36: My Angel Freya

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Chapter 36

-Nina Angel Archera Tomlinson-


"It's a girl".
Dr. Flemming smiled at me but I didn't said anything but just stared at the cream colored wall in front of me.

"Oh what joy, sweetheart, you're gonna be having a baby girl! Just look at her!".
Mother happily claimed beside me as she was pointing through the monitor but I didn't look nor I showed any emotion like she is showing.

My life is ruined.

"Oh baby, be happy, you're gonna be having a healthy and beautiful baby girl and I just know that she's gonna be amazing just like you when she grew up".
Mom assured me but I couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

"My life is ruined because of that baby".
I told her and it was the truth, I'm only 15 for goodness sake and I'm already pregnant, I don't know how to handle this and ever since we found that I was carrying that devil's kid we decided that I should be Home-schooled from then on.

"Cheer up Nina, a baby is a wonderful blessing to us, you should learn to embrace it. And she's just a baby, it's not her to blame of why she got here or what her Father have done to you, she has done nothing to do with it".
Dr. Flemming softly told me as she touched my shoulder and smiled at me again. It's a good thing Dr. Flemming was Mom's cousin so that she could fully understand my situation.

Or should I say the opposite of what she said.

"Don't worry you can do this, sweetie, we'll be here for you. We're gonna raise that beautiful angel full of love, hope and kindness, she'll be nothing like her Father"
Mom said and offered me to smile again and for her, just for her, I did so but it was only weak and forced.

And she'll never will be, I might not accept this kid that I'm carrying just yet but I swore and I promise to her that she'll never gonna turn out like her Father.

"Thoughts of any names, Nina?".
Dr. Flemming asked me.

I have also thought of some baby names years ago, well to be honest I just kinda picked those up to the characters of The Originals, I do want a baby boy's name to be Niklaus Joseph and a baby girl's name would be Freya Marlee.

So I guess I'm gonna go to Freya since I really don't have any choice.

"This kid would be called.
Freya Marlee Archera-Malik, even though I wished for her father's death I still do not wish to not give her the right to know her Father".
I stated.


"But yeah, I'm fine Lou, I'm just not feeling it today, sorry".
I told my brother through my phone

I couldn't really told him the true reason.

"Okay then, call me if you need any help or you just wanna talk, I'll always be free for you baby sister, love you".

"Yeah, yeah, Love you too LouLou, oh and text me if you had found him! You sure he wouldn't do anything stupid?".
I replied.

"I'm sure, I know my bestfriend, goodbye sweet girl".
He said and hung up the phone making me sigh.

Harry was not in their house, school, office nor in the clubs, and they didn't know where he went but they are already searching for him.

I mean it's not like he would do something, I'm sure of that.

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