22: Reunited *Incomplete*

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Chapter 22

-Nina Angel Archera Tomlinson-

"Wait a second, where do you think your going, Nina?".
I was about to open the front door to leave the house again but then Seth suddenly called.

Though I'm still mad at him at what he did, and somehow I had manage to keep our distance in the house, every afternoon when Mom leaves I would also leave the house and just stay to Davina's or Lovie's, I don't really like staying in one roof with him right now, though it had been days.

"The twins already ate dinner and I'm staying at Lovie's house, I already told Mom".
I sighed, not bothering to even look at him.

"Nina. This has to stop you know, this can't keep happening, can we please just talk? Please?".
He pleads and I faced him one last time not a hint of emotions in my face before I speak.
"Tell that to me when you did not disrespect my brother and my friends".
And with that I opened the door and slammed it shut.

I'm so mad and dissapointed with Seth at the same time, for all people I did not expect him to be like that.

I parked my car near Davina's flat since they don't have enough driving space, before I got out and walked through their front door while still thinking about Seth and the whole Harry thing. It's just I guess my luck that Louis didn't really give me enough crap about it though, maybe Harry already explained it to him or that he thought he could trust Harry with me because they are best friends.

I ring the Claire's doorbell three times before it opened but instead of seeing Davina, it was her Father still dressed in a Police Uniform. I still couldn't imagine what would Davi's father will react if he ever finds out that his daughter is also a full pledge member of The Vicious, the most wanted gang in England.

"Oh Nina, what brings you here?".
Mr. Jefferson Claire softly asked, giving me a warm smile.

So Davina didn't really tell his Dad that I've been sleeping here almost every night.

"Oh uhm, Hi Uncle Jeff, is Davina home?".
I asked and he narrow his eyebrows and shake his head.

"No, unfortunately, but she did told me that she is having a Sleepover at her friend's house, Lovie is it?".
Uncle Jeff said and I nod, which literally means that she and Lovie are with the guys. Okay.

"Uhm okay, thanks Uncle".


I sighed and knock to their door, since that those guys are freaking rich but can't afford to get a doorbell, and after my fourth knock the door finally opened, but instead of being greeted by the familiar faces in this house, I was greeted by a girl, clearly much older then me, she is much taller too and just so sweet looking. She had a light brunnete hair that comes in waves and just hangs below her waist and she was just wearing a simple light pink dress and a gray leather jacket that reaches just bellow her bum, so I can only assume that she's one of the new guy's girlfriend again, Liam maybe?

"Oh and you must be Hope! Louis' long lost sister! Oh My Goodness!".
She suddenly exclaimed and throw her arms around me, suffocating me with her breasts.

"Cheryl, please don't kill my little sister".
I heard Louis' voice and she instantly released me and pulled me inside.

All of them we're here, Harry was seated in his chair and was holding his water bottle again, Davina and Lovie are both talking softly with Louis, Liam was also seated in a chair and Niall on the other hand was surprisingly busy with his phone. Then there was this girl wearing a gray leather jacket.

Davina did told me that once you are dating with The Vicious' Leaders, you must wear different leather jackets to show who's property are you, or that's what I've heard. Louis' red, Niall's green, she also told me that Harry's is black and Zayn's white then Liam's gray. So that can only means this Cheryl is Liam's new girl, I guess.

"Sorry, I'm Cheryl, Liam's my boyfriend and I'm also his first Highschool love".
Cheryl giggles, and I look up at all of them laughing at the blushing Liam in the corner making me chuckle.

"That's cute. And I'm Louis' sister but please just call me Nina".
I smiled at her sweetly and she nods and skips back at Liam's side while I somehow seated beside Lovie.

"Gosh! I missed a lot!".
She groans.
"And it is mostly your fault! Hazza!".
And she added making Harry roll his eyes.

"Whatever, your overreacting, Che".

"Still. And I also want to help you guys to find Zayn, gosh I miss him".
Cheryl announced making me shiver at the name, though I acted like it was nothing.

"You missed that guy and not me?" .
Liam teased and I surprisingly looked at him, wow, this was actually the first time I have seen him like that. I thought that he was just always so busy, serious and grumpy, they must be love each other a lot. That's cute.

"Yeah and what are you gonna do about it, Payno?".
She raised her brow and Liam narrow his brow and kissed her making all of us laugh.

"God, not here in front of all of us".
Harry grumbled and just smiled at them.

"Yeah, and please do use some condom".
Davina says too.
"Cuz we don't need anymore little Liam and Cheryl running around here like a wild Bear".
Louis added and high-five with Davina.

But other then Liam what surprised me the most is Niall, what's weird is that his not telling any jokes because normally in this kind of event he would be the one in the group who gets very rowdy at all times and what's more weird is his not even holding any foods or drinks but instead his phone, and the only person that his been talking to was Lovie, of course.

"Yeah uhm LouLou, excuse us, please".
I said to my brother as he nods and continued to laugh along with Cheryl and the others while I pulled Davina up and through the kitchen.


"Uhm, what's going on around here?".
I asked still confused and she seated at the kitchen stool and sighed.

"I thought they already told you".

"I'm still quite confuse".
I claimed and opened their large silver fridge, taking some orange juice.

"Well to be honest, I don't exactly know who this Cheryl is well besides for the fact that she's Liam's first true love. But basically she and all the lads met way back in Highschool, and like we said Cheryl is Liam's first love--".
She started explaining and I nod before I cut her off.

"Wow, I didn't think that a serious and snob guy like Liam could have uhm like that, it's pretty unusual and surprising to see him smile".
I said and dhe nods as well in agreement.

"Yeah, tell me about it, so when the guys started the gang they all left all the important people in their lives, including their family and girls, just like Liam left Cheryl and Harry left Ciara. She's another topic in another day. Then well yesterday it's just surprisingly destined that Liam and Cheryl met again and reunited with the rest".
Davina explained the whole story and I nod.

"Okay. But I still have no idea how they became the most Feared Gang in the UK".
I claimed and this time she just shrugs in response.
"I don't even know, either".

"Okay. But speaking of surprises, now that Liam's being awkwardly uhm happy? Why is that the opposite of Niall on the other hand? He seems troubled or something, did he and Lovie have an argument again?".
I asked her and she narrow her eyebrows and thought heavily then Davina shakes her head but before she could talk a piercing scream echoed through the whole house making me break the glass of orange juice I was holding.

"What the bloody hell was that?!".
Davina exclaimed.

That was Cheryl's voice yelling.



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