19: Cheryl

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Chapter 19

-Liam James Payne-

Sighlhing deeply, I put on my black ski mask again as I climb out of my car and headed to Richards INC, after I finally finished my crying session in my car after Harry left, I also finally gained some confidence to actually try to talk to her now after I left her 5 years ago.

I doubt that she hate me so much that she doesn't even want to see my shadow and I can't blame her after what I did to her, but I have my perfectly good reason but not that perfect that I didn't bother calling her after. I just left. And when I came back to Liberty she wasn't there anymore.

The two guards outside Cheryl's office both gulped as they nervously looked up at me, and all I want to do was to slam there heads in the wall.

"M-Mister Leeroy--".
The first guard spoke and I cut him off by holding my hand to silence him.

Of course, they know me.

"I don't have a time with you two morons, so tell me where's your boss?".
I harshly spat, my voice getting deeper then my normal.

The other guard instantly opened the door letting me in.

"Ah, Mr. Leeroy I suppose".
She softly spoke. But then she looks at me through her lashes and chuckles.

Gosh, I badly want to burst into tears again and kneel down at her feet and beg for her forgiveness. She still looks the same, still so beautiful and fierce looking but you could tell that she aged a little because of the stress lines in her forehead but she still looks so damn beatiful, no doubt.

"But I really like Liam more then that silly name".
She laughs making my eyebrow raise in confusion.

She knows me?

Wait, how?

"Oh c'mon Lima Bean, take off that mask, is it really that easy to forget the girl you first dated way back in Highschool?".
She said laughing all the way.

I look at her face directly, the same perfect brunette waves, chocolate eyes that sparkles whenever she would look at me through her lashes, and the same pouty pink lips that would drive me insane whenever she would kiss me. She still looks so perfect.

I almost cried again as I pulled off my mask.

"It is really nice to see you again, Lima Bean, I miss you so much".
She said and before I could even say or move, her hands instantly wrapped around my body.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry".
Is all I could spit out as I finally sobbed and pulled her cozy familiar sweet scented body more to mine.

I missed her so much.

"Oh my sweet Liam, it's okay, I know everything that you're in a gang with the boys and what happened to my sick twisted excuse of a Father, and it's all okay".
She cooed and rubbed my back and I tried my very best to just blink back my tears but it never stopped.

"But what I really don't understand is why you guys just suddenly left?".

"It's a really long story".
I sighed.


A girly voice chirped behind me, probably the new transfer student again that wants to be friend me, so I ignored it and continued paying my attention to our Professor.

"You don't need to be rude".
She said again, making me roll my eyes, I placed my pen beside my paper and turned my head to look at her.

She was pouting, what was her name again? Christy? Cheska? Cher? But it somehow starts with letter C, she was indeed beautiful, no denying that, her brown hair was pulled in a bun and her eyes we're soft chocolate brown.

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