25: Almost there..

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Chapter 25

-Nina Angel Archera Tomlinson-

"No! P-Puh... P-please... No! Don't do this!".
I begged as I sob heavily and struggled as hard as I can from his tight grip in my hands while the other one was able to ripped off my blouse revealing my black bra as his bloodshot eyes looks at my body lustfully making me cry out even more.

"P-please stop".

"Your gonna love this, Nina".
He hummed in my ear as he leaves sloppy kisses in my neck making me want to pass out. This can't be happening to me.

"No! Stop!".
I yelled and sat straight up as I pant heavily, I look around and saw my same old purpe dotted walls with Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift's posters and polaraids sticking in the walls. I'm just in my room where I was supposed to be and that was just a dream.

A terrible one, a nightmare in fact and unfortunately for me it was real and it did happened, I hate remembering it, especially remembering it now when the month Freya was born.

His a fucking demon and I just hope whereever hell he is now is that he is suffering because he deserved it all, God, I have never hated anyone except for him and my Father.

"Nina! Are you okay? Open this door please".
Seth knocked, worried and panicked was clear to his voice right through that door.

I know I'm still mad and upset with him but right now I need someone to be here beside me to someone I could hug and cry into, and because Mom wasn't here right now and his my brother and the only person that could comfort me right now I opened the door and hugged him instantly.

"Oh sweet sister, it's okay, it's alright, I'm here and I'm not going to leave you".
He cooed and kissed my forehead as I continued to sob in his chest, his shirt getting wet by ny tears but he doesn't seem to mind.

"You okay little sister?".
Seth asked and I sniffled and nod as his hands continued to cradle my head, gently lulling me to sleep.

"I-I don't deserve brothers like you and Louis, it still baffled me that I know I hurt you guys but still you continue to care and love me despite of that".
I cried quitely and he shakes his head and I heard him sigh.
"I'm so sorry, Seth".

"No, no, no, don't say that little sis and I mean NEVER say anything like that, we love you and that will never ever change no matter what even though we're not really related, but your still my little sister and I will continue to protect you and be here for you no matter what. Always remember that okay?".
He sweetly smiled at me and brush my hair away from my face and I brush away my tears and lightly smiled at him too.

"I love you, big brother".
I sniffled.

"I love you too, little sister".


"Please Nina please".
Davina plea and keeps on putting up her best puppy dog eyes so as Lovie at my left side and I can't help but roll my eyes at them.

"Yeah, don't be a kill joy, come and join us".
Lovie added.

"You guys! What am I supposed to have to do there? I mean unlike you two you have your boyfriends or whatsoever so I understand but me? Oh c'mon".
I told them making them roll both their eyes.

"Nicolina Angela Archera Tomlinson!".
Lovie started but I laugh lightly and cut her off.

"Correction. Basically I have like four names, two last names and it's Angel not Angela like Nicolina Angel Hope Christina Archera Tomlinson".
I said to them and Davina rolls her eyes again and Lovie slowly nods.

My Dark Guardian Angel (HS AU) /COMPLETED/حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن