping off College because they are pretty much going to focus their time in their 'Business' and I wouldn't really want that, I mean even though their gang has been keeping it low with the government and the police they are still in the hit list and as far as I know there are far much too guys wanted to drag them down that is much worse than Miguel.

I wouldn't want any of them to be in any trouble as I have what witnessed before but I can't do anything about it, it kinda of their thing right from the start and I know how much I'm going to beg Harry or my brother to stop they couldn't, the thing that I could actually do is to accept it and hope for the best and besides not only their business is what they are going to focus from now on, Harry said, Louis would also put much his focus in finding Mother and to me and Davina of course, Liam and Cheryl will be actually together all the time I think since the guys business and Cheryl's are quite the same and time to time his also going to visit his Mum and sisters in Wolverhampton, while as Niall is pretty much putting all his attention to Lovie and his new fond sport which happens to be golf since the poor Irish can't play with his football team anymore, then Zayn is still fixing up the patches with his mates and is obviously giving much of his time with his girlfriend and his now 2 years old son, and of course Harry and I just happened to visited his little sister Lorry last week and we had quite the fun so pretty much Harry said his going to put his time and attention to his sister, me and his gang.

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