13: Best Mates

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"She said that she was full of flaws,
I said the torns doesn't make the rose less beautiful".

Chapter 13

-Harry Edward Styles-

"And I said NACHO smart, are you cheese puff?".
Niall brags on and on and I just shake my head at his stupid jokes.

Nina seem to be amused with the Irish man's joke though, however Lovie was beyond embarrassed as Liam don't give a single fück.

"And what's the point of that stupid story?".
I groaned.

"Gosh, that was the most worst jokes I have ever beard".
Nina laugh making me chuckle as her single dimple on her left cheek popped out.

"Well duh, we we're eating Nachos! And I called her cheese puff!".
Niall wildly laugh as he began to fall in his seat as he uncontrollably laugh, and his girlfriend sighed at him making me shake my head.

"Still don't get it".
I mumbled.

"What? Davina? What's happening?".
Liam's voice startled all of us, as the mood in the room started to change.

Then as if my guts are right, goosebumps run through my veins, God, what happened to Louis?
We all worriedly look at Liam and his panick and worried face as he was trying to hear Davina, he motioned for the now sober Niall to call for backup which he instantly did.

Fuck, she also missed call me, Fuck Horan and his stupid joke

"Fuck, we're coming, Niall already texted some of our guys there, be careful Davina".
Liam said again to the phone then he quickly placed it in his pocket and he nods at us, I look worriedly at Nina who was beyond on the edge, now that she finally wants to talk to her brother again I'm not gonna let anything break that.

"I already called Robin, our chopper is ready to go and some of our guys there are on their way to help Louis'".
Niall claimed as his arm rested on Lovie's waist as he began to whisper something to her.

"Harry? What's happening? Is my brother okay?".
Nina asked to me and I force a smile.

"Yeah, his fine, everything's going to be fine and I guess now is the day your going to meet him, let's go".
I said to her reassuringly as I take my hand in hers and Liam look at us.

"Your bringing her?".
He ask, his probably thinking Nina's safety though it doesn't really sketch through his face, Liam was more great at hiding his emotions but if you could just see it through his eyes, his eyes we're troubled, definitely he doesn't want to loose another of our mate, again.

"Yes, we don't have time for this Li, let's go".
I said to him and we all began to walk outside.


"Harry? What really happened to Louis and Davina?".
Nina asked worriedly, her brown eyes we're already glassy and she was biting her lip harshly as if she's trying to fight tearing up.

"They're fine Nina, everything's going to be fine, but I want to tell you something".
I trailed off as I watch for her as she nods for me to continue.
"Listen Nina, Louis and Davina didn't really went on a vacation or whatsoever, eh, they went to Doncaster to pay a visit with your father".
I explained to her.

And I just expect to her to snap out like what she always does but instead she coward back to her seat.

"No! What if Father killed them?! A-and why Davina?".
She claimed, confusedly.

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